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Energy Awareness

GSA has made great strides over the years reducing energy consumption in buildings and complying with related executive orders and mandates. Attainment of these goals coincides with GSA's efforts to perform in the most businesslike manner possible. The bottom line is that reducing energy consumption in buildings is just good business.

GSA has achieved an overall energy reduction of nearly 20 percent in its buildings against the 1985 baseline. Although noteworthy, a great deal of work remains and plenty of energy-saving opportunities still exist. The current energy reduction target in GSA buildings is 30 percent by 2005 and 35 percent by 2010 against the 1985 baseline. These challenging targets are the focus of regional professionals and GSA's Energy Division.

The Energy Division maintains an innovative energy and water management program that:

  • Reduces utility costs;
  • Protects the environment; and
  • Ensures quality workspace for clients.

The Energy Divison staff ensures that GSA customers get best value. The staff's competencies include:

  • Energy efficiency;
  • Alternative project financing;
  • Utility contracting;
  • Green power procurement;
  • Rate intervention;
  • Utility tracking; and 
  • Energy policy.

Mark Ewing
(202) 708-9296

pbs,environment,energy awareness