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Kourtney · 9/2/2015

I've really loved having access to this app, despite its non-update, but recently I think the lack of updates is catching up. Starting a few days ago, the app has continuously increased the amount of "could not refresh feed" messages I'm seeing, to the point where now I can't really use the app. I tried everything from the troubleshoot (checking wifi and data, restarting phone, reinstalling app), but it still isn't working

Samuel · 9/2/2015

UI is easy and simple. Worked like a charm for the first 24h, then it stops reloading the feed. Only shows images when they are a day old. Huawei H1 if I remember correctly, could simply be a problem with memory. Annoying, however.

Anastassia · 9/2/2015
Needs updating!!!

This version is a far cry from the instagram experience with ios. Pictures barely update, app crashes all the time and is still only allowing basic features. Please update it!!!!!!

Ertan · 8/31/2015

Pretty bad recently, "could not refresh feed" keeps coming and only showing few pictures in the feed and sometimes even none.. Instagram should update this app!

Hope · 8/31/2015

This beta version of Instagram is unreliable. As of the past months, I have been able to log in and out between my two accounts (professional one and a personal one) just fine, but for the past few weeks one of these accounts is now inaccessible through Instagram Beta. There is no way to access, check, or send a direct message. When uploading a photo, it become somewhat blurry. Also, the notifications are not completely working. Only good thing is that you can report people with this app (the ones who spam, post self harm, nudes, etc.) if you come across them.

Jon · 8/30/2015

I like the way photos come out, there just a little bit bigger than facebook, I think it would be great if I could manipulate the pictures a little more! Buti do like it because it will post 📮 to Facebook,

Rod · 8/29/2015

The problem with this version on Windows Phone is that its limited and it will stick on a loading cycle until you uninstall to reinstall. Give us the option to have watermarks too so no unoriginal instagrammers are able to steal our pics. Give the option to share with all likes going to the original post-only. Also allow us to delete comments without having to get on a pc to do it, sometimes people post links on our stuff that are unwelcomed. Allow us to zoom out to get a whole photo too.

Richard · 8/29/2015

Allows me to get on instagram and share pictures and see other post, but there are many features missing and now that my phone has been updated to 8.1 it hardly works. Its been in beta sense I had it on my last windows phone...which was almost a year ago. If you want to continue getting terrible reviews and comments telling how much this app sucks then by all means dont update. But I ask politely that you do as to make the many ppl with windows phone happy.

Vicki · 9/3/2015

Was great but starting this week keeps saying news feed can't refresh and wont let me view most pictures from other people. :( please fix. Just did an update and is now working fine. Yay!

Helen · 8/31/2015

Works fine usually but occasionally has annoying glitches that take forever to go away. At one point, you would scroll through and random pictures would be white with a message that the picture couldn't load. This happened for about a week before it was fixed. Right now, I have full cell service and full wifi and instagram says "couldn't refresh". I have tried moving around to different rooms but it doesn't work. PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP! Aside from the glitches, this app is pretty good, but doesnt have dm and video which should be added.


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