Friday, September 12, 2014 AddThis Social Bookmark Button En Español -
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20th Anniversary of AmeriCorps - September 12, 2014 - Watch our nationwide swearing-in ceremony at the White House as we commemorate two decades of #GettingThingsDone.

AmeriCorps 20th Anniversary

This Friday, AmeriCorps will celebrate it's 20th anniversary with events across the country including a swearing-in event at the White House.
United We Serve
The President is calling on all Americans to participate in our nation's recovery and renewal by serving in our communities. There are many ways to get involved. America's new foundation will be built one community at a time - and it starts with you.
How AmeriCorps Gets Things Done
In the last 20 years, more than 900,000 AmeriCorps members have been improving the lives of millions. From preparing the workforce to mobilizing volunteers; check out this awesome infographic to see How AmeriCorps Gets Things Done. To learn more visit
By Bill Basl and John Gomperts
By Jonathan Greenblatt
Remembering September 11thwhitehouse:

"Thirteen years after small and hateful minds conspired to break us, America stands tall and America stands proud." —President Obama marking the anniversary of the September 11 attacks

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Joining Forces - Taking Action to Serve America's Military Families

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