Public Works

350 South 5th Street
RM 203 City Hall
Minneapolis, MN  55415-1390

Minneapolis Stormwater Utility Fee

Since March of 2005, the costs for providing stormwater management have been listed as a separate line item on the City’s utility bills. In the past, those costs were included as part of customer's sewer charges.

Minneapolis, like other urban environments, has a significant amount of impervious area (hard structures or surfaces, such as building rooftops, asphalt or concrete), which stops stormwater (rain or melting snow) from naturally absorbing into the ground. In an urban environment, the amount of impervious area on a property is the most significant factor affecting stormwater quality and quantity.

People who use effective stormwater management practices on their properties can apply to receive reductions in their monthly stormwater utility fee. See Applying for Stormwater Credits for more information.

Last updated Mar 12, 2013