Adam A. Marshall


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United States
Participa desde julho de 2011

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  1. This Kafkaesque hell is all-too familiar for so many reporters.

  2. FOIA requests are like time capsules: it takes forever to learn what's in them, and when you finally learn you'll probably be disappointed

  3. Fun FOIA Friday fact: The FBI destroyed former White House projectionist Paul Fischer's files between November 20, 1977 and April 16, 2010

  4. piece by shows the need for litigation work by orgs like

  5. Editors feel media losing ground as legal advocate for 1st Amendment, says survey:

  6. Great octopus doodle for earth day!

  7. Public comments pushed ODNI to withdraw fee proposal

  8. Great use of 's state open government guides!

  9. Adam A. Marshall seguiu , e
    • @mattwaite

      Journalism Prof. @ U of Nebraska-Lincoln, founder of Drone Journalism Lab, co-founder of Hot Type Consulting LLC, developer of PolitiFact.

    • @carigervin

      Soon , politics and other stuff for /. Also food and lit. Writing a book about none of above. IG carigervin

  10. A news industry 'less able' to defend freedom: Survey by Knight,

  11. The entrance is almost all that remains of the old building

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