AARP Foundation serves vulnerable people 50+ by creating and advancing effective solutions that help them secure the essentials.

The relationship between hunger and health can easily become a vicious cycle, as low-income seniors have to spend more on their health care, have even fewer financial resources to spend on food, and may become socially isolated.

With your help it does not have to be this way. That’s why AARP Foundation is pioneering interconnected solutions to help those in need transform their whole situation.

Donations to Drive to End Hunger benefit the hunger solutions of AARP Foundation, AARP’s affiliated charity.



AARP Foundation


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Visit: Create the Good

Food Insecurity and Older Adults: What States Can Do to Help

Food insecurity is a significant public health problem for older adults. In 2014, nearly 8 percent (3.47 million) of Americans age 65 and older were living in food insecure households, meaning they did not have balanced meals or enough to eat because they could not afford it. According to current estimates, the share of food-insecure older adults will increase 50 percent by 2025.


29 Hunger Action Items

More than 10 million older adults struggle every day with limited or no regular access to affordable, nutritious food. AARP and AARP Foundation are working together to put a spotlight on hunger. Join us and learn 29 simple actions you can take to combat hunger in your community.


Lisa Marsh Ryerson and Carla Hall Visit the L.A. Kitchen

Working to help older Americans get access to a healthy meal is something that the AARP Foundation does every day with the support of AARP® Credit Cards from Chase. Carla Hall, celebrity chef, teamed up with Chase to give an insider's look at how we strive to make a difference and #EndHunger, together.


Latest news

Why This Issue Cannot Wait

A snappier way to use food stamps

Online grocery delivery services are becoming more popular among Americans who want to skip the hassle of trekking to a brick-and-mortar supermarket. But they’re not an option for the 1 in 7 Americans who pays for food through the department’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Those are the people who need online grocery delivery services most.

A hunger crisis in the L.G.B.T. community

A new report on hunger found that more than one in four L.B.G.T. adults could not afford to feed themselves or their families at least once in the past year. By comparison, only one in six heterosexual adults reported a similar crisis.



Hunger is a Health Issue »    

Every day many seniors skip a meal so that they can meet basic needs. Food insecurity can lead to chronic diseases and acute medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and depression.


Download our five year retrospective »

During the past five years, our collective efforts have made it clear, that by working together, we can help millions of struggling older adults.


Recent Research »    

What we’ve learned about senior hunger might surprise you.

By the Numbers