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Are you fearless at 50?

"Happily Ever After" doesn't happen by itself. It takes work.

If the air is sucked out of a relationship -- the flame will die.

Donating your goods to charity? These organizations need specific items that you may be giving away.

Do you have any of these lying around the house?|By Jeff Yeager

"Every movie star in Hollywood has beaten me up.” - Stuntman Gene LeBell talks about his lifelong career and taking hits at 82.
Via Brent Humphreys Photographer

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You and your loved ones can save on food, medication, and more with these caregiver assistance programs.

It only takes 15 minutes to learn how you can save hundreds of dollars per month.

Before you leave for summer vacation, prepare for unexpected health emergencies by following these 6 tips.

Be sure to print out your medical history and make extra copies.|By AARP

Keep your father’s love in your heart, today and every day.

AARP's photo.

Pixar’s “Inside Out” takes you on an emotional roller coaster that leaves you feeling smarter at the end. Read our full Movies for Grownups review:

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Are you ready to retire? The answers to these 6 questions will tell you if you’re ready for a happy and secure life after work.

6 questions you need to ask yourself — and easy steps you can take.|By Stan Hinden

Each year, tens of thousands of cars damaged by floods are deemed a total loss by insurers, yet more than half wind up for sale.

Buyers get rooked because many flood cars are still drivable at first, but begin to fall apart weeks later.|By AARP

Do you know which U.S. president signed the bill that made Father’s Day a national holiday?

Take our quiz and find out how much you really know about the popular holiday.|By John Murph

The effects of these two powerful cholesterol-lowering drugs are still being studied. So why were they recommended for approval?

People who took the drugs in clinical trials saw their harmful LDL cholesterol level plummet by 40 to 60%.|By AARP

Whether it’s sharpening your culinary skills or learning to sail, you’ll experience more than a nice view on these all-inclusive vacations.

Find great vacations to suit every interest and energy level.|By null

Come back to work without missing a beat by following these 8 steps.

There’s an art to returning to your job after a hiatus.|By Kara Baskin

Yesterday, the Food and Drug Administration put a plan in place to ban trans fats from food.

The agency gave food companies until 2018 to phase out all partially hydrogenated oils from their products.|By AARP

Want to learn about personal finance but not sure where to begin? Try these simple strategies.

How to take those first steps in dealing with your money issues.|By Jane Bryant Quinn

The "Human Highlight Film" Dominique Wilkins talks about managing his type 2 diabetes with AARP The Magazine this month.

7 fun yet simple ways the former basketball star stays in shape.|By Mike Zimmerman

Take a trip down memory lane by checking out your favorite rides and their contemporary counterparts.

Carmakers are updating classics like the 1964 Mustang convertible and reviving dormant brands.|By Austin O'Connor

A new study finds that these heartburn drugs could increase your risk for heart attack by up to 21%.

“These drugs may not be as safe as we think.”|By AARP

A landmark study paints a dramatic picture of family caregivers in the United States.

What you don't know about America's caregivers may surprise you.|By Howard Gleckman

Ease the stress of caregiving with these 10 gadgets.

Amy Goyer has been a family caregiver for over 30 years. Here are the tools that she uses to get the job done.|By AARP