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OTG at 10: Taking on Sensitive but Unclassified Information

In the video below, Executive Director Patrice McDermott discusses how the open government community took on the use of "sensitive but unclassified" information. 

A Word From Our Funders: CS Fund

 “CSF is honored to count OTG among its grantees: it is the glue that binds the openness community together, forging organizations with different focuses and priorities into one of the most cohesive and coordinated progressive movements we’ve ever worked with.

CSF’s support helps OTG combat new secrecy measures, win proactive policy reforms and ensure they're realized in practice, and shift the default culture of government from one characterized by opacity to one of openness.”

A Word From Our Funders: Omidyar Netwrok

“Omidyar Network and share the view that transparency is essential to ensuring the integrity and accountability of government.  This alignment, along with’s insights, expertise, and collaborative approach made them the logical partner."

- Stacy Donohue, Investment Partner, Omidyar Network

A Word from Our Funders: HKH Foundation

“In my view, securing resources for Open the Government was, from its inception, an opportunity to enhance the advocacy field's capacity to do effective work across sectors.  Health, security, education, environment and virtually every other policy-related area benefits when government is transparent and responsive.  Thus, Open the Government not only effectively lifts the curtains of secrecy and obfuscation, it also lifts the field to enable better work for a just and healthy society.”

-Harriet Barlow, HKH Foundation

A Word From Our Funders: Ford Foundation

Ford’s support for OTG reflects our commitment to ensuring that public processes are open and accountable to civil society. Our support for OTG is part of a broader interest in the Open Government Partnership worldwide. In particular, we wanted to make sure that civil society in the US civil is fully engaged in the OGP process, providing a model for the countries we work in across the globe.

Instead of re-creating the wheel, OTG provides a lean hub that coordinates and harnesses the strength of its members, with deep and substantive expertise on the range of topics that are addressed in the OGP national action plan. By pulling together and not duplicating expertise that’s already out there, OTG is able to produce high quality and substantive work for a modest investment.

Statement from Senator John Cornyn on OTG's 10th Anniversary

Senator John Cornyn is a longtime supporter of open government. In the statement below, Senator Cornyn commemorates OTG's 10th anniversary.

10th Anniversary Interview with Knight's Eric Newton

On the 10th anniversary of, senior adviser to the president at Knight Foundation Eric Newton gave the following interview to OTG. 

Statement from Senator Patrick Leahy on OTG's 10th Anniversary

Senator Patrick Leahy is a longtime champion for open government and the Freedom of Information Act. His statement commemorating our 10th anniversary is below. 

OTG at 10: How We Work

In the video below, the first coordinator of OTG Rick Blum discusses how in our 10 years OTG has grown into its role in the open government community. 

Testimony to Congress

OTG recently testified on the progress of efforts to stop the use of markings like “FOUO.” Agencies inappropriately use such markings to withhold information requested under FOIA. See our testimony here.

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