US Flickr

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  1. Today-change in the front page layout.

    5-7-2015 I'm tired of the sudden and abrupt changes on Flickr...

    The header photo is too large-takes up almost 1/3rd of the page along with the menu bar!

    Too much white on the edges now with hardly any space between the photos.

    Did people actually request the changes listed above?

    Also, if you're going to have a list above the photos that include "camera roll," "albums," "creations," etc., please PLEASE include "collections."


    Dave in Maine

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    • Auto-tagging needs opt-out

      Auto-tagging needs to have an opt-out option. and auto-tagging should only be added to newly uploaded images. Many images are being totally inappropriately tagged, and trawling through hundreds or thousands of old images to remove inappropriate tags in very undesirable.

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      • Please do NOT add random tags. Flickr should not interfere with an artist's work like this

        Please do NOT add random tags. Flickr should not interfere with an artist's work like this

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        • white space

          Get rid of the white space on the sides, the pictures are crammed into the middle and it looks awful! What is the idea behind this? The pictures themselves should be presented as to take up most of the screen without distraction.....

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          • Stop changing the website!

            It is a pain ********** that Flickr keeps changing the look of the website constantly! Users are left to their own devices in trying to figure out the new look and how to accomplish anything on the website.

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            • auto tags

              Auto tags are really not helpful. What is the point of adding "outdoors" to nearly all of my pictures, and "sky" to nearly half of them. I now have aircraft tagged as "bird" and an airship as "street sign".

              I have over 10,000 pictures to trawl through now...

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              • Put the Home Page back the way it was

                You morons have really screwed it up...everything has to change for change's sake....idiots. I want the Explore and Group listings back on the right side of the screen...not buried. You are really hurting the community. Without the explore thumbnails, how are you going to get members to look at other members photos. Plus when I want to see how a search linked someone to my photo, I want to see where I place in the tagged or keyword search. I hate Flickr

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                  • Mac Uploadr App Needs to Upload Video

                    App is doing a great job with images, but I have to use the web app for video, which breaks the overall experience pretty badly.

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                    • Support ALL Browsers.

                      I can no longer view anything on Flickr due to having an older browser, I am not in a position to upgrade my computer to a newer model that would be required to run the browsers supported by Flickr, I am sure that I am not alone in this. You Tube, and other parts of the Yahoo! family can support older browsers so why can't Flickr.

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                      • STOP CHANGING FLICKR EVERY OTHER WEEK !!!

                        This new white page without groups and other things is just not nice.

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                        • "Trouble Uploading to Flickr"

                          I am trying to upload my collection and it keeps stopping with "Trouble Uploading to Flickr", but I see no logs anywhere giving me more information about the problem. Is it an issue on Flickr's end? My end? Please let me know how I can debug!

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                            Gathering feedback  ·  27 comments  ·  Uploadr for Mac  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin →
                          • Return the black background to my photostream

                            Return the black background to my photostream, Two days ago it changed from black to white

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                            • Seriously, I can't access flicker unless I use an approved browser?

                              Opera has been around a long time and comforms to internet standards. I caanot understand what your issue is with non aapproved browsers.

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                              • Allow me to upload individual photos from Mac Uploadr

                                The old Uploadr used to let me upload individual photos. I want to curate my flickr photos not vomit every photo I've ever taken online.

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                                  Gathering feedback  ·  24 comments  ·  Uploadr for Mac  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin →
                                • 61st ranked
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                                  • There should be an option to remove from auto-start

                                    I don't like that the program automatically starts without a user option for removing it. I know there are ways to do it through windows, but I'd rather the program behaves on its own.

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                                    • Can we please also have Flickr Downloadr?

                                      To download our own sets, including private images.

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                                        Gathering feedback  ·  5 comments  ·  Uploadr for Mac  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin →
                                      • 83rd ranked
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                                        • Please support RAW, native Photos App (OS X) album & folders, Video

                                          Allow support for full RAW support with edited view, (1 file, but has ability to see original unedited and edited version), Video upload, Photos app OS X organization structure

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