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Child Identification Card
Kiddo Card Program
The Lampasas Police Department is very proud of its Kiddo Card program. Assigned to coordinate this program is Lampasas Police Department Patrol Sergeant Chuck Montgomery. Sergeant Montgomery, along with other members of the department and members of the Lampasas Parent Teacher and Student Organization (P.T.S.O.), can often be found at special local events, businesses, and schools.

Kiddo CardKiddo Card
The Kiddo Card is a child identification card made to identify a child less than 13 years of age. The card will show the child's:
  • Current picture
  • Date of birth
  • Full birth name
  • Height
  • Home address
  • Parent / Guardian name
  • School or daycare
  • Social security number
  • Thumbprints
  • Weight

The card will be held by the parent / guardian in his/her wallet to identify the child.

Every day children are abducted across our nation. As parents / guardians, we sometimes forget the vital information that law enforcement needs to start the search. The Kiddo Card is simply given to the law enforcement officers to start. You can fax, mail, or bring the form to the Lampasas Police Department. Or you can bring the information with you at our next event.

Kiddo Card Events
Your child’s information will be added to the Kiddo Card software; a photo and print can easily be added at one of our Kiddo Card Events.
  • Kiddo Cards are composed on a first come first serve basis during one of our events.
  • Kiddo Card software only allows us to produce approximately 20 Kiddo Cards an hour so hurry and be first in line.
  • Watch for us. We will be attending events throughout the year so turn your paper in now and if you miss us at an event you can catch us later for the picture and prints.

City of Lampasas, Texas