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Cleaning Supplies We Use Daily

• Bleach
• Mr Clean Mop
• Colorox Wipes
• Mr Clean magic erasers
• Dish Soap
• Paper Towels
• Germ-X hand Sanitizer
• Laundry Soap
• Dryer Sheets
• Trash bags- sizes- 30 gal. 33 gal. 55gal. 15 gal. and contractor bags.
• Kleenex
• Hand soap
• Frebreze noticeables refills
• Toilet paper

Office Supplies We Use Daily

• Pens, permanent markers, dry erase markers
• Copy paper
• Canned Air dust remover
• Packing tape
• Duct or gorilla tape
• Lint/hair rollers
• AA Batteries
• AAA Batteries
• Copy paper

Animals Supply List

• Powdered kitten milk
• Nurser bottles
• Plastic litter boxes- no tops
• Cat litter- non-clumping, use wood clip litter for young kittens
• Horse Feed (We use rancher’s pride Mg10sweet)
• Goat feed
• Coastal hay(round or Square)
• Pedgree Adult Dog food
• Purina Puppy chow
• Purina Cat chow
• Kitten Food (any brand-prefer Purina)
• Metal food bowls (we do not use plastic)
• Chicken feed
• Canned dog and cat food (we do not use every day but do give as treat)
• Blankets and towels

Wish List

• Kongs with peanut or cheese spread (great treats and time killers in cages)
• Pig ears, store brought dog bones or hooves (would rather not have Raw hide products-too many health issues)
• Large cat play pens (look like large bird or ferret cages)
• Live traps all sizes
• Horse halters and lead ropes
• Pitch Fork(Hay fork)
• 8quart buckets (plastic or metal)
• Water hoses
• Water hose reels
• Shelves of all types
• Toys of all kinds (tennis balls, stuffed, rubber, cat toys)

You can make cash, check, or credit card donations at the shelter during business hours. You can also make donations that are tax deductible to our nonprofit group, Friend of Lampasas Animal Shelter. All donations made to the Friends group will go directly to the animals in our care.

City of Lampasas, Texas