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Photo Contest

  1. City of Lampasas Logo

  2. Required in order to mail your prize if you are chosen as the winner.

  3. What types of photos qualify? Any photos that tell part of the story or show the area of the city of Lampasas are eligible. Only photos taken within the city of limits of Lampasas will be considered. Buildings, landscapes, events and other City related scenes are all acceptable. Inappropriate material will be rejected. Pictures showing nudity or that are not viewable by a general audience are considered inappropriate. This is a photo contest. All images must be original photographs. The photo must have been taken by the contestant or a family member and all rights to the photo must be the property of the contestant or that family member. Digitally enhanced photos are acceptable. Any photo complying with the rules can be the monthly winner. The monthly winner is chosen by the City Council of the City of Lampasas. Winners receive a City of Lampasas insulated tumbler w/straw and posting of the photo on the City of Lampasas web site. Entries will be judged on visual appeal, color, content, and composition. Your photo can be taken with any type of camera, but we would prefer images converted to digital format (.jpg.) One photo entry per person per month.

  4. We reserve the right to publish, duplicate and use any images entered into the contest, either in print and/or electronically. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all contestants agree that their submissions may be published on the web site for conducting online voting related to the submissions, in collections with other related types of submissions or otherwise. Thumbnails of the submissions may be used for indexing purposes. Copyright of the image remains the sole property of the contestant. Contestant hereby confirms that his or her entry and the publication thereof do not violate the copyright laws of the US or any other jurisdiction. Contestant acknowledges that they have written permission (a release) from any recognizable models or other persons appearing in the photograph and are able to grant to the City of Lampasas web site the right to publish their photographic submission on-line and in print media, and hereby grant to City of Lampasas such right. We are not responsible for lost or misdirected entries. Each month a winner will be selected by the judges appointed by the City of Lampasas web site for this purpose. Each month all entered photos and the winning photo will be posted on the web site, along with the contestants name. This contest is open to residents of all nations who have taken or will take pictures while in the city of Lampasas. The winners will be notified by email, at the email address provided in the entry email. By entering a photo in the contest on the City of Lampasas web site, all contestants agree to release and hold harmless the web site, all sponsors, and representatives from all claims or actions, they, their heirs, executors or assigns may have arising directly or indirectly from the contest. Except where prohibited, winners consents to the use of their name and photo. By entering the contest, you agree to be bound by these rules and to accept as final all decisions of judges. Neither City of Lampasas web site, its sponsors or any one of the judges will be liable: 1) for any omission, loss, damage, delay, illegibility, alteration of, or unauthorized access to entries; 2) for any erroneous, garbled, interrupted, misdirected or failed transmissions; 3) for any loss or injury to person or property (including the equipment, systems or data of entrants or others) from participating in the contest or visiting any of its related web sites, whether due to technical problems or human error. We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who, has tampered with or disrupted the entry process or operation of the contest or violated these rules. Any attempt to damage any web site or disrupt this contest may violate both criminal and civil laws and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of such laws. If the contest cannot be run as planned for any reason, including computer viruses, lack of contest entries, tampering, technical or other problems which damage its operation or integrity, the web site reserves the right to cancel, curtail, modify or suspend it. The decision of the judges will be final and binding. Judges can disqualify any entry for reasons of taste, within their sole discretion. Contestants must be 18 years or older, or of such greater age as is required by law. This offer is void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to enter.

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City of Lampasas, Texas