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Connect, Disconnect, or Transfer
The City of Lampasas Public Utilities requires that all applications for utility service be done in person at the City Administration Building.  To establish service, you must be 18 years of age or older, have a photo I.D., and if you are renting you must provide us with a copy of your lease agreement. Copies of the lease and your photo I.D. can be made at the utility office. 

Applying for Service
The person who is living at the address is the only one allowed to make application, and all occupants that are 18 years old or older must be listed on the application. Any fraudulent application may result in the immediate disconnection of service. No request for service will be processed via the telephone. We do our best to accommodate our customers on requested service dates, however the city is allowed seven business days to process the request. 

To provide the best service to our customers, we ask that all requests for connects for same day service be in at City Hall by 1 p.m. Any applications taken after 1 p.m. may be considered if time allows. We do all of the connects and disconnects between the hours of 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. and request that someone be at the location.  It is unlawful for any person, company, or entity to make a private connection for any reason. Any person, company, or entity that does so, shall be denied future utility service by the city and shall be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Connection for Cleanup Purposes
The City of Lampasas does allow owners or agents acting on the owner's behalf to connect for the purpose of cleanup only. The connect fee is $20 and all services are charged, including minimums for water and electric plus any consumption. Any agent other than the owner must have written permission from the owner allowing them to act on their behalf. The clean-up account is only good for 10 days and you must contact the utility office before the tenth day if you would like to extend the 10 day period.

The City of Lampasas requires deposits to be made on each of its utility accounts. The deposits stay on the account until the account is disconnected, then the deposits are applied to the final bill. The minimum amount due for electric is $125 and water / wastewater is $75. Deposits are subject to increase based upon past credit history. 

The City does accept letters of credit from customers based on their previous history with either a water or electric utility with no more than one delinquency in the previous 24 months. Letters of credit will be accepted either by mail or fax at 512-556-2074. Commercial deposits may be larger, please contact the utility office for more information. The City does not accept co-signers in lieu of deposits.

If you wish to disconnect your service, you must come in person to the City Administration Building to process your request. Work orders for disconnects can be done any time in advance. Lampasas Public Utilities does request a forwarding address to send the final bill or remaining deposit.

If you wish to transfer your service from one address to another, you must come in to the City Administration Building to process your request. A new application must be filled out for the new address. There is a $20 transfer fee and any current utility account must be paid before service will be transferred. Depending on your credit history and the amount of your deposits, you may have to increase your deposits before the account will be transferred. The City allows you to have your utility service connected at both residences for no more than 10 days

Contact Us

Finance Director Carol Boberg

Carol Boberg

Finance Director

City Administration Building
312 East Third St.
Lampasas, TX 76550

Ph: 512-556-3641
Fx: 512-556-2074
Emergency: 512-556-6235

Monday - Friday
7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Telephone Hours
Monday - Friday
7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
City of Lampasas, Texas