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Call a Family Meeting and Make a Plan!

Call a Family Meeting and Make a Plan!

Some disasters strike without any warning, and family members may not all be in the same place. How will you get in touch with each other? Where will you meet? How will you get out of your house in case of a fire? What if your neighborhood is being evacuated? It's important to make a plan now so that you will know what to do, how to find each other, and how to communicate in an emergency.

Make a Plan - Let them know you're OK!
  • Pick the same person for each family member to call or email. It might be easier to reach someone who's out of town.
  • Text, don't talk, unless it's an emergency. It may be easier to send a text, if you have a phone, and you don't want to tie up phone lines for emergency workers.
Make a Plan - Where do we meet?
  • Create a fire escape plan that has two ways out of every room and practice it twice a year.
  • Choose a meeting spot near your home, then practice getting there.
  • Choose a spot outside of your neighborhood in case you can't get home. Practice getting there from school, your friends' houses, and after school activities.
Make a Plan - Got the numbers?
  • Keep your family's contact info and meeting spot location in your backpack, wallet, or taped inside your school notebook. Put it in your cell phone if you have one.
Make a Plan - Print Out a Communications Plan
Make a Plan - Special Plan for Adults