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Data Library: Social/Demographic
DatabasesSummary TablesGlossary    
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Database NameDescription
American Housing SurveyThe American Housing Survey collects data on the Nations housing. Data are available for type of housing, household income, housing quality, housing costs, commuting characteristics, etc.Profile
BTS Omnibus SurveyMonthly survey conducted by BTS to collect information from U.S. households on issues related to safety, mobility, the environment, economic growth, and national security.Profile
Census Population EstimatesCensus State Population Estimates by Single Year of Age and Sex.Profile
Local Area Personal IncomePersonal income by county and metropolitan statistical area (MSA)--includes full-time vs. part-time figures in transportation-related industries.Profile
Unemployed Persons by Occupation, Sex & IndustryUnemployment data by industry and occupation is available subdivided by age, gender, race and Hispanic origin, marital status, educational attainment, duration of unemployment, and reason for unemployment.Profile
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