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Loop 375 Border Highway East Study

The Border Highway East (BHE) project recently completed its Planning and Environmental Linkage study. The study began in May 2013 and was completed in October 2014. The study included community discussion and a visioning process for transportation improvements along the border in southeast El Paso County.

Project Limits

The study area begins at Loop 375 near the Zaragoza International Port of Entry (POE) and extends south to the Fabens International POE. I-10 and the Rio Grande serve as east and west boundaries.

Planning and Environmental Linkage (PEL) Study

A PEL study will identify and document transportation needs for the area. The PEL process provides early collaboration with the public as well as local, state and federal agencies. By working together, alternatives and avoidance measures can be developed at a local level.

A feasibility study in 1997 identified the following challenges:

  • Increasing traffic demands on east-west mobility
  • Lack of connectivity to I-10
  • Congestion and the need for an alternative/parallel route to existing roadways
  • Social and economic demands from population growth
  • Increasing strain on local roadways and railroads associated with international trade
  • Interregional trade and freight rail movements

The PEL process will result in a proposed solution to these challenges as well as potential funding options.

Project Documents

Title PDF
Alternative Screening Methodology
Environmental Constraints Report
Universe of Alternatives Memo
Purpose and Need Statement
Public Involvement and Agency Coordination Plan

Community Involvement

The following public meetings were held:

City Date Description
Clint 03/04/14 Public Meeting
Socorro 03/05/14 Public Meeting
Socorro 07/15/14 Public Meeting
San Elizario 07/16/14
Public Meeting

The first series of open house meetings was held in November 2013. The purpose of the meetings was to examine the transportation needs in the study area.

The second series of open house meetings was held in March 2014. The purpose of the meetings was to present both the universe and preliminary alternatives for the BHE study area.

The third series of open house meetings were held in July 2014. The purpose of the meetings was to present the recommended alternatives/future projects for the BHE study area.

Series One

The table below contains documents from public meetings held on Nov. 19 and Nov. 20, 2013.

Project Documents English Español
Alternative Screening Process Alternative Screening Process  
Connecting Planning Studies Connecting Planning Studies  
Constraints Map Constraints Map  
Feasibility Study Map (1997)
1997 Feasibility Study Map  
How to Get Involved How to Get Involved  
How to Provide Comments How to Provide Comments  
Level of Service 2010 Level of Service 2010  
Level of Service 2040 Level of Service 2040  
PEL Process PEL Process  
PEL Study Timeline PEL Study Timeline  
Purpose and Need Draft Purpose and Need (Draft)  
Public Meeting Program Flyer - 11/19/13 and 11/20/13 Public Meeting Program Flyer - 11/19/13 and 11/20/13  
Public Meeting Comment Form - 11/19/13 Public Meeting Comment Form - 11/19/13 Public Meeting Comment Form - 11/19/13 (Spanish)
Public Meeting Program Guide - 11/19/13 Public Meeting Program Guide - 11/19/13 Public Meeting Program Guide - 11/19/13 (Spanish)
Public Meeting Comment Form - 11/20/13 Public Meeting Comment Form - 11/20/13 Public Meeting Comment Form - 11/20/13 (Spanish)
Public Meeting Program Guide -11/20/13 Public Meeting Program Guide - 11/20/13 Public Meeting Program Guide - 11/20/13 (Spanish)
Series Two

The table below contains documents from public meetings held on March 4 and March 5, 2014.

Project Documents PDF
2040 Scenario Effectiveness
Alternative Screening Process
Constraints Map
How to Get Involved
Level of Service 2010
Level of Service 2040
PEL Study Timeline
Public Meeting Comment Form (English/Español) - 03/04/14
Public Meeting Comment Form (English/Español) - 03/05/14
Public Meeting Program Guide (English/Español) - 03/04/14
Public Meeting Program Guide (English/Español) - 03/05/14
Purpose and Need - Draft
Station Boards
Study Area Map
Study Area Map Plots: 1 of 6
Study Area Map Plots: 2 of 6
Study Area Map Plots: 3 of 6
Study Area Map Plots: 4 of 6
Study Area Map Plots: 5 of 6
Study Area Map Plots: 6 of 6
Universe of Alternatives
Series Three

The table below contains documents from public meetings held on July 15 and July 16, 2014.

Project Documents PDF
Public Meeting Presentation
Level of Service 2040 - No Build and Build Alternatives Comparison
Constraints Map
Alternative Screening Process
Universe of Alternatives
Universe and Preliminary Alternatives Recommendations
Preliminary Alternatives Recommendations
Reasonable Alternatives
2040 Recommended Alternatives (Draft)
Fact Sheet
Public Meeting Flier
Final Level 1 Screening Matrices
PEL Study Timeline
Public Meeting Comment Form - 07/15/14
Public Meeting Comment Form - 07/16/14
Public Meeting Program Guide - 07/15/14
Public Meeting Program Guide - 07/16/14
Purpose and Need
Study Area Map
2040 Alternative Recommendations (Draft)
No Build and Build Alternatives Board
Constraints Map Board
Alternative Screening Process Board
Public Meeting Comment Form (English) - 07/15/14
Public Meeting Comment Form (Español) - 07/15/14
Public Meeting Program Guide (English) - 07/16/14
Public Meeting Program Guide (Español) - 07/16/14
Purpose and Need Board
Study Area Map Board
Study Area Map Plots: 1 of 1

Contact Us

Project Manager
TxDOT El Paso District
13301 Gateway West
El Paso, TX 79928-5410
(915) 790-4200