Construction Report (Recapitulation)

Last Update: Friday, April 10, 2015
Text Version (Recapitulation Report)
Excel Version (Statewide Recapitulation Report)
# District Number of Contracts Amount Under Contract Total Work Done to Date Estimate Paid This Month Total Estimate Paid to Date Percent Complete
1 Paris 51 265069937.83 162844986.47 5550383.14 162523546.47 61.43%
2 Fort Worth 124 832819956.34 509618800.16 7929791.73 507514148.30 61.19%
3 Wichita Falls 45 157269249.59 78912383.01 2757098.59 78839308.01 50.18%
4 Amarillo 58 316887019.71 169014734.72 3016324.60 166964127.61 53.34%
5 Lubbock 33 278885705.83 101478529.92 5646966.39 100631765.18 36.39%
6 Odessa 29 168497553.24 51745682.03 2121921.29 51745682.03 30.71%
7 San Angelo 20 169527332.67 60034112.56 4050409.35 59834867.56 35.41%
8 Abilene 37 202704928.36 83360038.78 7321930.00 83104333.78 41.12%
9 Waco 59 1488958802.23 932137189.99 16391144.70 930472719.99 62.60%
10 Tyler 47 281725994.44 90905809.93 2626609.49 90723414.93 32.27%
11 Lufkin 47 288382579.07 169036805.08 5337969.90 168853935.08 58.62%
12 Houston 218 3010623139.96 1603524297.23 34176245.68 1610344867.23 53.26%
13 Yoakum 80 220278719.13 103736720.38 4470451.81 103457565.38 47.09%
14 Austin 181 766321382.04 457925603.93 12981320.84 457389106.93 59.76%
15 San Antonio 115 662484038.43 401445051.45 15429394.96 400244896.45 60.60%
16 Corpus Christi 54 509669049.03 277780055.30 12207789.07 277311430.30 54.50%
17 Bryan 48 233408121.39 126023597.77 6176844.74 125631067.77 53.99%
18 Dallas 178 1904462715.02 972337116.59 24055112.60 970802545.90 51.06%
19 Atlanta 45 346766716.87 85464534.72 2536492.15 245471236.26 24.65%
20 Beaumont 52 315000204.61 136844697.34 6422591.15 136083932.34 43.44%
21 Pharr 58 490640056.41 328629691.23 7160754.24 325228336.23 66.98%
22 Laredo 31 184020878.71 84825586.09 2483740.52 84467051.09 46.10%
23 Brownwood 30 90953458.71 37788684.70 1563506.28 37809364.70 41.55%
24 El Paso 45 577124086.42 326324620.72 7556905.99 326324620.72 56.54%
25 Childress 21 69277081.51 24637605.77 2841342.09 24583585.77 35.56%
  Grand Totals 1706 13831758707.55 7376376935.87 202813041.30 7526357456.01 53.33%
# District Number of Contracts Amount Under Contract Total Work Done to Date Estimate Paid This Month Total Estimate Paid to Date Percent Complete
1 Paris 19 25854641.19 14786814.98 1058567.70 14780105.03 57.19%
2 Fort Worth 32 27038729.07 18407276.88 660700.09 18306790.87 68.08%
3 Wichita Falls 7 6139584.42 1825024.08 35353.84 1825024.08 29.73%
4 Amarillo 14 8741038.55 6082340.95 588221.68 6082340.95 69.58%
5 Lubbock 20 12036888.26 4448875.93 104657.92 4447733.91 36.96%
6 Odessa 10 8425803.50 4455294.76 258322.15 4498513.10 52.88%
7 San Angelo 9 6701811.46 1510849.83 0.00 1510849.82 22.54%
8 Abilene 6 10920480.68 6673337.43 376968.71 6673337.43 61.11%
9 Waco 30 47603507.34 38233349.32 955079.75 38231519.32 80.32%
10 Tyler 15 17741440.33 11783573.35 286654.16 11717794.75 66.42%
11 Lufkin 3 3296065.13 863221.79 57356.10 863221.79 26.19%
12 Houston 101 132189650.80 57246838.17 2793278.67 57180260.90 43.31%
13 Yoakum 28 32421613.01 10750460.56 1107890.11 10683640.52 33.16%
14 Austin 50 81557594.04 45746355.65 1382084.64 45582543.51 56.09%
15 San Antonio 31 75236500.95 41315746.83 1832063.68 40995865.83 54.91%
16 Corpus Christi 26 49751874.70 26190228.12 456346.89 25840579.39 52.64%
17 Bryan 17 30052581.53 10548558.49 978812.71 10535578.48 35.10%
18 Dallas 61 126017001.60 53689945.76 1845945.48 53662445.37 42.61%
19 Atlanta 18 19328871.08 16882332.95 555443.97 16881272.07 87.34%
20 Beaumont 34 27373987.17 14982322.67 334621.66 15008382.19 54.73%
21 Pharr 27 37230705.58 22424341.55 511892.51 22321741.37 60.23%
22 Laredo 9 13942378.81 9167575.54 157098.63 9167575.54 65.75%
23 Brownwood 10 12991569.39 5828284.81 22800.00 5828284.81 44.86%
24 El Paso 11 11019167.73 6993136.18 610160.35 6969167.49 63.46%
25 Childress 12 7284742.66 5878006.10 0.00 5871331.10 80.69%
47 Maintenance Division 25 50502291.32 64591348.58 1194337.74 64570454.51 127.90%
  Grand Totals 625 881400520.30 501305441.26 18164659.14 500036354.13 56.88%
# District Number of Contracts Amount Under Contract Total Work Done to Date Estimate Paid This Month Total Estimate Paid to Date Percent Complete
1 Paris 102 11372621.82 3922199.68 333025.04 3914433.19 34.49%
2 Fort Worth 67 11904841.61 7055586.37 490854.42 7043196.38 59.27%
3 Wichita Falls 71 6882070.06 3764157.95 107712.34 3766699.75 54.70%
4 Amarillo 41 7148686.12 7331741.94 106419.36 7328975.06 102.56%
5 Lubbock 48 6099623.58 3619603.32 97147.76 3619603.33 59.34%
6 Odessa 68 7045633.96 3665371.98 266924.98 3641872.03 52.02%
7 San Angelo 75 7060510.12 5660818.85 95506.93 5645771.69 80.18%
8 Abilene 53 6118883.45 3805708.38 154780.39 3797018.43 62.20%
9 Waco 76 7904342.52 4606852.00 171321.60 4600361.99 58.28%
10 Tyler 71 7865947.40 4244864.25 315854.44 4240874.25 53.97%
11 Lufkin 108 15809249.73 6826220.34 608100.78 6814797.66 43.18%
12 Houston 113 20826255.71 10444815.30 784994.25 10422395.58 50.15%
13 Yoakum 45 7665229.78 3119297.87 275446.68 3124670.28 40.69%
14 Austin 72 10281565.82 6233561.31 307119.16 6223364.25 60.63%
15 San Antonio 40 5161840.93 3214255.17 198080.03 3209535.16 62.27%
16 Corpus Christi 72 11831174.00 5722015.40 231693.60 5717295.40 48.36%
17 Bryan 111 11696740.51 5709291.54 285259.77 5686281.56 48.81%
18 Dallas 75 10675042.72 5873098.11 723247.50 5873098.12 55.02%
19 Atlanta 66 5267187.86 3355024.89 159916.43 3355024.89 63.70%
20 Beaumont 92 9465943.53 5761486.77 250850.94 5722563.03 60.87%
21 Pharr 38 7865261.74 5114047.85 253728.63 5114047.97 65.02%
22 Laredo 77 11923938.01 7453296.68 449823.14 7479620.86 62.51%
23 Brownwood 53 6831486.53 6736379.58 239562.41 6733519.58 98.61%
24 El Paso 69 10715555.32 7694419.45 170348.96 7685302.99 71.81%
25 Childress 2 144845.42 70173.89 0.00 70173.89 48.45%
  Grand Totals 1705 225564478.25 131004288.87 7077719.54 130830497.32 58.08%
Construction Reports (Recapitulation) By Contractor Names
Construction Reports By Legislative Districts