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Labor Day 2014 - Drink. Drive. Go to Jail.

Before the Labor Day holiday weekend starts, TxDOT reminds motorists: drinking and driving can bring a tragic end to your holiday.

Alcohol-related crashes are a serious problem in Texas. The state has a DUI-alcohol crash every 20 minutes and 37 seconds. Labor Day weekend is an especially dangerous time on our roads. According to TxDOT statistics, 16 people were killed in DUI-alcohol-related traffic crashes over the Labor Day weekend in 2013.

If you are going to consume alcohol, follow the rules of the road. Do not get behind the wheel. Designate a driver, catch a bus, call a cab or someone you trust to pick you up, or, if necessary, spend the night where you are.

A DWI arrest and conviction in Texas can cost up to $17,000. Offenders must pay a long list of costs, including vehicle towing and impoundment, bail, attorney fees, court and probation fees, fees to regain or retain a driver license, and a hike in auto insurance premiums.

To save lives and reduce impaired driving, TxDOT is hosting outreach events and running a series of public service announcements.

Media outlets and other interested parties are free to use official campaign materials below.

Press Materials

Video PSAs


