Development Excellence For the future of North Central Texas

What is Development Excellence?

The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), together with private and public partners, works to help create a Sustainable North Texas region that is recognized nationwide as a center of development excellence.  Our goal is a region where residents, businesses, and visitors enjoy a built environment that creates a true sense of place; uses water, energy, and environmental resources effectively and efficiently; protects a diversity of habitats; reduces Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT); and supports public health and quality of life. To achieve these aims, regional leaders have adopted Ten Principles of Development Excellence and NCTCOG carries out various strategic initiatives, including support for Vision North Texas, the CLIDE Awards Program, a Regional Repository of Best Practices, Sustainable Development activities, and many others.

2009 CLIDE Awards

The winners of 2009 Celebrating Leadership in Development Excellence (CLIDE) Awards Program are now available.  In April, the 2009 CLIDE Jury convened to consider each application. The nine recipients from among 35 applicants were honored at the North Central Texas Council of Governments' General Assembly on June 12 at the DFW Hyatt Hotel. 

Press Release | And The Recipients Are... | New Map Available

Begun in 2003, CLIDE Awards recognize projects, developments, and private or public programs that exemplify the region's Ten Principles of Development Excellence.  We invite you to learn more about CLIDE and previous CLIDE recipients.

Vision North Texas

Vision North Texas is a private-public partnership, headed by Charter Sponsors the Urban Land Institute, the North Central Texas Council of Governments, and the University of Texas at Arlington. The Regional Summit in December 2008 identified alternative choices for regional growth and investment. Full coverage and powerpoint presentations are available for viewing. >> More News on Vision North Texas

Alternative Futures Research - Vision North Texas shared the latest information on initial analysis into several “Alternative Futures” scenarios for the region’s future growth and development before the NCTCOG General Assembly on June 12, 2009. About 170 elected officials, community leaders, consultants, and many others attended this Alternative Futures Workshop. Join us on September 18th for North Texas Alternative Futures: making choices that are better than business as usual

Sustainable Development

Among the key components of NCTCOG's sustainable development program are consideration of the interface between land use and transportation, planning for bicycle and pedestrian modes of transportation, and the evaluation of alternative future demographic scenarios.