Ginger Goodin, P.E.

Goodin, Ginger

Center Director
Senior Research Engineer

Policy Research Center
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Texas A&M University System
505 E Huntland Dr., Suite 455
Austin, TX 78752
ph. (512) 407-1114 Ext. 12114 · fax (512) 467-8971

Short Biography

Ginger Goodin is a Senior Research Engineer in TTI's Austin Office, where she has spearheaded leading-edge research and supported the practical application of innovative strategies with Central Texas transportation agencies since 1996. She serves as the Director of the Transportation Policy Research Center at TTI, supporting the Texas State Legislature with objective, data-driven transportation policy research in the areas of finance, freight, congestion, public engagement and technology. Ms. Goodin has 30 years of broad experience in all areas of roadway planning, development, maintenance and operations and has led diverse research for TTI on the forefront of emerging topics, including congestion pricing, managed lanes, mileage-based user fees, and automated vehicles.

As Policy Center Director, Ms. Goodin provides strategic direction for automated and connected vehicle research studies performed under the center. She has been invited as a speaker and thought leader on the topic of state and local policy implications of automated vehicles, covering issues ranging from the multiplicity of policy roles to infrastructure investment opportunities for connected automation. She serves on several national research committees related to innovations in technology and transportation.

Ginger was the regional coordinator for the Mobility Investment Priorities Project (Rider 42), a program established by the Texas Legislature in 2011 to address the most congested corridors in the state. Ms. Goodin served as TTI's lead researcher and facilitator for the Austin region, working with TTI subject matter experts, local elected leadership, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), and local agencies to prioritize $31 million in bond funding for engineering and feasibility studies, and to identify innovative strategies for traffic and demand management on six area corridors that are among the 50 most congested in the state. She co-led a team of researchers that constructed a state-of-the-art, multi-resolution model of the Austin roadway network to test alternative congestion-reduction projects for I-35 in support of regional policy development.

Ginger is past chair of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee on Managed Lanes. Ms. Goodin has both led and participated in several research teams that have conducted federally-funded congestion pricing studies in Texas, including those associated with managed lanes in Houston, San Antonio, and Austin, and has provided expertise on managed lanes development in Maryland, Virginia, Nevada, Kansas and Washington State. She supervised a TxDOT research effort to evaluate the Katy (I-10) Managed Lanes in Houston.

Ginger has also led research in the emerging area of mileage and VMT-based revenue generating mechanisms since 2006. She supervised three studies exploring public perceptions, alternative technology solutions and institutional issues associated with mileage-based fees under the sponsorship of the University Transportation Center for Mobility at TTI. Ms. Goodin served as principal investigator for a USDOT study on road user fee collection technologies, and she provides technical support and policy research expertise to the Texas State Legislature as the state considers vehicle mileage fees as a long-term option to replace the state fuel tax.

She attended Texas A&M University, receiving her bachelor of science in civil engineering and masters of engineering in civil engineering. She is a registered professional engineer in Texas and is a member of the Leadership Texas Class of 2010.


  • M.Eng., Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1984.
  • B.S., Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1983.


  • Center Director, Policy Research Center, Texas A&M Transportation Institute, September 2013 - Present.
  • Senior Research Engineer, Policy Research Center, Texas A&M Transportation Institute, September 2013 - Present.
  • Division Head, TTI, Austin Planning Division, Texas Transportation Institute, April 2011 - August 2013.
  • Senior Research Engineer, Austin Office, Texas Transportation Institute, November 2008 - March 2011.
  • Research Engineer, Austin Office, Texas Transportation Institute, September 2004 - October 2008.
  • Associate Research Engineer, Agency Liaison Office, Texas Transportation Institute, May 1996 - August 2004.
  • Central Area Engineer, Construction Inspection Division, City of Austin, 1994 - January 1996.
  • Operations Engineer, Street and Bridge Division, City of Austin, 1990 - January 1994.
  • Project Manager, Engineering Management Division, City of Austin, 1988 - January 1990.
  • Transportation Engineer, Transportation Engineering Division, City of Austin, 1985 - January 1988.

Professional Registration

Registered Professional Engineer in Texas, Registration No. 64560.


  • Member, U.S. Department of Transportation, ITS Program Advisory Committee.
  • Member, Transportation Research Board (TRB), Committee AHB30, Vehicle-Highway Automation.
  • Member, Transportation Research Board (TRB), European - U.S. Transportation Research Symposium on Road and Vehicle Connectivity and Automation (A0099A).
  • Past Chair, Transportation Research Board (TRB), Committee AHB35, HOV, HOT, and Managed Lanes.

Honors & Awards

TTI/Trinity Charley V. Wootan Career Achievement for Research, Texas A&M Transportation Institute, 2013.

Woman of the Year - Heart of Texas Chapter, Women's Transportation Seminar (WTS), 2011.

TTI/Trinity New Researcher, Texas A&M Transportation Institute, 1998.

Selected Publications

V.D. Goodin, R.J. Benz, M.W. Burris, M.A. Brewer, N. Wood, T.S. Geiselbrecht. Evaluation of the I-10 Katy Freeway Managed Lanes. PSR. 0-6688-S. Texas A&M Transportation Institute, College Station, TX. 2013.

V.D. Goodin, M.W. Burris, T.S. Geiselbrecht, N. Wood. Application of a Performance Management Framework for Priced Lanes. 5-6396-01-1. Texas A&M Transportation Institute, College Station, TX. November 2013.

T.S. Geiselbrecht, J.C. Pourteau, V.D. Goodin, M.W. Burris. Texas Traffic Thermostat Marketing Package. 5-6396-01-P2. Texas A&M Transportation Institute, College Station, TX. November 2013.

V.D. Goodin, R.J. Benz, M.W. Burris, M.A. Brewer, N. Wood, T.S. Geiselbrecht. Katy Freeway: An Evaluation of a Second-Generation Managed Lanes Project. 0-6688-1. Texas A&M Transportation Institute, College Station, TX. September 2013.

V.D. Goodin, S. Bricka, J.C. Pourteau, R.J. Benz, M.W. Burris, M.A. Brewer, N. Wood, T.S. Geiselbrecht. Briefing Paper: Toward a BEST PRACTICE MODEL for Managed Lanes in Texas. 0-6688-P1. Texas A&M Transportation Institute, College Station, TX. September 2013.

V.D. Goodin, S.G. Bricka, J.C. Pourteau, R.J. Benz, M.W. Burris, M.A. Brewer, N. Wood, T.S. Geiselbrecht. Toward a Best Practice Model for Managed Lanes in Texas. 0-6688-P2. Texas A&M Transportation Institute, College Station, TX. September 2013.

J.C. Lowery, M.W. Burris, T.S. Geiselbrecht, V.D. Goodin. Reaction to Value Pricing by Different Suburban Populations. Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2221, 2011, pp. 74-82.

V.D. Goodin, M.W. Burris, T.J. Lomax, T.S. Geiselbrecht, R.E. Brydia, J.C. Pourteau. Pre-Determining Performance Based Operational and Toll Rate Setting Measures. 0-6396-S. Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, TX. 2011.

V.D. Goodin, R.T. Baker. Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Fees Study. 0-6660-S. Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, TX. 2011.

J.H. Overman, P.L. Ellis, W.E. Frawley, R.F. Taylor, T.S. Geiselbrecht, V.D. Goodin. Rural Planning Organizations - Their Role in Transportation Planning and Project Development in Texas: Technical Report. 0-6483-1. Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, TX. June 2011.

V.D. Goodin, M.W. Burris, T.J. Lomax, T.S. Geiselbrecht, R.E. Brydia. Operational Performance Management of Priced Facilities. 0-6396-1. Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, TX. March 2011.

R.T. Baker, L. Ding, J. Epps, C.K. Estakhri, G. Fry, T.S. Geiselbrecht, V.D. Goodin, J.G. Hudson, T.J. Lomax, C.A. Morgan, J.P. Orsak, D.L. Schrank, T. Scullion, W.R. Stockton, S.P. Venglar, J.C. Villa, B.A. Wood, D.M. Winterich, R.E. Lee, J. Zietsman. TxDOT Administration Research: Tasks Completed FY2010. 0-6581-TI-2. Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, TX. February 2011.

R.T. Baker, V.D. Goodin, J.C. Pourteau. Is Texas Ready for Mileage Fees? A Briefing Paper. 0-6660-P1. Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, TX. February 2011.

R.T. Baker, V.D. Goodin. Exploratory Study: Vehicle Mileage Fees in Texas. 0-6660-1. Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, TX. January 2011.