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Policymakers, operating on tight budgets, must decide whether they are willing to spend more money on small hospitals serving a limited number of patients, hospitals that in most cases could not keep their doors open without government assistance. But without them, people, inevitably, will die.

Edgar Walters: http://trib.it/1OaPq29

Rick Perry, after all of those years as governor, was pretty predictable. With Gov. Greg Abbott two months into his new job, there is a fresh vibe at the state Capitol: uncertainty. The next 10 weeks should be telling.

Analysis from Ross Ramsey: http://trib.it/1BDjN7r

Residents of a small unincorporated community outside Houston hope legislation by state Rep. Armando Walle will help them get safe, reliable water service, and shine a light on parts of Texas with problems like theirs.

Neena Satija and Alexa Ura: http://trib.it/1I2jg4N

You can find Satija and Ura's series on undrinkable water along the border here: http://trib.it/undrink


(Photo by Leslie Boorhem-Stephenson)

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We've got the top 50 bank balances among officeholders and PACs, a look at oil prices and flagging tax revenue and a warning about new spending cap formulas — all that and more in the latest issue of our subscriber-only newsletter for political insiders ($).


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The Obama administration is poised to become more actively involved in the debate over hydraulic fracturing by issuing new federal regulations on the practice today.

John Reynolds with The Brief for Friday, March 20, 2015: http://trib.it/1xl04yi

(Photo by Jerod Foster)

New in TribTalk: "Among Republicans, only 52 percent have a positive view of their local or county government, 26 points less than for the state government."

Critics have called some Republicans' swift turn against local control an opportunistic reaction to the Denton fracking ban. But the pushback has a foundation in public opinion.

Hoping to prompt quicker turnarounds at struggling schools, Texas lawmakers are considering a controversial policy that would let parents petition the state to make changes at their kids' campuses.

Morgan Smith reports: http://trib.it/1I2nSrp

"The more state tax breaks, the less state revenue — which means local governments must pick up a growing tab for public services," Ann Beeson writes in TribTalk.

It's easy to tune out what's happening at the state Capitol if you live outside of Austin. But all Texans should listen up, because more tax breaks will mean less revenue for our growing cities and counties.

Four San Antonio women were convicted of molesting two girls in the 1990s, but one of the girls has since said they were coerced to make false accusations. The women's case is getting a new look, and an April 22 hearing will be key in determining what happens.

More from the Marshall Project's Maurice Chammah: http://trib.it/1H49cH9

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This year’s supplemental budget bill is starting out far smaller than the one approved in 2013.

Aman Batheja reports.

Photo by Bob Daemmrich.

House budget writers intend to add $433 million to the current two-year budget with a supplemental bill laid out Thursday, though some lawmakers expressed concern with plans for millions in leftover funds from some state health programs.
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“These bills are serious violations of religious freedoms,” said Casey Mattox, senior counsel with the Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative Christian legal group. “We are pleased members of Congress are taking them seriously.”

Ted Cruz has turned his attention to D.C. politics, introducing measures to keep religious colleges from having to fund gay and lesbian student groups and to upend a law on discrimination over reproductive health decisions.

Annise Parker, who is serving her final year as Houston's mayor, has left her mark on the nation’s fourth-largest city and become a national figure in LGBT politics. Doing both at the same time hasn’t always been easy.

The Washington Post's Krissah Thompson: http://trib.it/1bg0n3o

(Photo by Marjorie Kamys Cotera)

“We need to get a firm handle on contracting across state government, not only because they involve taxpayer dollars but because the delivery of services depends on it,” said state Sen. Jane Nelson.

Edgar Walters reports.
Photo by Bob Daemmrich.

Amid an ongoing scandal over how the state awarded a multimillion-dollar contract to a private company, the Senate Finance Committee on Thursday approved Senate Bill 20, which would overhaul the state’s contracting processes.
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Find bills. Follow topics. Watch livestreams. Learn how it all works. Learn your way around. Meet your lawmakers. http://txlege.texastribune.org/

Your go-to resource for the 2015 Texas legislative session

Senate legislation that cuts property and business margins taxes also includes a clause that would outlaw taxes on real estate transactions. Texas has no such tax.

Analysis from Ross Ramsey: http://trib.it/1BQPGwY

(Photo illustration by Todd Wiseman)

San Antonio sophomore U.S. Rep. Joaquin Castro has landed a spot as a chief deputy whip, making him one of House Democratic leadership's top vote counters on the House floor.

Abby Livingston: http://trib.it/1BQWBpS

(Photo by Bob Daemmrich)

Three lawmakers have filed bills aimed at encouraging the use of self-driving technology in Texas while allowing for some government oversight. Few states have laws specifically permitting the testing of self-driving vehicles on public roads.

Aman Batheja reports: http://trib.it/1Lw1RXv

(Photo by Scott Schrant)

The new issue of Trib+Edu is up: http://trib.it/1oT5hpU

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In this week's edition of the Trib+Edu newsletter: Education advocates rally at the Capitol, the Senate approves high school graduation panels and an interview with Linda McSpadden McNeil of the Center for Education at Rice University.

texastribune.org|By The Texas Tribune
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Lawmakers late Wednesday afternoon signaled that they will tap the brakes on plans to consolidate the state's health and human services agencies.

John Reynolds with The Brief for Thursday, March 19, 2015: http://trib.it/1DBHcgD

(Photo by Bob Daemmrich)

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As the state’s largest health agency reels from a scandal over how it awarded contracts to private vendors, lawmakers on Wednesday said they are slowing down on their ambitious — and controversial — plan to restructure it.

Edgar Walters: http://trib.it/1FC9ffh

(Photo by Bob Daemmrich)

Saying the economics make sense, Georgetown decides to abandon traditional power plants and use just wind and solar electricity suppliers.

Jim Malewitz reports:

Georgetown’s municipal utility has unveiled plans to tap wind and solar energy to meet all of its customers’ power needs, making it the first Texas city-owned utility to abandon fossil fuels.  

With Texas' population projected to double by 2050, we can’t afford small measures, Scott Haywood of Move Texas Forward writes in TribTalk.

A patchwork of one-time funding jolts to our state’s transportation system isn’t sustainable. We need predictable, long-term sources of revenue.

Morgan Smith's final — updates throughout: http://trib.it/1xygttL

Texas is now a step closer to requiring public colleges and universities to allow concealed handguns on campus — a policy opposed by many higher education leaders.

After nearly five hours of debate on Wednesday, the state Senate gave preliminary approval to a measure that would repeal existing law prohibiting concealed handgun license holders from carrying their weapons there.


(Photo by Marjorie Kamys Cotera)

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House Bill 11 would add state troopers permanently to the border, set up a criminal intelligence center and increase penalties for human smuggling.

Julián Aguilar reports:

Texas House members overwhelmingly gave tentative approval to a sweeping border-security measure on Wednesday that would increase the number of state troopers on the border and establish a catchall intelligence center in Hidalgo County. 

“Costco proudly stands with Texans for Consumer Freedom in its efforts to eliminate the unusual Texas spirits laws that artificially restrict competition,” said Executive Vice President Dennis Zook.

Ryan McCrimmon reports.

Wholesale giant Costco has joined Wal-Mart, Kroger and other retailers in the fight to loosen restrictions on the state liquor market and let public corporations sell hard alcohol in Texas.

Attorney General Ken Paxton does not want married Texas same-sex couples including one federal employee to be eligible for Family and Medical Leave Act benefits.

Edgar Walters reports:

The state of Texas is suing the Obama administration for giving medical leave benefits to certain same-sex couples, according to a Wednesday announcement from Attorney General Ken Paxton.

“Before, during, and after the 1992 trial, [Jackson] knew of the existence of evidence that tended to negate the guilt of Willingham and failed to disclose that evidence to defense counsel,” the bar investigators charged.

In a major turn in one of the country’s most-noted death penalty cases, the State Bar of Texas has filed a formal accusation of misconduct against the county prosecutor who convicted Cameron Todd Willingham.  

Sid Miller voted for deep budget cuts as a member of the Texas House. But now he’s Texas agriculture commissioner, and he wants the Legislature to dramatically increase funding to his cash-strapped agency, which he says has been doing a lousy job protecting consumers.

Sid Miller voted for deep budget cuts as a member of the Texas House. But now he’s Texas agriculture commissioner, and he wants the Legislature to dramatically increase funding to his cash-strapped agency. 
A new judge Wednesday reaffirmed the dismissal of a ruling by the Texas Ethics Commission against conservative powerbroker Michael Quinn Sullivan. 

In this week's TribCast, Emily talks with Evan, Ross and Jay about the presidential ambitions of Jeb Bush and Rand Paul, the gun bills moving in the Legislature and the fiscal needs of former lawmakers now at the helm of state agencies.

In this week's TribCast, Emily talks with Evan, Ross and Jay about the presidential ambitions of Jeb Bush and Rand Paul, the gun bills moving in the Legislature and the fiscal needs of former lawmakers now at the helm of state agencies.
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Josh Perry, Ted Cruz's top digital strategist, is joining the Texas senator's political operation in Houston.

Lots of action in both chambers today. Watch the livestreams from our Texas Legislative Guide page: http://txlege.texastribune.org/livestream/

See the House and Senate in action, courtesy of the Texas Legislature
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Campus Carry Debate Hits Senate Floor

Morgan Smith reports: http://trib.it/1xygttL

The Texas Senate began debate on a bill Wednesday that would repeal existing law prohibiting concealed handgun license holders from carrying their weapons on such campuses.


(Photo illustration by: Todd Wiseman)

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'Campus Carry Debate Hits Senate Floor

Morgan Smith reports: http://trib.it/1xygttL

The Texas Senate began debate on a bill Wednesday that would repeal existing law prohibiting concealed handgun license holders from carrying their weapons on such campuses.

(Photo illustration by: Todd Wiseman)'

Sources close to the UT president search told The Texas Tribune earlier this month that Hamilton was the leading candidate to replace the current president, Bill Powers. The other finalist, they said, was Gregory Fenves, the current provost of UT-Austin.

Andrew Hamilton, vice chancellor of the University of Oxford in England and the leading candidate for the University of Texas at Austin presidency, will instead be the next president of New York University.  

UPDATED: The measure by Sen. Kel Seliger would require a recommendation from a university system's chancellor before regents can fire a university president. Regent Wallace Hall said in a letter that the bill is a "Trojan horse."

Bobby Blanchard reports.

Photo by Bob Daemmrich.

A bill that reins in the power of university regents was approved by a Texas Senate committee Wednesday morning. A similar piece of legislation was vetoed last session.
Gov. Greg Abbott has tapped former state Rep. Tryon Lewis, R-Odessa, to be the chairman of the Texas Transportation Commission. The five-member panel oversees the Texas Department of Transportation.
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The Senate's proposed changes to the state's breast and cervical cancer screening program — intended to cut funding for Planned Parenthood clinics — could hit low-income women in rural and West Texas hardest. Use our map to see how.

Alexa Ura and Becca Aaronson: http://trib.it/1x8HUzJ

State Rep. Stuart Spitzer is afraid the federal government can use medical records to identify gun owners. Over the objections of the medical community, he has filed a bill that would prohibit doctors from asking patients whether they own a firearm.

Edgar Walters has thestory: http://trib.it/1xc38gj

We've updated our Higher Ed Explorer, your go-to source for key statistics on how well Texas' 148 public and private colleges and universities perform. Use this easy-to-navigate interactive database to explore key academic, enrollment and cost records on all of Texas' institutions of higher learning.

Christopher Chang and Kathryn Beaty: http://www.texastribune.org/higher-ed/explore/

texastribune.org|By The Texas Tribune

A bill allowing the carrying of handguns on college and university campuses wasn't heard on the Senate floor on Tuesday because of a paperwork error. But it is expected to be heard today and will likely pass.

John Reynolds with The Brief for Wednesday, March 18, 2015 http://trib.it/1EpoELt

(Photo by Marjorie Kamys Cotera)

New in TribTalk: "Postulating on what a man or woman would do in another time, on another issue, is hazardous territory for anyone, let alone a historian. … But here goes."

Johnson’s keen sense of social justice tells me that if he were alive today, he’d view the gay marriage fight in much the same way he saw civil rights in the 1960s.
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If a school isn't adequately helping a special needs student, the state would cover the cost of transferring to another school under a bill heard Tuesday.

Eva Hershaw reports:

Under a bill before lawmakers Tuesday, the state would expand an existing program to pay if special needs students need to transfer out of schools that aren't serving their individual needs. 

More cases of over billing tollway users are being discovered, and the state Department of Transportation says it will be refunding another $1.7 million.

Aman Batheja reports:

Billing problems on state toll roads are bigger than the department of transportation previously announced, and customers who have been overcharged will be getting about $1.7 million back.    

The Senate Finance Committee voted Tuesday to send proposals cutting property taxes and business taxes to the full Senate, though some senators questioned whether the property tax cuts could be better spent in other ways.

Aman Batheja reports: http://trib.it/1GS6Jjc

(Photo by Bob Daemmrich)

Senator Kel Seliger, the Amarillo Republican who authored the bill, said it was "not designed to provide some kind of easy exit,” but to give some qualified high school seniors a way to graduate if state standardized exams are the only obstacle preventing it.

High school seniors who have failed their state exams may still have a shot at earning a diploma. A bill providing them a way around the requirement continues to advance in the Texas Legislature.

"It’s infuriating to know that so-called campus carry legislation could hurt cancer research funding," writes Catherine Nance, a stage 4 cancer patient. Read on in TribTalk.

Campus carry would bring guns into my workplace at the potential expense of finding a cure for a disease that is trying to kill me.

“If I’m a madman that wants to rack up a big body-bag count and beat the last guy’s body-bag count, I’m not going to go to an NRA convention or the dreaded gun show,” said former state Rep. Suzanna Gratia Hupp. “I’m going to go where the Legislature has said people can’t protect themselves.”

One day after the Texas Senate voted to loosen state handgun regulations, a House committee Tuesday considered proposals to allow the open carry of handguns with a license and the concealed carry of handguns on college campuses.

Plenty of lawmakers are siding with the oil industry in response to Denton's vote to ban fracking inside city limits. What's surprising this session is how few are weighing in for local control.

Jim Malewitz: http://trib.it/1O1aIPH

(Photo by Mark Graham)

Lawmakers riled up by higher education costs want to regain their control of setting tuition at state colleges and universities. But at most schools, tuition has gone up more slowly since the schools took over the job, a Tribune analysis shows.

Ryan McCrimmon and Bobby Blanchard report: http://trib.it/1GN9xy3

(Photo by Marjorie Kamys Cotera)

As former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush gears up for an expected presidential run, longtime friends and colleagues say the native Texan always had the aura of political potential hanging over him. From his backyard ballpark in Houston to his years with Texas Commerce Bank, Bush stood out for his abilities — and his relatability.

Ryan McCrimmon: http://trib.it/1Ftk1EA

In this week's edition of the Trib+Health newsletter: How healthy lifestyles lead to a healthier brain, a big milestone in Liberia's fight on Ebola and an interview with Belinda Reininger of the University of Texas School of Public Health Brownsville Regional Campus.


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texastribune.org|By The Texas Tribune
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Oil prices are falling again with worries growing anew that the price per barrel might dip below $40.

John Reynolds with The Brief for Tuesday, March 17, 2015: http://trib.it/1Es0DG4

"Gov. Greg Abbott made pre-K one of his top priorities, but some legislators aren’t treating it that way," state Rep. Eric Johnson writes in TribTalk.

Gov. Greg Abbott has made pre-kindergarten one of his top priorities for the legislative session, but some lawmakers aren’t treating it that way.

Morgan Smith reports on the lengthy floor debate leading up to Senate approval of open carry for handguns.

A bill lifting some of the state's restrictions on handguns may be among the first passed out of the Texas Senate this legislative session. 

"The main considerations are logistical," he said. "First of all, is it a site that can support the traveling circus that goes with the presidential debates?"

Patrick Svitek has more: http://trib.it/18TNdrc

Texas A&M University is finalizing its application to host a 2016 presidential or vice presidential debate. 

Longtime elected officials would no longer be able to use an obscure perk to boost their take home pay under a bill that sailed out of a House committee Monday. The proposed double-dipping ban now heads to the House floor.

Jay Root reports: http://trib.it/1FtenCa

Both Rick Perry and Ted Cruz are showing New Hampshire voters that they are willing to brave icy weather travel across the state to get their messages to voters. But the two likely Republican presidential candidates are taking different paths.

D.C. Bureau Chief Abby Livingston: http://trib.it/1CnSzc2

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Ever wonder just what it is that the House speaker does? The position carries enough clout that we often refer to the "big three" — the governor, lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house. In this video, Aman Batheja gavels in with an explanation.

Our Texas Legislative Guide is your go-to resource for the 2015 Session: http://txlege.texastribune.org/


The Texas Senate has started debating a bill that would lift some restrictions on handguns.

Morgan Smith reports.

A bill lifting some of the state's restrictions on handguns may be among the first passed out of the Texas Senate this legislative session. 