AARP Offers Tips on Medicare Fraud

Posted on 11/19/2012 by | AARP New Hampshire | Comments

Money & Work | New Hampshire AARP fraud fighters now offer presentations on the three Rs of Protecting Medicare:  Record, Recognize and Report.  Request a free presentation today. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimates that we – all those who have paid into the Medicare trust funds all our lives – are losing about $70 billion to criminal fraud each year.  Seventy billion dollars in a program that is facing a number of challenges in the coming years, including rising health care costs and …

New Hampshire Senior Leadership Announces Class of 2012

Posted on 11/16/2012 by | AARP New Hampshire | Comments

Advocacy | New Hampshire | Volunteering New Hampshire is aging and with an increasingly older population come many financial and societal challenges such as long-term care, caregiving, transportation, housing and health care.  Many of these issues will guide the state’s legislative agenda for years to come.  Building a state-wide corps of volunteers to advocate on these issues will be critical to the quality of life for all in New Hampshire.  And that is why the New Hampshire Senior Leadership series was founded.  After a statewide search, …

Beware of Area Code 876

Posted on 11/16/2012 by | AARP New Hampshire | Comments

Home & Family | Money & Work | New Hampshire | Volunteering Your phone rings and caller ID shows an 876 area code.  While it appears the call is coming from the US, be cautious with this Jamaican area code.  If you do not have friends, relatives, or business associates in Jamaica, there is probably a scammer on the other end of line.  “Anyone receiving an unexpected call from area code 876 should be on high alert,” said James Boffetti, New Hampshire senior assistant attorney general.  “There is a high likelihood that …

Need Help Selecting a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan?

Posted on 11/16/2012 by | AARP New Hampshire | Comments

Health & Wellbeing | Local Resources | New Hampshire Does just thinking about selecting the right Medicare prescription drug plan send you into a panic?  You’re probably not alone as over 100,000 Granite Staters wander through this process every year during Open Enrollment.  Medicare Open Enrollment – October 15 through December 7 – is the one time each year when ALL people with Medicare can see what new benefits Medicare has to offer and make changes to their coverage for Part C (Medicare Advantage health plans) and Part D …

Certner speaks out on Social Security

Posted on 11/15/2012 by | AARP New Hampshire | Comments

Advocacy | Money & Work | New Hampshire AARP Legislative Policy Director David Certner was in the Granite State in 2012 to deliver the keynote address, Financial Security and the Economy, at the New Hampshire Forum on the Future and offered the following on the importance of Social Security to New Hampshire families.  How critical is Social Security to the people of New Hampshire?  One AARP member in Nashua put it this way, “This is the only retirement for a large percentage of the population.  These people have been …

Social Security, Medicare, and Their Financial Implications

Posted on 11/13/2012 by | AARP New Hampshire | Comments

Advocacy | Health & Wellbeing | Home & Family | Money & Work | New Hampshire Granite Staters earn Social Security benefits through a lifetime of hard work.  But the program is facing long-term financial challenges as the overall population ages and contributions aren’t keeping up with longer life expectancies.  And while Medicare provides guaranteed affordable health care, the program’s challenges include rising health care costs and a growing number of people entering the program. “That is why the future of Social Security and Medicare were key battleground issues in the 2012 elections,” said AARP New …