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SpaceX has recently started a Flickr account and uploaded a number of amazing photos, which they’ve licensed freely for use by the public and the news media. (SpaceX, CC-BY-NC)

'SpaceX has recently started a Flickr account and uploaded a number of amazing photos, which they’ve licensed freely for use by the public and the news media. (SpaceX, CC-BY-NC)'

Stunning! Lost dream by Ivana Karina Figueroa (Explore on Flickr)

Stare directly at the solar eclipse images captured live on Flickr ‪#‎SolarEclipse‬ ‪#‎Eclipse‬ on Flickr Blog

Solar Eclipse, March 20th by nestnest

Solar Eclipse - March 20th, Darfield, by Barnsley Victor ‪#‎Eclipse‬

L'éclipse du soleil, c'est maintenant ! Prenez des photos (si le ciel n'est pas trop couvert chez vous) et partagez-les sur Flickr ! Image credit: NASA/JAXA ‪#‎Eclipse‬

Bonne journée Internationale du Bonheur ! Participez au défi ‪#‎FlickrFriday‬ sur le thème du bonheur. Nos photos préférées seront à l'affiche sur Flickr Blog dès vendredi prochain


Hello, Hola, Bonjour, Buongiorno, Bom dia, Guten morgen, 你好 Flickr! Happy Friday!!! (Photo/Explore by TC MORGAN - CC) Happy international ‪#‎Happiness‬ day! ‪#‎InternationalHappinessDay‬

3/20 is the International Day of Happiness, established by UN. We at Flickr, together with all other organizations, invite you to do anything to improve the well-being and happiness of human beings, including take your best photo for the theme ‪#‎Happiness‬ for our ‪#‎FlickrFriday‬, to celebrate the day.

We will feature our favorite photos from submissions you share in the Flickr Friday group pool in the Flickr Blog next week.


Photo CC by Martin Fisch.

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'3/20 is the International Day of Happiness, established by UN. We at Flickr, together with all other organizations, invite you to do anything to improve the well-being and happiness of human beings, including take your best photo for the theme #Happiness for our #FlickrFriday, to celebrate the day.

We will feature our favorite photos from submissions you share in the Flickr Friday group pool in the Flickr Blog next week.

Photo CC by Martin Fisch.'

"This universe is not outside of you" by Synthia Mazumder (Explore/Flickr)

Veja as melhores fotos do Flickr todas as vezes que abrir uma nova aba no Google Chrome com Flickr Tab!

Estamos lançando uma extensão de browser: a Flickr Tab usa um algoritmo que mostra as fotos mais legais do Flickr em suas abas do Chrome.

An amazing shot in Explore today! "Reach" by Jianwei Yang

Découvrez les plus belles photos de Flickr à chaque fois que vous ouvrez un nouvel onglet Google Chrome ! Chez Flickr, nous aimons les très belles photos et c'est pourquoi chaque jour, nous affichons les plus belles photos et les plus populaires sur Explore. Beaucoup d'entre nous, ouvrent chaque jour de nouveaux onglets dans les navigateurs.
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"Star of the Scene" by Annamari Kuvaja (Explore/Flickr)

Hello, Hola, Bonjour, Buongiorno, Bom dia, Guten morgen, 你好 Flickr! Happy Thursday! (Photo/Explore by Akimasa Harada - CC)

"Coughing Smile" by Siddharthan Raman (Explore/Flickr)

Um pai suíço mostra composições de cenários malucos — tudo desde montar um coelho pela neve até lutar contra um polvo na hora do banho.

Assista aqui:

John Wilhelm mostra composições de cenários malucos — tudo desde montar um coelho pela neve até lutar contra um polvo na hora do banho.

Get the best Flickr photos every time you open a new tab in Google Chrome with Flickr Tab!

'Get the best Flickr photos every time you open a new tab in Google Chrome with Flickr Tab!'

Take a look on our favorites of these great ‪#‎TwitterTuesday‬ photos on ‪#‎Phone‬, and share it to your friends.

"Piering Out" by decompreSEAN (Explore/Flickr)

"Challenging" The challenge of horses, by Abdull Jaafar (Explore/Flickr)

"Morning Chore" On the bank of Yamuna River, by Vichaya Chatikavanij (Explore/Flickr)

Hello, Hola, Bonjour, Buongiorno, Bom dia, Guten morgen, 你好 Flickr! Happy Wednesday! (Photo/Explore by Erin)

Waiting for you by Masa_N (Explore/Flickr)
The evening scene at the rocky terrain of Nagatoro, Saitama, Japan

Eles nos ajudam a fazer quase tudo, muito mais que só falar uns com os outros. A invenção do telefone mudou nossas vidas.

Procure pelos seus arquivos, escolha sua foto e twitte para @flickr, adicionando as hashtags ‪#‎TwitterTuesday‬ ‪#‎Phone‬. Vamos mostrar as melhores amanhã, no Flickr Blog.


Foto com licença CC-BY por Ricardo Mangual

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'Eles nos ajudam a fazer quase tudo, muito mais que só falar uns com os outros. A invenção do telefone mudou nossas vidas.

Procure pelos seus arquivos, escolha sua foto e twitte para @flickr, adicionando as hashtags #TwitterTuesday #Phone. Vamos mostrar as melhores amanhã, no Flickr Blog.

Foto com licença CC-BY por Ricardo Mangual'
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Glass eel fishing by Akira (Explore/Flickr)

Silver (Photo Explore/Flickr) Beautiful shot by Elido Turco!

‪#‎TwitterTuesday‬: Phone

It helps us to do almost everything, from talking to each other, and far more beyond. Thanks to the invention of phones, both modern and old.

Scan your archives or take a new one, make your choice, and tweet it to @Flickr, adding #TwitterTuesday ‪#‎Phone‬. We'll showcase the best ones on the Flickr Blog tomorrow.


Photo CC-BY from Ricardo Mangual

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'#TwitterTuesday: Phone

It helps us to do almost everything, from talking to each other, and far more beyond. Thanks to the invention of phones, both modern and old. 

Scan your archives or take a new one, make your choice, and tweet it to @Flickr, adding #TwitterTuesday #Phone. We'll showcase the best ones on the Flickr Blog tomorrow. 

Photo CC-BY from Ricardo Mangual'

Allo oui ?! Le thème de ce défi ‪#‎TwitterTuesday‬ est : Téléphone ‪#‎Phone‬. Partagez votre photo préférée de vos archives Flickr sur Twitter @Flickr, sans oublier les hashtags du jour

Nos photos favorites seront à l'affiche sur Flickr Blog dès demain. Bonne chance à tous !

Photo CC-BY par Ricardo Mangual

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Hello, Hola, Bonjour, Buongiorno, Bom dia, Guten morgen, 你好 Flickr! Happy Tuesday! (Photo/Explore by Nadege Gascon "Pause bronzage")

Un papa met en scène la vie fantastique de ses enfants à travers des photos hilarantes

John Wilhelm est un véritable père de famille. Ce photographe suisse n’aime rien tant que prendre des photos hilarantes et extrêmement originales de ces trois filles. "J’aime créer des images d’elles les mettant en scène de façon délirante et donner vie à leur propre imagination.

Hello, Hola, Bonjour, Buongiorno, Bom dia, Guten morgen, 你好 Flickr! Happy Monday! (Photo/Explore by Ben Torode)

Hello, Hola, Bonjour, Buongiorno, Bom dia, Guten morgen, 你好 Flickr! Happy Sunday! (Photo/Explore by Ben Torode)

Hello, Hola, Bonjour, Buongiorno, Bom dia, Guten morgen, 你好 Flickr! Enjoy the weekend! (Photo/Explore by VB31Photo)

Post photos of fences on Fridays. ‪#‎HFF‬! (© Dr. Cullen)

'Post photos of fences on Fridays. #HFF! (© Dr. Cullen)'

Before mp3, there was vinyl. Before the days of streaming and dvds, there was VHS, and so on. Let's remember the past and rewind our memory this Flickr Friday!

In this week's ‪#‎FlickrFriday‬ we invite you to take your best shot for this theme ‪#‎BeKindRewind‬. We will feature our favorite photos from submissions you share in the Flickr Friday group pool in the Flickr Blog next week.


Photo CC by Pete

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'Before mp3, there was vinyl. Before the days of streaming and dvds, there was VHS, and so on. Let's remember the past and rewind our memory this Flickr Friday!

In this week's #FlickrFriday we invite you to take your best shot for this theme #BeKindRewind. We will feature our favorite photos from submissions you share in the Flickr Friday group pool in the Flickr Blog next week.

Photo CC by Pete'

Dad brings kids’ fantasies to life in hilarious photos, everything from riding on the back of a rabbit through the snow to battling an octopus during bath time. WATCH:

'Dad brings kids’ fantasies to life in hilarious photos, everything from riding on the back of a rabbit through the snow to battling an octopus during bath time. WATCH:'

It's Friday! Hello, Hola, Bonjour, Buongiorno, Bom dia, Guten morgen, 你好 Flickr! (Photo/Explore by katalin_kerekes)