Digital Tools

How to Build a Better MOOC

How to Build a Better MOOC

Massive open online courses have not lived up to the hype. There are, however, 50-year-old techniques to improve the experience and reach those who need education the most.

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Teaching Strategies

A Third Grader’s Plea For More Game-Based Learning

A Third Grader’s Plea For More Game-Based Learning

One student speaks up about his experience of video games in the classroom.

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What Can Programmers and Writers Learn From One Another?

What Can Programmers and Writers Learn From One Another?

| November 11, 2014 | 0 Comments

Simple, elegant solutions work, no matter the discipline.

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How Digital Games Help Teachers Make Connections to Lessons and Students

How Digital Games Help Teachers Make Connections to Lessons and Students

| November 7, 2014 | 4 Comments

Teachers finding the most success are good at creatively connecting the game back to the curriculum, while allowing it to maintain the qualities of a good game.

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How One Teacher Changed for the Good of Her Students

How One Teacher Changed for the Good of Her Students

| November 6, 2014 | 6 Comments

Author and educator Pernille Ripp shares the steps she took to help her students regain a love of learning.

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Why Trust Is A Crucial Ingredient in Shaping Independent Learners

Why Trust Is A Crucial Ingredient in Shaping Independent Learners

| November 4, 2014 | 13 Comments

Without trust, students don’t have the space to build the skills they’ll need to learn on their own.

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The Benefits of Students Teaching Students Through Online Video

The Benefits of Students Teaching Students Through Online Video

| November 3, 2014 | 0 Comments

The best student video tutorial creators are sometimes made the kids who’ve struggled the most to understand.

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The Value of Connecting the Dots to Create “Real Learning”

The Value of Connecting the Dots to Create “Real Learning”

| October 31, 2014 | 11 Comments

A Philadelphia center puts making connections between concepts and experiences central to the creative process for student-driven learning.

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What MOOCs Are Teaching Universities About Active Learning

What MOOCs Are Teaching Universities About Active Learning

| October 30, 2014 | 5 Comments

There’s a lot of skepticism about whether or not MOOCs are “disrupting” higher education, but can they offer important learning opportunities for the institutions themselves?

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Students Tell All: What It’s Like to Be Trusted Partners in Learning

Students Tell All: What It’s Like to Be Trusted Partners in Learning

| October 29, 2014 | 2 Comments

High school students at Science Leadership Academy explain what they value in their education.

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The Thrill of Converting Math-Haters Into Appreciators Through Inquiry

The Thrill of Converting Math-Haters Into Appreciators Through Inquiry

| October 28, 2014 | 1 Comment

Teaching math as intellectual discipline and a creative endeavor could help a generation of students learn to love numbers.

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How Relearning Old Concepts Alongside New Ones Makes It All Stick

How Relearning Old Concepts Alongside New Ones Makes It All Stick

| October 28, 2014 | 3 Comments

Researchers say ‘drill and kill’ approach isn’t just boring — it also stunts student learning.

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