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Currently on Bay Area Bites, KQED's food blog
It’s Here: Vegan Cheese That Actually Tastes Good

bay area | Dec 05, 2014

It’s Here: Vegan Cheese That Actually Tastes Good

Posted by Alix Wall

Both vegans and non-vegans alike are pretty much in agreement that most vegan cheeses on the market are a poor substitute for the real thing. But two Bay Area companies, Kite Hill and Miyoko's Kitchen, are crafting artisanal plant-based cheeses that might indeed surprise even the most discerning cheese-lover.

It’s Brown, It’s Barrel-Aged, It’s ... Gin?

beverages | Dec 05, 2014

It’s Brown, It’s Barrel-Aged, It’s … Gin?

Posted by NPR Food

Barrel-aged gin resembles young whisky in color and flavor. It's quickly becoming the new darling of distillers and craft bartenders across the U.S.

Is The Food Babe A Fearmonger? Scientists Are Speaking Out

food bloggers and social media | Dec 04, 2014

Is The Food Babe A Fearmonger? Scientists Are Speaking Out

Posted by NPR Food

The food system is awash in chemicals and additives. One woman has made a career out of investigating them. But a cadre of critics says she's creating more confusion than clarity about food.

Black Creek Builders: Behind the Scenes of the East Bay Restaurant Boom

bay area | Dec 03, 2014

Black Creek Builders: Behind the Scenes of the East Bay Restaurant Boom

Posted by Kim Westerman

Long before the hosts, managers, bartenders and servers, who are the masterminds behind our favorite watering holes and dining spots? The builders, of course!

Our Ability To Digest Alcohol May Have Been Key To Our Survival

beer | Dec 03, 2014

Our Ability To Digest Alcohol May Have Been Key To Our Survival

Posted by NPR Food

Our primate ancestors were consuming alcohol 10 million years ago in the form of fermented fruit, researchers have discovered. The finding suggests our relationship with alcohol is ancient.

Feeling Like A Holiday Glutton? It May Be Time To Try A Fast

health and nutrition | Dec 01, 2014

Feeling Like A Holiday Glutton? It May Be Time To Try A Fast

Posted by NPR Food

Restricting your calories for short periods of time may be one way to counter seasonal overeating. A few studies make a cautious but encouraging case for the health benefits of regular "mini-fasts."

U.N. Agency Suspends Food Aid For 1.7 Million Syrian Refugees

food banks, hunger, volunteer | Dec 01, 2014

U.N. Agency Suspends Food Aid For 1.7 Million Syrian Refugees

Posted by NPR Food

The World Food Program says it needs $64 million immediately to continue a voucher program that allows refugees in countries bordering Syria to buy food in local shops.

Matcha: Silky and Smooth, It’s Not Just for Tea Ceremonies Anymore

asian food and drink | Nov 28, 2014

Matcha: Silky and Smooth, It’s Not Just for Tea Ceremonies Anymore

Posted by Anneli Rufus

A Japanese tea-ceremony staple for centuries, antioxiant- and umami-rich matcha is spurring a new wave of geekdom.

Homemade Cultured Compound Butter is a Festive Addition to the Thanksgiving Table

Bay Area Bites Food + Drink | Nov 24, 2014

Homemade Cultured Compound Butter is a Festive Addition to the Thanksgiving Table

Posted by Kate Williams

Homemade butter is shockingly easy to make, but the uncultured spread is only as good as the cream you're using. By culturing the cream before churning, you can add enormous depth of flavor to even the least fancy bottles of cream. Kate Williams will show you how.

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