Shawn Latta/Flickr

The California Report

Condom Machines in S.F. Jails Could Serve as Model for State

While sex between inmates is illegal, supporters say making condoms available in prison will help prevent the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

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Program Highlights

The California ReportThe California Report

Will This Week's Rain Put a Dent in the Drought?

This week's storms have dumped lots and lots of rain on California -- even causing floods and mudslides in some places. Everyone agrees the rain is good given the drought -- but how good? How big a dent does it put in our water shortage? We talk with meteorologist Jan Null.

Also from The California Report:


Garner Decision Prompts Calls for Police Retraining, Accountability

Garner Decision Prompts Calls for Police Retraining, Accountability

Civil rights leaders are calling for a march on Washington in the wake of grand juries declining to indict police officers in the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. As protests continue in the Bay Area, we'll hear a variety of perspectives on the Garner decision and the ongoing tension over police use of force. We'll also discuss efforts to improve police departments' training and relationships with minority communities.


Grand Jury Decisions Spur Unrest and Calls for Reform

Within a week of each other, grand juries in Ferguson and New York decided not to indict white police officers in the deaths of unarmed African-American males, spurring nationwide protests. Civil rights leaders and community organizers from the Bay Area and beyond are calling for reform in the justice system and plan to march on Washington, D.C., next Saturday.


Daily commentary from KQED listeners

The Wood Burner's Lament

Tim Tosta loves a good fire in the hearth on a wintry day, but times have changed and he's changing with it.

Explaining Depression to My Family

Like many young people, Youth Radio's Amber Cavarlez struggles with depression. And her family's denial isn't helping.

Clyde Wadsworth

Rejecting Marriage Equality

With same-sex marriage now legal in most of the country, Clyde Wadsworth says Supreme Court rejection of marriage equality would be truly radical.
