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Privacy Policy

Refinery29 takes privacy extremely seriously. This Privacy Policy describes how we treat and use the information we collect when you use or sign-up for our newsletters.

Personal Information

In order to supply you with Refinery29’s daily emails, we need your email address. Refinery29 doesn't collect any information except that expressly provided by you. We will not disclose your personal information to any third party without your consent, except as required to provide you with Refinery29 material. Refinery29 will never sell, rent, or share your personal information, including your email to any third parties for marketing purposes without your explicit consent.

Other Information

Refinery29 may also request additional information such as age, buying preferences, annual income, or other demographic or profile information. We use this information to better tailor our content and improve the experience on our site. We may also share this information with third parties, such as advertisers, but only in aggregate, anonymous form. No third party will receive information from us that personally identifies you or anyone else in any way.

Usage Information

In addition to collecting other personal and non-personal information, Refinery29 may gather other information on how our site is used. This information is not personally identifiable and will be used to determine how our website is being used. Examples of such information is: How much time do users spend on our site? What pages do they view? What sites did they come from? What sites do they go to? All of this information is collected to help us create a better, faster, more efficient website and provide you with better content.

Review and Access

Upon request, Refinery29 will provide you with a summary of the information we've collected about you, and the opportunity to correct, update or modify this information.

How to Opt Out

You can unsubscribe from receiving Refinery29 emails at any time. You can unsubscribe by clicking on the "Unsubscribe" link in the footer of any Refinery29 email and following the instructions.

Third-Party Advertising

The ads appearing on this Web site are delivered to you by Adjuggler, our Web advertising partner. View Adjuggler's privacy policy at . Occasionally, you'll get an email marked "Dedicated Email" in the subject line and in the email header. These emails are not necessarily reflective of the opinions of our editorial staff. They are content paid for by our sponsors (allies), and allow us to provide you with the FREE content you love.


Like most other websites in the universe, Refinery29 might place or recognize cookies, small text files, on your browser in order to help us retrieve information vital to providing the best possible service. Our cookies allow us to recognize you and simplify your user experience. Refinery29 will never use cookies to obtain any information from your computer not related to our site. We are also collecting information on your behavior and activity on Refinery29: to help make improvements to our site, to deliver display advertisements for you on Google Adwords and to provide reporting to third parties on an aggregated (non-identifiable) manner, including with respect to Google Analytics. To opt-out of participating in Google Analytics data follow the instructions:

Third Party Cookies

In the course of serving advertisements to this site, our third-party advertiser may place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser, which may be used to deliver ads to you on our site or other sites.

Links to Other Sites

As a curator of the best possible information, Refinery29 often links out to other sites. We are not responsible for any content that appears on these sites, nor do we endorse them. For questions about these sites, please consult their individual privacy policies.


All of the information described above is recorded restricted database servers.


Refinery29 may make changes to this policy at any point. If and when we do, we'll be sure to inform you here so be sure to check back often if you are interested.

Contact Us

If you have questions about this policy, or about the site, please contact us or you could also review our About page.