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Re: Kindle e-Book version Problem 7 minutes ago in Book Interior File Formatting by dailypress
Re: Good style 11 minutes ago in Formatting by stivmac
Kindle? 19 minutes ago in Online Marketing by Financier1000
Re: Post Your Preview Here, and I Will Review It 21 minutes ago in Share Your Work by stivmac
Re: FREE BOOK !!!!! Mystery Messager! 25 minutes ago in CreateSpace Central by NayaS
redcat photobook 1 2 3 4 and 5 29 minutes ago in Introduce Yourself by RedBonesJC
Re: Interior Reviewer....correcting images to 300 dpi....question 40 minutes ago in CreateSpace Central by kingdomlady
Re: Looking for people to review my novel in return for reviews.... 40 minutes ago in Marketing by Garbel
Re: Distribution questions 59 minutes ago in Distribution by Financier1000
Re: Welcome to the Cover File Formatting Discussion 1 hour ago in Book Cover File Formatting by EAAVollan
Re: Rising Above To Embrace My Soul 1 hour ago in Share Your Work by Terravita
Re: Can createspace books be printed in the UK? 1 hour ago in CreateSpace Central by Lighthouse24
Re: Book Cover Critique, Please 1 hour ago in Book Cover File Formatting by Vulcan
Re: Page numbers and Table of Contents 1 hour ago in Book Interior File Formatting by Lighthouse24
Have A Merry Scary Christmas. 1 hour ago in JeanNicoleRivers's Blog by JeanNicoleRivers
Re: I want to change the title of my published book... 1 hour ago in Create by Lighthouse24
Re: Bleed question for submission 2 hours ago in Create by Financier1000
Re: Goggle + book 2 hours ago in Marketing by Seal
Re: Lightness of Print 2 hours ago in Book Interior File Formatting by Lighthouse24
SOME CHRISTMAS OBSERVATIONS 2 hours ago in Randy Mixter's Blog by Northwooder
Re: Formatting page numbers for even/odd page option 3 hours ago in Book Interior File Formatting by MantleRock
Re: Writers - post your blogs/websites here :) 3 hours ago in Online Marketing by zgrosewc
New Children's Beginning Chapter Books 3 hours ago in Tara M. Fischer by 1KidsBooksAuthor
Weekly Book Promotion Tips #2: December 9, 2012 3 hours ago in Online Marketing by MaryWWalters
A Brick & Mortar Holiday 4 hours ago in Resources by CreateSpaceBlogger CreateSpaceBlogger

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