The CW Renews Arrow, Supernatural, The 100, Reign, Jane and 3 Others

TVLine Thankful For

The CW was in a very generous mood as it held court Sunday at the Television Critics Association winter press tour, announcing renewals for eight of its current dramas.

The series being ordered for the 2015-16 TV season include Arrow (which will enter Season 4), Jane the Virgin (Season 2), Reign (Season 3), Supernatural (Season 11), The 100 (Season 3), The Flash (Season 2), The Originals (Season 3), and The Vampire Diaries (Season 7).

Which of these eight (!), early renewals has you cheering most loudly?

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  1. MDS says:

    Wow!! So excited for The 100! :D

  2. StephonJS says:

    All my shows renewed!

  3. jerrired says:

    That’s basically all their shows…do they even really have room for anything else? Now I’m worried for iZombie.

    • StephonJS says:

      The 100 season ends a week b4 IZombie Premieres.

      • jerrired says:

        I know but I meant for the future. They don’t have much room for new shows, so somethings will have to be cut which doesn’t give iZombie a good chance of renewal, unless they implement a system like ABC, which wouldn’t be a bad step.

    • Katie T says:

      I think they seem to want Izombie to make it given the slot it’s been given behind The Flash. It could easily do exactly the same as this year and switch out mid season with the 100. At least one slot will free up with Heart of Dixie clearly ending now. And they could also turn something like Reign into a half season show like BATB. Also it looks like The Messengers will be a one season site given it’s scheduling. So they would theoretically have 3 or 4 spaces to fill still

      • jerrired says:

        hmm, I guess if what you’re theorizing comes true, I guess it could work. And I’m sure they do want iZombie to work. It’s most likely to bring in the Veronica Mars fanbase which will bring in more buzz for the network.

      • brandydanforth81 says:

        Pedowitz said this may not be the last season for Dixie today though

  4. Tran says:

    I thought it was going to be “bad news” for The 100 but change of heart it got renewed.

  5. A says:

    Yes for more Arrow, Flash, Jane, and the 100!!! Glad the CW has such quality shows now. It had been a long time since I had watched the CW regularly, since Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars.

  6. Naomi Maggiora says:

    Hooray for season 11 for SUPERNATURAL. Why the Emmy commitee has ignored this show for so long amazes me

    • Drew says:

      Supernatural I’d a relatively low budget series on a small network. They can’t afford to buy any major awards. It would be nice if awards were based on talent, but the reality is that it is all about marketing and industry politics. Supernatural’s submission discs are probably never even opened by most of the people voting.

      • Dawn says:

        Naomi I’m with you. They’ve ignored SUPERNATURAL, for 10 years!!! Its been my favorite!! Thank you SEASON 11!!!Drew your right too!!! All about the $!! Those guys are talented.

        • Samia Mazahir says:

          I totally agree Naomi, Drew and Dawn. Supernatural has pulled off 10 seasons never letting down its viewers and fans. They’re amazing actors, directors, producers. In fact it is amongst the few shows that is strong in all departments. Yet Emmy hasn’t considered it even once. Goes to show how little talent is valued in this world :(

          • Amanda says:

            I agree! Those actors make us care about the characters, and it doesn’t hurt that they are easy on the eyes, and getting better with age. Love that Crowley!

    • Carrie says:

      Well, they pretty much ignored “Buffy” for 7 years and it’s considered one of the best TV series of all time. It’s silly, really. Maybe now that this genre is more widely accepted, they’ll finally start to take notice. There have been so many excellent sci-fi shows, like “Fringe,” that have never gotten the attention and respect they deserved. As popular as “The Walking Dead” is, it still never gets nominated for anything. Maybe if the show were on HBO instead of AMC…

    • Dawn says:

      Naomi I’m with you. They’ve ignored SUPERNATURAL, for 10 years!!! Its been my favorite!! Thank you SEASON 11!!!

    • Kat BV says:

      I heard 10 was the last season. What network do u guys get it on? Love the Winchester Boys. Kat from SW Mo

  7. R says:

    Holy moly, this was unexpected. I’m so happy for everyone though!

  8. Ken Brown says:

    So what happen to Beasty and the Beast

  9. StephonJS says:

    YAY! Arrow, The Flash, The Vampire Dairies, The Originals, Supernatural, and The 100 YAY!

  10. stefan says:

    Please bring Smallville back!!!!!

  11. Liza says:

    Wonderful news about Reign! I love that show! Wondering how long they will keep Francis alive though. Historically speaking, he wasn’t alive long as King.

    • anon123 says:

      He was also a kid, so I think he’ll be alive for long. But I don’t really care for Mary and Francis, I’m more interested in the other characters.

      • Mary Ann says:

        He died when he was 16. That, to me, is a kid. Unless you meant to say you DON’T think he’ll be alive for long. ;)

        • Jordan says:

          At the San Diego Comic Con the writer of Reign said that the show went by very fast just to get Francis as king, but now they’ll slow it down. If the show continues to be renewed, they should keep him around till about season 5.

    • ninergrl6 says:

      Great point, but at least with the early renewal the show runners can have more flexibility with the pacing. At most Francis HAS to die by the end of season 3. He wasn’t even king for 2 years. There’s only so long they can drag it out. I’m REALLY interested to see Mary’s life post-Francis, but I don’t how quickly the show is willing to go there since that would mean a change of location (Mary went back to Scotland) and losing major characters (Catherine & likely Bash in addition to Francis).

  12. xomareen says:

    Phew, I was really worried about Reign there, so I am super pumped it got renewed!

  13. Linda says:


  14. I’m so happy for The 100! This literally made my day! Thank you so much, this show is brilliant and only getting better and better, it certainly deserved a 3rd season <3

  15. Et al says:

    Wow. Just wow.

  16. Viv says:

    I love you, CW! A late christmas present. :)

  17. Eli Edwards says:

    A couple things to note:

    1. Heart of Dixie, iZombie, and The Messengers are in bad shape at this point.
    2. The CW might be cutting back on their non-scripted series.
    3. BatB will still get renewed thanks to the syndication gods.

    • shmm says:

      Heart of Dixie is in it’s last season. It got a short season just to round things up, but it’s over, sadly.

    • Guest(Real name won't be revealed until i say so) says:

      @Eli Edwards And you happen to be wrong about note #3. BATB does not start until May/June and it only has 13 episodes plus the 44 episodes they already did and that equals 57 so no the syndication gods will not get it renewed.

    • How can you say The Messenger and iZombie are in bad shape when they haven’t even aired yet??? They have no idea how well they’ll do or not.

      • brandydanforth81 says:

        Because so many shows are already renewed leaving little room for more renewals and a few new shows.Plus,CW hasn’t had much luck with Midseason shows doing better than ok or poor and Messengers got a “death” timeslot

        • falafel says:

          I think The Messengers is born dead, but iZombie is getting the best possible slot. They are counting on renewing that one.

  18. Dean says:

    Hope this isnt’t a false alarm like last time.

  19. Missy Kelly says:

    Eating up every episode of Hart of Dixie because this is the last!!!!

  20. Et al says:

    It just occurred to me – is this a hint they’re going to end the network when the affiliate contracts are up in 2016? Have they just decided to start padding everything for syndication money?

    • Katie T says:

      I don’t think it means anything like that for sure given The 100 and JTV wouldn’t get much more money given how far they’re off the numbers preferred for syndication. By all accounts from what I’ve read just today then the talks about the network staying around won’t be starting til later this year so they probably don’t have much of a clue. Though I’d say the success of shows like Arrow and Flash and the emmy noms of JTV probably increase it’s chance of staying on air

      • Patrick says:

        JTV didn’t get an emmy nod. It got a Golden Globe nod, and the GG are the worst awards. They are given out by the third most corrupt body of decision makers on the planet (behind FIFA and the Olympic committee). It is a small group of “Foreign Press Correspondents” and is a group that doesn’t include the more prestigious and legitimate foreign media outlets. They awards are for sale to the highest bidder, and the noms probably are too.
        JTV won’t get an Emmy nod. Maybe one for acting. I mean, Andy Samburg won last year. So, yeah, they are for sale.

  21. The 100 and Jane the Virgin………….both top quality shows, very happy! Little bit disappointed that TVD has been renewed, I love the show but its gota be nearing its end soon, kinda hoping they will announce next season is the send off season – this is probably very unpopular but its my opinion

    • shmm says:

      I so agree with you. I think both TVD and Supernatural have run their courses. It just ends up being a lot of repetition. Let it end while it’s still on top, and not slowly wither away. Also, ending TVD would free the actors up for some good stuff in the future.

      • jerrired says:

        Agree. TVD has definitely run it’s course. I think it would be better for the writers and actors if the show ended already. And if some of them really want to continue working in the TVD realm, I’m sure they can be placed on The Originals. At least then, there is a chance their characters can be reinvented and get better storylines.

        • kay says:

          I think TVD has gotten a lot better I love spn, but new seasons aren’t as good as the old ones but its a classic. I’m glad the actors still have jobs. Its better then getting 50 new shows and only having one stick

    • Ray says:

      ITA. The Vampire Diaries has been awful from season 3 onward. Creatively, it should have met its end years ago. I’m just glad I quit watching when I realized things were never going to get better.

    • Guest says:

      Long Live The Vampire Diaries! Its an amazing series and I’m glad the network sees that and keeps giving loyal fans more of it.

  22. Anthony says:

    The 100 for sure!!!

  23. Jess says:

    The 100!!!!! I’m so happy!!

  24. ninamags says:

    Have the J’s even signed up for season 11? Or were they committed previously already?

    • Katie T says:

      They’ve both said they’re happy to do the show as long as the network wants it so I don’t think it’s even a problem if they aren’t signed on for s11 yet because it will happen

      • ninamags says:

        Sure, it will happen. Hopefully the J’s ask for certain things to be included in their contracts before they do sign. They can take the network to the cleaners. Executive Producers sounds good.

    • Tracy says:

      I was just wondering the same thing. This is my favorite show, by far. Has been for ten years, but I really thought this was it for them. Glad to hear it’s been renewed.

      • Dawn says:

        Cancel, Tracy, Ninamags, Yes the J ‘s said yes they would. SUPERNATURAL has been my favorite for 10 years.Have you noticed though this season has a different feel.Eric Kripke I understand is gone right? It seems like they lost that “REAL FEEL” they had to them. Do you notice that too?

        • ninamags says:

          Dawn, it is a very different show now compared to when Eric was running it. He’s still listed as consultant, I believe, but that’s all. I would LOVE to see him return to close off the series. But, yeah, the storylines sometimes are weird.

  25. kate says:

    I am happy with most but am almost proud of the renewal of the 100. I need to figure out how to sell some more people on the show.

    • Now that The 100 has been renewed for S3 maybe more new viewers won’t be afraid to ‘catch up’ with S2 on Netflix in the Fall or Hulu currently streaming S2 or buy the first 8 S2 episodes from iTunes or Amazon.

  26. iZombie’s and The Messengers’ chance at a renewal have dwindled by 50% now.

  27. idonia says:

    how about beauty and the beast ?

  28. James says:

    The 100 obviously!!!

  29. amy says:

    Though I watch several of these shows, I’m most excited about the Arrow renewal!

  30. The 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It really is the best CW (and I love Arrow/Flash) show right now.

  31. Eric says:

    Now that Supernatural has a season 11 pickup, therefore surpassing Smallville’s 10 seasons, is it the network’s longest-running series?

  32. Jane and The 100!! My two favorite shows!!

  33. Thrilled for all of them, though admittedly I do not watch Reign.
    I binge-watched Episodes 1-9 of Jane the Virgin yesterday, and it is an unexpected delight.

  34. Jacqi says:

    Omg!!! A show that i got into actually survived to season 2. What is this madness? Lol. Love Jane the Virgin!

  35. I’m surprised Supernatural is getting an eleventh season.

  36. dkwilley says:

    Jane the Virgin – a surprisingly good show :) but also love almost all of them!

  37. Dani says:

    I was so pessimistic about Reign (due to its ratings) but wow, I’m so happy! They can’t finish the show at least until Mary meets Elizabeth and returns to Scotland. Jane is renewed too!

  38. Briana says:

    So, so happy about Supernatural coming back for Season 11! Hooray!!

  39. sarahjay55 says:

    Doing a Supernatural happy dance!

  40. dude says:

    JANE THE VIRGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOOYAAA

  41. Foshi says:


  42. Ray says:

    2015-2016 may very well be The CW’s last season if Tribune Media opts not to renew their contract in 2016.

    • brandydanforth81 says:

      I doypubt it will be -CBzs says Caw is profitable thanks to syndication,Netflux & Zulu deals.Peter Ligouri-head of Tribune-is supportive of Jane the Virgin and CW just got its first Gzg nom

  43. Kayla says:

    So excited/relieved about Reign. I need it for guilty pleasure time. Had no doubts about Flash/Arrow/Originals/Vampire Diaries getting renewed and holy crap I watch a lot of CW.

  44. caz says:

    supernatural all the way!!!!

  45. ninergrl6 says:

    Reign! I was so worried it wouldn’t be back but now I’m so happy!!!!! (I’m happy about the other shows too)

  46. B says:

    The 100!! So excited to see it renewed!!!

  47. tub52399 says:

    The 100! The 100! The 100! This is my new favorite show and it gets better and better each week. I am so thrilled that it was renewed!

  48. Boiler says:

    Guess not good for HoD although viewers are similar to some of these others. Sort of stinks as would be good match for Jane

  49. Glenn says:

    The 100. The other two CW shows I watch(Arrow, Flash) both seemed like sure-things.