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Safety of Assisted Reproductive Technology in the United States, 2000-2011. Kawwass et al.

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Business Week
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Denver Post

Estimated Life Expectancy in a Scottish Cohort With Type 1 Diabetes, 2008-2010. Livingstone Et Al.

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BBC News
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Philadelphia Inquirer

Association Between Bariatric Surgery and Long-term Survival. Arterburn et al.

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Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in a Rural County

This population epidemiology study reports an association between sustained, community-wide programs targeting coronary risk factors and reductions in cardiovascular hospitalization and mortality in a low-income, rural Maine community.

Editorial: Improving Cardiovascular Health in a Rural Population

Featured article
Association Between Asthma and Risk of Developing OSA

This cohort study examined associations between asthma and incident obstructive sleep apnea.

Featured article
Breast Cancer Stage at Diagnosis and Survival

This population epidemiology study used the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database to characterize stage at breast cancer diagnosis by race and ethnicity, and differences in detection vs biology that could account for differences in outcomes.

Editorial: Race, Ethnicity, and Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Author Video Interview  |  JAMA Report Video


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Physician Self-referral

This Viewpoint discusses physician self-referral in the context of a recent General Accounting Office report documenting trends in the practice and concluding it drives growth in Medicare spending.

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Wearable Devices and Health Behavior Change

This Viewpoint discusses ways wearable devices can be optimized to motivate healthy behaviors.

Featured article
Screening Athletes for Heart Disease

This Viewpoint compares the benefits of cardiovascular screening vs other public health interventions to reduce mortality in young physically active people.

Featured article
FDA Viewpoints

These Viewpoints present arguments for and against FDA regulation of laboratory-developed diagnostic tests.

FDA Regulation of Laboratory-Developed Diagnostic Tests  FREE  ONLINE FIRST

Regulation of Genetic Testing  FREE  ONLINE FIRST

Clinical Review & Education

Featured article
Screening for Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Stenosis

This JAMA Clinical Guidelines Synopsis article evaluates the most recent US Preventive Services Task Force guideline on screening for carotid artery stenosis in asymptomatic adults.

Explore more articles:  Current Issue | Online First

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Author Interview

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Interview with Steven A. Narod, MD, FRCPC, author of Differences in Breast Cancer Stage at Diagnosis and Cancer-Specific Survival by Race and Ethnicity in the United States


Differences in Breast Cancer Stage at Diagnosis and Cancer-Specific Survival by Race and Ethnicity in the United States

All Author Interviews >

Article Video

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Video Summary: Medical Applications of 3D Printing Technologies (3:53)

Mark H. Michalski, MD, explains 3D printing and describes the application of this technology in clinical medicine, education, and patient communication.

All Article Videos >

JAMA Editor's Audio Summary

January 13, 2015

New JAMA series: Scientific Discovery and the Future of Medicine, CVD prevention and outcomes in a rural setting, asthma and OSA, and more.

Author Readings
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Reading by Robert Langer, author of Nanotechnology



Latest Quiz

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Lactate in Sepsis

A 67-year-old man with a medical history of coronary artery disease, hypertension, and cirrhosis presented to the emergency department reporting 5 days of cough, fever, anorexia, and malaise.

How would you interpret the test results?

From The JAMA Network

Rates of Psychiatrists' Participation in Health Insurance Networks

JAMA Patient Page
Testing for Carotid Stenosis

For your patients: Testing for Carotid Stenosis.

Past JAMA Patient Pages are available in English and Spanish.

A Piece of My Mind

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JAMA Medical Student Elective in Medical Editing

JAMA offers a 4-week elective in medical editing to third- and fourth-year US medical students. The elective is full-time and must be taken for academic credit. For information and an application, please e-mail jamams@jamanetwork.org.

Video Translations

International translations of Author Video Interviews

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Author Reading

Robert Langer, ScD, reads his Viewpoint, Nanotechnology

Image of Dr Langer


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Medical News

ASCO Calls for Medicaid Reform to Improve Cancer Care for Beneficiaries

Visualizing Health Policy

Medicare Spending

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