Anna Kendrick Reveals She Isn’t Embarrassed About That Ryan Gosling Masturbation Tweet

The actress told Nylon magazine: “I don’t give a f*ck. Twitter is only 140 characters.”

1. Anna Kendrick is the queen of Twitter. Scroll down her timeline and you’ll feel like you’re seeing the inner musings of the BFF you never had:

2. Her hilariously unfiltered tweets prove she’s really the only person you need to follow on Twitter.

3. Which leads us to this magnificent tweet from 2013 that basically spoke for us all:

Brownstone Productions

Now, two years and 36,000 retweets later, Kendrick has admitted to Nylon magazine that her candid tweet might make it a little awkward if she ever bumps into Gosling, but she doesn’t regret posting it:

Thank God I’ve never been in a room with him! I don’t feel embarrassed, though. I’m sure he has a sense of humour. But I’d probably feel like I’d have to address [the tweet], and I’d end up saying something to make it much, much worse.

Luckily for us there’s no sign of her censoring herself. Nylon’s February cover star went on to tell the magazine: “I don’t give a f*ck. Twitter is only 140 characters. There’s really not that much that I could reveal, then regret later.”

Thank god for that, because without Anna Kendrick, Twitter just wouldn’t be the same.


Every time I talk to a fancy journalist and they ask what I do in my free time my scumbag brain goes "say masturbate, it'll be hilarious"

— AnnaKendrick47 (@Anna Kendrick)

9. The full interview can be read in Nylon magazine, out now.

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