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Open Letter to the French President

by A Palestinian Journalist in Ramallah  •  January 14, 2015 at 5:00 am

Your Excellency, many Palestinians nearly fell off their chairs upon seeing their president march at the front row of a rally in your capital to protest against terrorism and assaults on freedom of the media.

Undoubtedly, you are unaware of the fact that President Abbas is personally responsible for punishing Palestinian journalists who dare to criticize him or express their views in public. Every day we see that the Western media, including French newspapers and magazines, does not care about such violations unless they are committed by Israel.

Your Excellency, you are completely mistaken if you believe that Abbas and his Palestinian Authority are tolerant toward satire or any form of criticism. While he was attending the rally, a human rights group published a report accusing the Palestinian Authority of "waging war" against university students in the West Bank.

President Abbas has managed once again to deceive you and the rest of the international community. He now has managed to create the false impression that he cares about freedom of speech and independent journalism

Palestinians like me will now pay a heaver price because Abbas has been emboldened and will now step up his assaults. France will be helping to establish another corrupt and repressive Arab dictatorship -- one that glorifies and rewards terrorists no different from those who carried out the Paris attacks.

I hope now your Excellency understands why I am too scared to reveal my identity.

World leaders link arms at the Paris anti-terror rally on January 11, 2014. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas stands at the far right of the front row. (Image source: RT video screenshot)

His Excellency, François Hollande

Dear Mr. President,

First, I wish to express my deep condolences over the killing of innocent citizens in the recent terror attacks in Paris.

Second, I want to apologize to Your Excellency for not revealing my true identity. After you read my letter, you will realize why people like me are afraid to reveal their real identity.

I decided to write to you this letter after hearing my president, Mahmoud Abbas, declare that you had invited him to attend the anti-terror rally in Paris earlier this week.

Like many Palestinians, I see President Abbas's participation in a rally against terrorism and assaults on freedom of speech as an act of hypocrisy -- a condition that is not alien to Palestinian Authority leaders.

In fact, many Palestinians nearly fell off their chairs upon seeing their president march in the front row of a rally in your capital, in protest against terrorism and assaults on freedom of the media.

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Germany Bracing for Islamic Terror
Paris "Just the First Shot"

by Soeren Kern  •  January 13, 2015 at 5:00 am

German police have evidence "that key European cities could be attacked at any time." — Der Spiegel.

"This is a serious situation." — German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere.

"You will pay the price as you walk on your streets, turning right and left, fearing the Muslims. We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women, by the permission of Allah." — Jihadist video threatening Italy.

"The Islamists... showed France that they are incapable of democracy and rather look to violence and death as an answer! Our politicians want us to believe the opposite. Must such a tragedy happen here in Germany first???" — Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West [PEGIDA].

Firefighters work at the offices of the Hamburger Morgenpost newspaper in Hamburg, Germany, which was attacked by arsonists on January 11. (Image source: Tagesschau video screenshot)

The offices of a German newspaper that republished satirical cartoons from Charlie Hebdo, a French magazine known for lampooning Islam, have been hit by arsonists.

No one was hurt in the attack on the Hamburger Morgenpost, which occurred in the early morning hours of January 11 and caused only minor damage.

Although police arrested two individuals in connection with the incident, their identities have not yet been released to the public. But German police said they are "working under the assumption" that the attack was connected to the decision by the paper, also known as MOPO, to republish cartoons spoofing Mohammed on its front page on January 8, as an act of solidarity with the attack on the journalists of Charlie Hebdo.

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How Turkey Fights Extremism: "Do Not Keep Pet Dogs at Home!"

by Burak Bekdil  •  January 13, 2015 at 4:00 am

This is Turkey's fight against radical, Islamist terror, which it claims does not exist.

The Religious Affairs Directorate [Diyanet] enjoys a huge budget to eradicate misunderstandings and false knowledge about Islam. It recently issued a fatwa that urges Muslims who have tattoos to repent if they are unable to erase them.

Turkish MP Ali Sahin (left) claims the attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris was "staged like a movie scene." Turkey's top Muslim cleric, Professor Mehmet Gormez (right), thinks someone else carried out the Paris attacks and put the blame on Muslims.

Turkey cannot be serious about fighting Islamist extremism. In the first place, Turkey's leader, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, does not believe "Islamic terror" exists.

More recently, Erdogan even fabricated an acronym for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant [ISIL]: "Deas." He simply took the terror organization's Arabic acronym, Daesh, took out the word "Islamic" from, it and created "Deas." Last week, the Turkish military HQ and Foreign Ministry started to refer to ISIL as "Deas" on their web pages.

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Gatestone in Sunday's New York Times: "Beautifying Islam"

January 12, 2015 at 2:30 pm

Brandeis University: Both Pro-Israel and Pro Free Speech

by Alan M. Dershowitz  •  January 12, 2015 at 10:15 am

Brandeis University, like many other academic institutions, is experiencing a wave of vicious, irrational and extremist hatred of Israel, the nation state of the Jewish people, and Zionism, which is the national liberation movement of the Jewish people. On many campuses, anti-Israel zealots among the faculty often misuse the classroom to promote bigotry, hate speech and extremism. Much of their venom is directed not only against Israel, but also against Western democratic values, and especially the United States. These hateful attitudes often influence young students who identify with popular radical professors. Sometimes the students come to the university with these views already formed.

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Paris Terror Attacks: Hamas, Fatah Fooling Europe

by Bassam Tawil  •  January 12, 2015 at 5:00 am

Hamas should be the last to denounce assaults on journalists and free speech. Its security forces in the Gaza Strip continue to arrest and intimidate Palestinian journalists on a regular basis. Just hours before the Hamas statement, a Hamas-affiliated website, Al-Resalah, tweeted a photo of the three slain French terrorists and described them as "martyrs."

Hamas's condemnation of terrorism -- which apparently fooled many good people who sincerely hoped that maybe "this time" Hamas was actually reforming -- should be seen only as efforts to appease the EU and persuade its governments that they were right to remove Hamas from the terrorist list.

In French, Hamas said "it condemns the attack... and insists that differences of opinion and thought cannot justify murder." Hamas, however, was extremely careful not to condemn the terror attack on the Jewish supermarket in Paris -- because Hamas believes that attacks against Jews are legitimate. Condemning the killing of Jews would have meant that Hamas would also have to denounce its own terror attacks against Jews.

In case you are thinking that abuses apply only to Hamas, Fatah posted a drawing on its official Facebook page, showing a pile of skulls and skeletons with Jewish stars on them, later removing the image.

Fatah's image from its official Facebook page, celebrating their killings of Jews.

The two Palestinian groups, Hamas and Fatah, are once again proving that when it comes to terrorism, they are masters of double-talk, saying one thing for the international community, which has so recently been good to them, while at home practicing the opposite. Mahmoud Abbas's denunciation of the Paris terror attacks and his decision to participate in the anti-terrorism rally in the French capital is also a sign of the ongoing hypocrisy and double standards of both Fatah and Hamas.

Hamas should be the last to denounce assaults on journalists and free speech. Its security forces in the Gaza Strip continue to arrest and intimidate Palestinian journalists on a regular basis.

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Turkey: Where Some Murders Are More Equal than Others

by Burak Bekdil  •  January 12, 2015 at 4:00 am

What happens if an army kills Turkish civilians? It seems to depend on which army does the killing.

The nine Turkish citizens killed aboard the Mavi Marmara remain so dear to the official Turkish memory. The 34 Turkish citizens killed in Uludere by a Turkish airstrike are mere casualties that the official Turkish memory wishes to forget.

The funeral procession for the victims of the 2011 Uludere/Roboski massacre in Turkey.

What happens if an army kills Turkish civilians? It seems to depend on which army does the killing.

On May 31, 2010, the Israeli Defense Forces raided the Mavi Marmara, the Turkish vessel leading a flotilla in order to "end the illegal Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip."

During the raid, nine Turkish activists lost their lives due to what later Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu admitted were "operational errors." (A United Nations-sponsored investigation known as the U.N. Palmer report later determined Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip to be legal, but stated that the "decision to board the vessels with such substantial force at a great distance from the blockade zone and with no final warning immediately prior to the boarding was excessive and unreasonable.")

In response, Turkey downgraded its diplomatic ties with Israel and threatened to isolate the Jewish state in an international campaign. Since then, Turkish-Israeli relations have never normalized.

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Paris: Grand Mosque Open, Grand Synagogue Closed

by Lawrence A. Franklin  •  January 11, 2015 at 5:00 am

What did the shoppers in a Jewish supermarket, four of whom were slaughtered, have to do with the cartoon images of Mohammad?

In light of all the expressed concern about possible anti-Muslim incidents, claims on television that "Muslims are the most persecuted people" seemed jarring and wrong.

French police storm the HyperCacher Jewish supermarket in Paris, as hostages flee the store, Friday, December 9.

A seemingly required inclusion in most reports on the recent mass murder in Paris was the rhetorical question posed by reporters has been: "Will these events invite a wave of anti-Muslim incidents"? Since these Islam-inspired murders, however, there have been only a few anti-Muslim actions -- all against property.

Under-reported, however, was how rapidly the assault against Charlie Hebdo migrated into an anti-Jewish mini-pogrom in the heart of Paris. What did shoppers in a kosher market, four of whom were slaughtered, have to do with the cartoon images of Mohammad? Nothing. But the assault on the HyperCacher Jewish kosher supermarket has a lot to do with the true nature of Islamic militancy.

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Charlie, Muhammad, and the Saudi 1000 Lashes of Raif Badawi

by Denis MacEoin  •  January 11, 2015 at 4:00 am

"My commitment is... to reject any repression in the name of religion... a goal we will reach in a peaceful and law-abiding way." — Raif Badawi.

If he ever leaves prison, his life will have been destroyed -- by voyeurs as sexually twisted as those of ancient Rome.

"Our Prophet," Malik said, "would have been crystal clear and unequivocal in condemning [the Charlie Hebdo massacre]. But his statement points out why there is a problem. Malik was -- quite innocently, I am sure -- completely wrong. Muhammad did the same thing – many, many times.

Today we all are Charlie, and we are all Raif.

Raif Badawi and his children.

His first 50 lashes were administered Friday. After the noon prayers, outside the mosque, Saudi writer and blogger Raif Badawi, 30, received a sentence perhaps worse than death. Accused of "insulting Islam," he is to receive 1000 lashes: 50 per week for 20 weeks -- nearly half a year. "The lashing order says Raif should 'be lashed very severely,'" a twitter notice read. "If they lash him again next week we do not know if he is going to survive. He has no medical assistance," another notice said.

After that, he is to spend ten years in prison and pay a fine of $266,000. If he ever leaves prison, his life will have been destroyed -- by voyeurs as sexually twisted as those of ancient Rome.

His wife and three children have been given asylum in Canada. Her family has filed for divorce on the grounds of his supposed apostasy.

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Christians Burned Alive
Muslim Persecution of Christians, November 2014

by Raymond Ibrahim  •  January 10, 2015 at 5:00 am

"They picked them up by their arms and legs and held them over the brick furnace until their clothes caught fire. And then they threw them [alive] inside the furnace." — Javeed Maseeh, family spokesman, concerning a Christian couple in Pakistan murdered on rumors they had burned verses from the Qur'an.

"I would appeal to your honor to put pressure on the government of Pakistan to end misuse of blasphemy laws against Christians, Ahmadiyyia and other religious minorities and condition US Aid on human rights and repeal of blasphemy laws." — From a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama by Dr. Nazir S. Bhutti, President of the Pakistan Christian Congress, expressing surprise that the U.S. did not even bother to condemn the burning of Christians alive.

East Jerusalem: Despite constant and ever bolder attacks on a church, police refuse to respond to pleas for help from the Christian congregation.

Denmark: Muslim refugees are persecuting Christian refugees. "Christian asylum seekers are repeatedly exposed to everything from harassment to threats and physical abuse...." — Niels Eriksen Nyman,

"Young Christian men are made scapegoats to show police performance, while the real culprits are carrying out their illegal activities right under the police's nose." — Brother-in-law of "Mithu," 35, Christian father of five, who was arrested in Pakistan on false charges and tortured to death in prison.

The youngest [slave] being the most expensive. 20-30 years old: 100,000 dinars [$86]; 10-20 years old: 150,000 dinars [$129]; 9 years old: 200,000 dinars [$172]. — The Islamic State.

The Islamic State called on its followers to take the jihad to Egypt.

Qaiser Ayub, a 40 year old professor of computer science in Pakistan, of Christian background, was arrested and charged with insulting Islam's prophet Muhammad.

Shama Bibi (left) and Sajjad Maseeh, a Christian couple and parents of four children, were burned to death by a Muslim lynch mob in Pakistan because of a false blasphemy accusation.

Both in the Islamic world and the Western world, Muslims continued to attack and slaughter Christians.

In Pakistan, "A mob accused of burning alive a Christian couple in an industrial kiln in Pakistan allegedly wrapped a pregnant mother in cotton so she would catch fire more easily, according to family members who witnessed the attack," reported NBC News:

Sajjad Maseeh, 27, and his wife Shama Bibi, 24, were set upon by at least 1,200 people after rumors circulated that they had burned verses from the Quran, family spokesman Javed Maseeh told NBC News via telephone late Thursday. Their legs were also broken so they couldn't run away.

"They picked them up by their arms and legs and held them over the brick furnace until their clothes caught fire," he said. "And then they threw them inside the furnace."

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Hamas, Palestinian Authority Step Up Human Rights Violations

by Khaled Abu Toameh  •  January 9, 2015 at 5:00 am

It would be a good idea if the international community and media stopped turning a blind eye to the suffering of Palestinians at the hands of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority [PA].

Abbas wants the world to support the creation of a dictatorship where people are arrested and intimidated for expressing their views in public. He is also asking the world to support a Palestinian state where Hamas is torturing Palestinians.

While the PA is accusing Hamas of human rights violations, its security forces in the West Bank continue to crack down on freedom of expression. In recent weeks, Palestinian Authority forces in the West Bank have arrested more than 25 university students on charges of criticizing Palestinian leaders in Ramallah.

"You can still see the bruises on their bodies. They were subjected to harsh torture." — Hisham Sakallah, Palestinian writer, on Hamas interrogators beating Fatah officials with plastic hoses.

Palestinian Authority riot police clash with protesting women in Hebron, October 2014.

As Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas pursues his efforts to convince the international community to support the establishment of a Palestinian state, his Palestinian Authority [PA] and Hamas continue to show disregard and contempt for human rights.

Both the PA and Hamas know that they can continue to violate the human rights of their people because the international community simply does not care about Palestinians who are being targeted by their own governments.

The international community cares about human rights violations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip only when Israel could be held responsible.

The same applies to most foreign journalists covering the Israeli-Arab conflict in general, and Palestinian affairs in particular. They too prefer to look the other way when Palestinians complain of human rights violations by the PA and Hamas.

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Urgent: Please Help! Raif Badawi To "Be Lashed Severely" Tomorrow

by Gatestone Staff and Valentina Colombo  •  January 8, 2015 at 2:00 pm

The tweet came in: "Urgent: It is confirmed that #RaifBadawi will be lashed tomorrow. The lashing order says Raif should 'be lashed very severely.'"

More on Raif Badawi can be found in "Eroticized Violence, Savage Justice in Saudi Arabia," by Valentina Colombo, published by the Gatestone Institute on July 7, 2014 (excerpted below):

Raif Badawi, a Saudi blogger, has been sentenced to 1000 lashes, ten years in jail and a fine of $270,000 for a blog regarded by Saudi Arabia's regime as insulting Islam.

"My commitment is…to reject any repression in the name of religion…a goal that we will reach in a peaceful and law-abiding way." — Raif Badawi

Badawi was condemned, according to Amnesty International, for having co-founded a website, "Saudi Arabian Liberals," and for having written and publishing on it his blog and other writings, as well as on Facebook and Twitter, -- as well as for other "offenses to Islamic precepts.

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We Are Charlie: Free Speech v. Self-Censorship

by Douglas Murray  •  January 8, 2015 at 5:00 am

Will we keep on blaming the victims? Perhaps the media assume that it is easier to force good people to keep quiet, or keep their own media offices from being attacked, than to than to tackle the problem of Islamic extremism head-on. It is easier to blame Geert Wilders, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Lars Hedegaard, Suzanne Winters, Salman Rushdie or Charlie Hebdo -- and even put some of them on trial -- than to attack the attackers, who might even attack back!

The press and the media seem to prefer coerced self-censorship: It is your own fault if you get hurt: none of this would be happening to you if you had only kept your mouth shut. It is easier to denigrate the people warning us about a danger than it is to address the danger they are warning us about.

Do you think a country should change its policies because segments of one community will run into newspaper offices and gun people down if you don't?

If those in positions of influence do not deal with this problem now, we will not like those who deal with it later.

Stéphane Charbonnier, the editor and publisher of Charlie Hebdo, who was murdered yesterday along with many of his colleagues, is shown here in front of the magazine's former offices, just after they were firebombed in November 2011.

Wednesday's massacre at the Paris offices of the magazine Charlie Hebdo was not just a barbaric act of jihadist violence. It was also a test for the West and for the freedom of speech in the West. It is a test that we all have been failing.

Those of us who have proposed that all Western -- and in particular European -- news outlets should multilaterally publish the Charlie Hebdo cartoons have been greeted in return with a terrified and terrifyingly self-conscious silence. The papers and broadcasters do not want to do it. Last time they refused to republish the cartoons, from Denmark's Jyllands Posten, they said it was because the cartoons were from a "right wing" newspaper. This time they refuse to republish cartoons from a "left-wing" newspaper. It does not matter what the politics are -- it is not about the politics, it is about the cartoons. The sooner the press at least has the guts to admit this, the better.

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War Risk Rises in Middle East

by Yaakov Lappin  •  January 8, 2015 at 4:00 am

Iran's weapons industries are at the service of Hezbollah, while Hezbollah tries to acquire precision-guided rockets and missiles for future attacks on strategic Israeli sites.

The Middle East is increasingly becoming an area where it is harder for actors to exercise control over their situations or to control events.

Hezbollah combat units, battle-hardened from fighting in the Syrian civil war, now have improved capabilities to deploy against Israel.

Despite Israel's deterrence, the risk of an inadvertent clash between Israel and Hezbollah is rising

The new year holds many new dangers and few opportunities, as Israel's two near enemies, Hezbollah in Lebanon on its northern front and Hamas in Gaza on its west, continue their large-scale armament programs, and prepare for a future day when they will fight another war with Israel.

Although neither Hezbollah nor Hamas has an interest in sparking a war with Israel any time soon -- when they stand to suffer widespread, lasting, and crippling damage from any such clash -- both are nevertheless preparing in earnest.

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Are Palestinian Offensives Inviting Israeli Reprisals?

by Steven J. Rosen  •  January 7, 2015 at 5:00 am

"Unilateral actions from the Palestinians will be answered with unilateral actions from our side." — Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, April 6, 2014.

Palestinian Authority [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas seems to believe that he can block the Israeli counterattack with the threat that he could dismantle the PA and leave Israel to pick up the pieces. Rash action by Abbas could open the door for his political rivals, who might be very happy to see the PA dismantled. Collapsing the PA would mean an end to security cooperation with Israel -- an act that would be suicide for Fatah.

Steven J. Rosen says the rational choice for Israel and the Palestinian leadership is to return to the pursuit of common interests through cooperation. Above, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (left) meets with PA President Mahmoud Abbas in Jerusalem, Israel, on September 15, 2010. (Image source: U.S. State Dept.)

In response to Palestinian Authority [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas's latest diplomatic offensive at the United Nations and the International Criminal Court [ICC], Israel's security cabinet is to meet this week to decide on possible measures to take.

Israel has floated a number of possible countermeasures. It seems to be considering, among other legal actions, lawsuits against Hamas and the PA for war crimes that they have committed.

The United States, for its part, has threatened to withhold funding from the PA; and Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) threatened to withhold US funding from the UN if it attempts to impose the terms of a Palestinian statehood.

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