- The Washington Times - Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Islamic State terrorist group has launched a big social media campaign to try to capitalize on the Paris massacre.

The group, known also by the acronyms ISIL and ISIS, is calling on jihadists to kill more Westerners and to celebrate the lives of the three Muslims who slaughtered 17 innocent civilians and police on a rampage that began on Jan. 7.

Twitter feeds and other social media messages began Sunday, urging each Muslim to act as a “city wolf” and kill co-workers and fellow commuters.

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The Islamic State, an uber-violent Sunni Muslim army now occupying parts of Syria and Iraq, jump-started the tweets via two affiliated media groups, Al-Battar and Al-Ghuraba, reports the Middle East Media Research Institute.

Led by Iraqi cleric Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Islamic State views the Paris massacre as a success on which it can build support and recruitment for more anti-Western violence.

“Clearly ISIL’s social media sophistication is working and must be defeated, quickly,” said Robert Maginnis, a retired Army officer and military analyst.

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“ISIL’s strategy to harness social media challenges the West’s military dominance by reaching past our governments to the people,” he said. “The people are the center of gravity of the battle against Islamists, especially in the Middle East, but there are Islamist elements within the West, the so-called no-go Muslim ghettos and the Islamist lone wolves that ISIL seeks to manipulate as well.”

Islamic State-linked Twitter accounts have used the hashtag #FightForHim — a reference to the Prophet Muhammad — over 3,000 times since early Sunday.
One tweet says “revenge for him! Cut the tongues that do not have anything to insult except Allah & His Prophet!”

Another, “Where r the #Islamic State supporters who made the west mad? Tell your friend and be ready at 9 p.m.”

Also, “In the #Charlie Hebdo blessed operation, 12 killed, the coming will be bitter.”

Two Muslim brothers connected to al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Said and Cherif Kouachi, went on a deadly shooting spree Jan. 7 at the Charlie Hebdo newsroom and on the street outside. French forces killed off both assailants in a later standoff.

The newspaper had run cartoons lampooning Muhammad and repeated the satire Wednesday in a press run of over 1 million copies.

The Islamic State’s direct connection is the third attacker, Amedy Coulibaly, a career criminal who was radicalized in prison, according to French press reports.

Coulibaly appeared on an Islamic State-distributed video previewing his attack. He is suspected of assassinating a police officer Thursday before going to a kosher market in eastern Paris, where he gunned down four Jews on Friday. Police stormed the store and killed him.

The Islamic State media campaign also includes social media postings, such as, “You are Muslim? Living in the West? Being a city wolf is your task! For you are the only ones to do so! You are already ‘citizens’ and no doubt you are the suitable ones to be chosen for such a task. You are sharing the same land with them. The same businesses and trains, the same neighborhoods.”

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