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Fri March 27, 2015
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Have you ever said to yourself "if only I could get paid to get drunk and surf the web"? This guy does
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It was then that I saw a nine foot tall space alien chatting quietly to the astronauts
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Germanwings crash co-pilot and his girlfriend were having a "serious crisis in their relationship." Apparently mass murder was an available remedy
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Meanwhile in Seattle, ten goats escaped a pen and chased after children. Seattle's finest was on the case
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Her ticket to hell has been upgraded to first-class. This 'mom' physically abused her baby, and faked cancer for people to show sympathy to her
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Study finds that people with lower back pain who smoke, drink, are depressed or obese should make some lifestyle changes. Like starting with pretty much everything
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McDonald's has built fast food's first "Bike-Thru Drive-Thru." As if their average customer could even ride a bike two blocks to get a Big Mac
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(Huffington Post)
Woman teaches cat sign language. What kind of signs do you teach a cat? "Kneading chest" means "feed me" and "clawing eyes out" means "I love you". What more do you need?
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Canadian veteran on disability tired of annual tradition of providing proof that his legs are still gone
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Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice, prisoners are forced to fight each other for deputies amusement. The Superfriends aren't what they used to be
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(Mother Jones)
Everyone calm the f*ck down about global warming, the geoengineering dudes have this one
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(Sun Sentinel)
Criminal mastermind swallows drugs to avoid arrest, succeeds
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(CBS News)
A fierce legal battle with millions of dollars in royalties at stake has broken out over a 100+ year old song whose lyrics total only 16 words
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(NBC Bay Area)
Berkeley has an ambassador program to assist people with directions, keep the streets clean and such. Let's meet Ambassador Suckerpunch
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NCAA: We don't know why you did this. If you want $$$ we can help. But if you want bigotry, we have locations other than Indiana. Locations that don't advertise bigotry. If you repeal, that will be the end of it. If not, we will take our $$$ and go
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(Chicago Trib)
If you're going to call a friend to bail you out of jail, make sure you call the one who isn't drunk
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(Santa Rosa Press Democrat)
200 hens stolen from farm in Easter egg hunt gone awry
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(The Weather Network)
Don't look now, but asteroid 2014-YB35 is set to make its closest approach to Earth today. EVERYBODY PANIC
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(Daily Mail)
Pilot tried to break back into cockpit with an axe. No idea where he was hiding that to get it through security
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Massive wave of "compassionate leave" requests have hit employers this week because of: A) grief over family killed in the GermanWings crash, B) family home with the flu, or C) Zayn Malik quitting One Direction
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(Daily Mail)
One in twenty students make it through college the old fashioned way
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(KSN Wichita)
School to special-needs student: You may be special, but you're not special enough to wear a varsity jacket
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"Whoa... Okay Mr. Crocodile, you can have my fish, there's plenty more in the sea"
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Picture a house that just sold for 1.2 million dollars cash. Can you picture it? Good. Now click the link
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(Some Guy)
Photoshop this man with sole
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(Huffington Post)
"11 tips for a happy" woman's world of wonder
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You can't sell snow to Eskimos, but apparently selling sand to Arabs is a thing
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(Daily Mail)
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Penis-shaped property up for grabs (mildly Not safe for work)
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(Aspen Times)
Colorado residents upset over pot stench from legal grow facility: "When you step outside, it's like you're stepping into a bag of weed"
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(Talking Points Memo)
South Miami Vice Mayor Walter Harris wants to be America's mohel
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Spreading your seed is now illegal in many parts of this country
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(KGW Portland)
Serial flasher suspect Michael Dick arrested for masturbating at Tickle Creek
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Shy in the restroom? This won't help
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(Fox 4 KC)
Kansas legislature sends bill to Governor Brownback that legalizes conceal carry without training or a permit
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(Grind TV)
Giant Manta Ray flips diver. He obviously went for "Tails"
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US District judge rules some married same-sex couples not eligible for FMLA leave, depending on what state they're working in. 14th Amendment surrenders
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(Global News (Canada))
Hundreds laid off across Canada as the CBC tries to cut costs. I'd post a CBC article but I think they're busy cleaning out their desks
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Woman charged with assault after squirting breast milk on police officer
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In response to U.S. House measure encouraging shipment of U.S. weapons to Ukraine, Chechnya offers arms to Mexico to fight United States. AY CARAMBA
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(The Daily Beast)
Clearing your Internet browser's cache is enough to get you charged with obstructing an investigation. Sleep well citizens
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Driver causes 5 car accident while making a U-Turn... on Interstate 5 in Seattle
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Thu March 26, 2015
Sometimes a GIF is all you need as an official 'no comment' statement to a reporter
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(News 13 Orlando)
Universal installing metal detectors on roller coaster, hopefully preventing loose objects from falling out of pockets and terrorists from hijacking it and taking it to Cuba
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(WCNC Charlotte)
Monkey gets loose at University Medical Center, bites security guard. And so it begins
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Want to cheat on your taxes but hate the idea of jail time? Well Canada just might be the place for you
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How airports get their strange abbreviations. ORLY
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(NBC News)
DEA agents accused of being deep under covers
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Three years a tandoori restaurant slave
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(Some Guy)
Photoshop this good-for-nothing lazy bastard
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Bay Area woman who was reported kidnapped, then ruled a hoax, is now missing again
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Lawyer who worked tirelessly to defend and exonerate toxic pollution corporations sues neighbor for smoking
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(TC Palm)
Sex toy thief gives off bad vibes
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(The Raw Story)
Monsanto lobbyist "Round-up weedkiller is so safe you could drink a quart of it and be perfect fine." TV interviewer: Okay, here's a glass of it, bottoms up. Lobbyist: What are you, crazy? I'm not stupid enough to drink that crap
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WTFark, Baristas, burgers, and giant erect bull penis. (No, I didn't repeat anything in that headline.)
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(Some Food Nut)
Fark Food Thread: When you think of a southern classic dish to serve family and friends, what comes to mind? Show us your recipes that'll make our arteries clog up yet we still want to go actually make the food. Bonus points if it's healthy
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(NBC New York)
A collapse in New York that doesn't involve The Mets
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(The Consumerist)
Macy's blames sluggish sales on 'women who don't want to get dressed up to go to Macy's'
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(Some Guy)
Photoshop these lime slices
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(News 13 Orlando)
Good news: In Florida, you're still allowed to build a gun range in your backyard
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(NBC News)
A 24-mile-wide tornado hit Moore Oklahoma, according to NBC
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(Austin Statesman)
If your commute includes I-35 north of Austin, you might want to find an alternate route home this afternoon
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(Tallahassee Democrat)
If you're gonna rob a bank, arriving there by taxi is not a good start. Not paying the cab fare on arrival doesn't help. And being drunk is definitely out
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(The Daily Beast)
Self Proclaimed "God of the MRA's" who was removed from class for laughing at rape victims has upped his game by screaming racial epithets at fellow students
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(News 13 Orlando)
Guns don't shoot people. They do sort out food fights when mom's not around, though
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WS2K3 Y2k? OMG (Sponsored link)
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(NBC News)
It was the co-pilot, in the cockpit, with the joystick
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(Fox News)
"Sorry that the whole kidnapping thing for money is a hoax, we are cool now, right?"
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13-year-old crashes van into pole, car and front porch while fleeing police, receives honorary Florida drivers license
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(The Daily Beast)
'Murkan "patriot" set pipe bomb in the hopes that Muslims would be blamed
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(North Devon Journal)
Ghost hunters got the fright of their lives at a renowned haunted house when they heard clanging sounds and saw sparks flying on a winter evening - only to discover chainsaw wielding thieves cutting a drain cover off a stolen trailer
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(Daily Mail)
"Over-familiar owl" loves to surprise people walking through field, walk on their head for about 1 minute. "It was a very funny thing to watch, however I'm just as confused as anyone as to why it does this"
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Man who spent two months in jail--before police discovered his shipment of 'cocaine' was actually soap--is awarded $5 an hour for his time
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Dear Prudence: My daughter is preparing to go to college this fall, but she's self-conscious about her small breasts. Should I pay for breast enlargement surgery so she can compete with the other girls?
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(The Smoking Gun)
Having sex in front of children at a playground is not a good idea. Son, Daughter, I am disappoint
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(WZZM 13 Grand Rapids)
McDonald's forgot the bacon on your burger? That's a shootin'
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Young man learns that while the FBI may not be able to thwart his attempts to join a terrorist group, his mother might
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(Cheddar Valley Gazette)
'Facebook status updates of my death were greatly exaggerated'
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(The Cambridge Chronicle)
Man said he enjoyed exercising naked in the sunlight, but even an elementary school student can see he's nuts
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Like to live on the edge? How about paying to sleep overnight suspended on the side of a cliff? (w/video)
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As an economic crisis sweeps through Russia, popular alternatives to legal alcohol are becoming liquids designed "for hair growth or for cleaning the bath"
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(Ars Technica)
School security guard who posted about a "black thug" and suggested "all white people should start riots" to scare blacks on Facebook surprised when she's fired and is suing to get her job back
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Speaker at Melbourne disability summit had to be carried onto stage due to lack of wheelchair access. Bonus: the venue's disabled toilets were used for storage
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(Huffington Post)
Cutus interruptus
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(Yahoo Images)
Photoshop this selfie en masse
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University of Phoenix is running out of prospective students to scam
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Seattle police attempt to explain why it took 9 hours to remove an overturned truck full of salmon, causing massive gridlock. Sounds fishy
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Chinese restaurant busts bogus yelp reviewer, backs up their version of events with video. Chinese restaurant trifecta in play
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(Detroit Free Press)
Stop me if you've heard this one before: Two white cops stop a black guy
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(CBS4Denver - KCNC)
Man dies after ingesting five 10mg marijuana edibles, five times the recommended dosage: "It was 100 percent the drugs. It was completely because of the drugs - he had consumed so much of it"
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(Anchorage Daily News)
Maybe there is hope when a conservative senator and his liberal counterpart can agree on a way to save money by reducing the state's jailhouse population
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No, an asteroid ISN'T going to destroy the Earth on Friday
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Huge asteroid capable of wiping out entire country is on near-collision course with Earth
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(KSBY San Luis Obispo)
If you're ever on the witness stand accused of bank robbery and could really use a recess, start eating your own feces and that will usually get it done
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(WSAZ West Virginia)
POTY candidates have their mellow harshed by buzzkill son
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Climate change has forced the world's two most destructive termites to mate. And it's happening in a state that just made it illegal to say the words "climate change"
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(Click Orlando)
Not realizing he's gone underground, cemetery repeatedly calls dead man
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(Public Radio International)
Chinese restaurant bans African customers. Difficulty: Restaurant is in Kenya
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Theme of Farktography Contest No. 516: "I Like Big Balls, They're Such Big Balls" Details and rules in first post. LGT next week's theme
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