
Wednesday 11 January 2012

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Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson, one of Britain's best known politicians, and now mayor of London, tackles, with his irrepressible prose, the injustices and absurdities of life, from bicycle thieves to petty bureaucracy.

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Boris Johnson Latest

Maggie's magic came from her contempt for complacent men

As Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher hated the kind of boardroom greed David Cameron is trying to stamp out, writes Boris Johnson.

09 Jan 2012

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Join me in Dr Johnson’s New Year Diet – it’s a piece of cake

Anxious Britons set the standard for obesity, and it’s time we did something about it, writes Boris Johnson.

01 Jan 2012

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Olympic lessons from when we were running on empty

The London Games of 1948 demonstrate how austerity can be turned into a sporting triumph, writes Boris Johnson.

26 Dec 2011

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The Frogs do love us – they’re just hopping mad with Germany

Our entente with the French is still cordiale, but they badly need someone to shout at, writes Boris Johnson.

18 Dec 2011

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We’re right about the euro - that’s why Europe is angry

The latest summit failed to provide any solution to the crisis in the single currency, writes Boris Johnson.

12 Dec 2011

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The gospel of Clarkson puts bread on the tables of Britain

Until someone comes up with a better idea, the consumer-driven market is our only hope, says Boris Johnson.

05 Dec 2011

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A day off school, but the lesson on pensions hasn’t been learnt

Labour should tell the teachers and other public sector workers to call off this strike, writes Boris Johnson.

28 Nov 2011

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Boris: 'prize for new airport is immense'

The Mayor of London outlines the case for a new London airport in the Thames estuary.

21 Nov 2011

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Boris Island airport 'would bring Brazil billions to UK'

An airport in the Thames Estuary would lead to billions of pounds of investment from countries such as Brazil and China, a report claims today.

21 Nov 2011

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A golden chance to put down the Xbox and take up sport

Yes, we’ll win medals – but the lasting value of the Olympics lies in motivating our youth, writes Boris Johnson.

21 Nov 2011

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Boris Johnson: 'I’ve a healthy dose of sheer egomania'

With just six months before he faces re-election, Mayor of London Boris Johnson talks about the issues that really motivate him, says Patrick Hennessy.

20 Nov 2011

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Boris Johnson clashes with PM

London Mayor sparks fresh clash with PM by declaring "bazooka" plan would create German-dominated Europe.

19 Nov 2011

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EU crisis: The Greek Austerity Diet will only leave them feeling fed up

Bullying the benighted nation into submission for the sake of saving the euro will backfire, writes Boris Johnson.

14 Nov 2011

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Metal thieves dishonour the war dead with their vandalism

Those who desecrate memorials are beneath contempt and must be properly punished, writes Boris Johnson.

07 Nov 2011

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Don't let the Scots steal this hour because they want a lie-in

Britain would be better off and lives would be saved if we had summer time all year round, writes Boris Johnson.

31 Oct 2011

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Boris Johnson on first Bishop of London

In the final extract from his new book, Boris Johnson tells the tale of the Roman abbot who built the first church at St Paul’s

30 Oct 2011

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Boris Johnson on Turner and Constable

In our latest extract from Johnson’s Life of London, Boris Johnson tells the tale of the bitter rivalry between the two great painters Turner and Constable.

29 Oct 2011

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The lesson for Europe from the beach at Arromanches

Only mutual hostility and chaos will come from the dire attempts to preserve the euro , warns Boris Johnson.

24 Oct 2011

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Boris Johnson on Keith Richards

When Boris bumped into the Rolling Stones guitarist recently, it was a crowning moment for him. Read an extract from his book 'Life of London’.

22 Oct 2011

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A new literary genius could be hard at work on a London bus

Children might not be able to use a pen these days, but they have new means of expression, writes Boris Johnson.

17 Oct 2011

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Without a new airport, British businesses will be left behind

Our inability to fly to new destinations gives European firms a major trade advantage, writes Boris Johnson.

10 Oct 2011

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Boris Johnson defies David Cameron to call for referendum on Europe

Boris Johnson has openly challenged David Cameron’s authority by calling for a referendum on Britain’s relationship with the European Union.

05 Oct 2011

Ed Miliband is one export that would scupper our rivals

The Labour leader's message about 'bad' capitalism would get short shrift in Shanghai, writes Boris Johnson.

03 Oct 2011

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BBC's edict on dates is AD (absolute drivel)

Objecting to the use of Christ's birth to mark each year is puerile political correctness, says Boris Johnson.

26 Sep 2011

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Bang up the trouble-makers, but let's turn them round, too

Crazily high reoffending rates can be cut by striking a radical deal with binge drinkers, writes Boris Johnson.

19 Sep 2011

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Boris Johnson on Twitter

MayorOfLondon Very positive visit to sunny RAF Uxbridge today; redevelopment here will provide a welcome boost to local economy.

11 Jan 2012 11:22

MayorOfLondon Good to see you all yesterday & best of luck with your training! @TomDaley1994 @SarahBarrow @toniacouch

10 Jan 2012 15:03

MayorOfLondon Glad the Government has listened:

10 Jan 2012 13:02

MayorOfLondon Thanks to Nick Ferrari from @lbc973 - £100 to the Mayor's Fund. He's a man of his word

10 Jan 2012 08:55

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