February 22, 2013
This story plus Soledad O' Brien takes a new role at CNN and CNBC buys Nightly Business Report, all in today's headlines.

Today's Lead

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Newspapers Turning Ideas into Dollars

At a time of economic turmoil in the newspaper business, a new Pew Research Center report identifies four dailies that have built successful new revenue streams and answers four key questions. What are these winning business innovations? What challenges did the papers overcome in implementing them? What are the tangible signs of success? And what lessons can be shared with the industry?

Special Features

On Twitter, criticism of Obama's State of the Union speech outpaces praise; many different issues discussed.

How much attention has Pope Benedict received in the press? A new analysis of 2,700 religion stories in newspapers, websites, cable and broadcast news in the last five years offers answers.

PEJ report finds that from the conventions to the eve of the final presidential debate, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both received more negative than positive coverage from the news media, though overall Obama has had an edge.

2011 PEJ Data Sets Released

The Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism is pleased to release the 2011 News Coverage Index data set and toplines of additional content analysis reports.



Who Owns the News Media 2012

The Who Owns the News Media database offers financial statistics on 123 companies and the more than 4,000 radio and television stations, newspapers, magazines and news websites that they own.

State of the News Media

PEJ's latest report on the health and status of American journalism is now online. This year's report includes analysis of the eight main sectors of media and special reports on mobile devices and news consumption and the role of Facebook and Twitter in news.

Latest from PewResearch.org
The Project for Excellence in Journalism is one of seven projects that make up the Pew Research Center.