Friday, December 19, 2014. Last Update: Fri 11:50 AM EST

Behind the News

Questioning the CBC’s decision to remove Jian Ghomeshi’s interviews

Erasing the past, Q-ing the future?

In a year full of stories about sexual assault, Jian Ghomeshi's stood out. He was no anonymous abuser, like the... More


United States Project

A Florida paper’s aggressive coverage of pension problems shapes reform

Times-Union fights for public involvement in overhaul of Jacksonville police, fire plans

MIAMI — The Florida Times-Union, Jacksonville’s daily paper, continues to see results from its work holding city officials accountable to... More


News Literacy

5 Questions for the future of news literacy

Here’s what’s worth exploring within and beyond the field

News literacy as a field is officially about eight years old. For four of those eight years, it has been... More


Magazine: Opening Shot

Why podcasts make sense

Serial’s popularity brings mass attention to the medium

Two-thousand fourteen was a very good year for the podcast. It saw the creation of five podcast networks; an... More

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Behind the News

What the Sony hacks reveal about the news industry

Writers gave consumers exactly what they wanted

Along with employee salaries, Channing Tatum’s penchant for all-caps, and executives’ racially charged jokes about President Obama, the Sony... More

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Behind the News

An old media scoop on pro-ISIS tweeter Shami Witness leads to a new media dox

When anonymity is taken out of the media’s hands

While the UK’s Channel 4 didn’t release the full name of Shami Witness, one of the most prolific tweeters of... More


Full-Court Press

Why sportswriters are questioning football

It’s getting harder to cover the NFL without noting criticism

Photo credit: Associated Press A few days before Thanksgiving, Grantland's Bill Barnwell wrote a column that, at first glance,... More


United States Project

Billionaire’s support for Pittsburgh paper is at issue in court case

Scaife children seek accounting of trust fund drained in part to back Tribune-Review

A conservative billionaire, heir to one of the country’s great fortunes. His wealthy children, with whom he had sometimes-strained relationships.... More


The Second Opinion

Reporters fail to capture implications of pension provision

A ‘big shift’ tucked into the spending bill goes under-examined

Thanks in part to Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the rollback of banking regulations woven into the recently-passed, so-called "crominbus" spending bill... More


United States Project

Reporter won’t be forced to reveal source

Patch’s Joseph Hosey wins appeal as court preserves principles of Illinois shield law

CHICAGO, IL — An Illinois appellate court sided Monday with editor Joseph Hosey in his fight to conceal the... More


Cloud Control

The problem with sharing uncredited photos

“Just because you put something on the internet does not give people the right to steal it”

In October 2011, two men wearing George W. Bush masks robbed a bank in Seattle. Christopher Boffoli grabbed a camera... More


United States Project

An Ohio court urges lawmakers to defend freedom of the press

In ruling against Murray Energy, appeals panel calls for an anti-SLAPP statute

Robert E. Murray, the Ohio coal baron who is perhaps best known nationally for suing meddlesome journalists, lost his latest... More


Behind the News

How to improve the reporter-editor relationship

The New Republic’s downfall can be a lesson for how bosses treat their employees

Liz Spayd: The implosion at The New Republic left many of us in wide-eyed amazement. It's rare that you... More


United States Project

The public-records fight behind the battle over James Brown’s will (UPDATED)

Journalist Sue Summer will get to make her case for documents before state Supreme Court

Updated Dec. 18 to reflect the state Supreme Court's decision. On Sunday, the front page of The New York Times... More

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Language Corner

The Oxford English Dictionary adds words

Read up on the December updates

Four times a year, the venerable Oxford English Dictionary releases a list of words it has added, revised, or otherwise... More


United States Project

#FergusonNext asks readers: What now?

Guardian, Post-Dispatch, and other outlets team up for a “solution-based” collaboration

PRAIRIE VILLAGE, KS -- Late last month, a few days before the news broke that there would be no indictment... More


Behind the News

The New Republic: A public trust or a business?

How Chris Hughes turned a 100-year-old publication into a “product”

On Thursday, December 4, Frank Foer resigned as editor of The New Republic, having learned from a gossip site... More


The Kicker

Must-reads of the week

How to handle story corrections, a possible newspaper revival in Denver, and a message to journalism’s Silicon Valley owners.

Culled from CJR’s own stories, plus the frequently updated “Must-reads from around the Web,” our staff recommendations for the best... More


Behind the News

FOIA reform dies while the press looked the other way

RIP Improvement Act of 2014

More than two years of work by open government advocates collapsed on Thursday night when House Speaker John Boehner closed... More


United States Project

Laid-off Metro Pulse editors plan a new publication in Knoxville

After rejecting severance to start a competitor, journalists seek funding for Knoxville Mercury

Three former editors for Metro Pulse, the Knoxville, TN, alt-weekly recently shuttered by E.W. Scripps, have rejected their severance payments... More


News Literacy

News roundups can be part of a smart media diet

What you should know about ‘everything you need to know’

Each morning around 3:30am, Adeel Hassan and Victoria Shannon start reading and summarizing the day's top news. By 5am, they... More


Behind the News

Price hike at UC Berkeley’s journalism school

Governing body approves additional fee of $7,500 starting 2016

The price of a two-year graduate journalism degree at UC Berkeley is set to rise to $46,600 for in-state students,... More


United States Project

Ohio lawmakers are about to decide on a big execution secrecy bill (UPDATED)

Media organizations join with unlikely bedfellows to oppose the measure

Update, 12/15: The state Senate last week approved the measure after adding a two-year expiration date to the bill and sent it... More

Hey millionaire tech bros: Have patience with the editorial process - Chris Hughes probably wanted to enable great journalism at first. Then the dust settled and before you know it, he’s shaking everything up again

Serial creators don’t know what will happen to Adnan Syed - New developments in his legal case suggest that the outcome is wide open

Price hike at UC Berkeley’s journalism school - Governing body approves additional fee of $7,500 starting 2016

Will Denver really have a newspaper war? - As a billionaire floats reviving the Rocky Mountain News, The Denver Post might buckle its chin strap

FOIA reform dies while the press looked the other way - RIP Improvement Act of 2014

The traffic lure of outrage (Slate)

“I didn’t become a journalist to peddle indignation on Facebook. But it sells—the page views don’t lie.”

NBC news producer’s sons were in the besieged school in Peshawar (

“I remained silent and didn’t know what to say — I know how such attacks on schools usually end”

Hero mom calls into CSPAN to berate her arguing pundit sons (WaPo)

“This was not planned. She called in on the normal line.”

Dick Cheney doesn’t want to call it torture but the media doesn’t have to follow (Vox)

“People deserve to know that the American government (proudly!) did things that in any other context are called torture”


Greg Marx discusses democracy and news with Tom Rosenstiel of the American Press Institute

Who Owns What

The Business of Digital Journalism

A report from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism

Study Guides

Questions and exercises for journalism students.