Leader of far-right Front National discusses her party's position on security issues following the Charlie Hebdo attack.
Officials blame rebels for attack near military checkpoint in Donetsk that has claimed 10 lives and wounded 13 more.
Participating in Berlin event, German chancellor speaks out against marginalisation of Muslims or other minorities.
Indonesian divers have retrieved voice recorder, key to determining why plane crashed, from bottom of Java Sea.
In the past two months two more 'Caucasus Emirate' warlords appeared in videos declaring fealty to ISIL.
After record-breaking solar project, scientists question why coal-dominated nation ignores renewable innovation.
Families living in squalor inside Gaza City's el-Sheikh Shaban cemetery are calling for international intervention.
With no cash available and food supplies dwindling, humanitarian crisis brews in the cold in rebel-held east.
Sabra Ayres
As school where Pakistani Taliban killed 149 last month reopens, defiance marks response to continued threats.
Throughout 2014, more than two million Iraqis were forced to seek refuge in other areas of the country.
Economic malaise has been fuelling anti-immigrant sentiment across the country in recent months.
Background of suspects in France killings is a reminder that radicalisation sometimes begins behind bars.
Michel Quesnel
Inside Story13 Jan 2015 09:38 GMT
As the detention camp marks its 13th anniversary, President Obama has yet to make good on his promise to shut it down.
The Listening Post12 Jan 2015 12:22 GMT
Nothing justifies the murder of journalists or cartoonists over their work - but this story is in need of context.
A month after the tragedy, many remain in evacuation shelters, and isolated villagers still lack basic necessities.
High above modern Philippine cities, an ancient tribe preserves its religious and cultural traditions.
The first significant winter storm of the season brings brief happiness to some but misery to many.
Kurdish families who fled fighting in Kobane want to return home.
Separatist movement repeats demand for independence as it honours the victims of 1986 North-South conflict.
No respite from violence and sub-zero temperatures for families housed in temporary relief shelters and tents.
President leads tributes for victims of disaster as country struggles to resolve longstanding political crisis.
Many wonder how national security agencies missed warning signs before the deadly attack on Charlie Hebdo.
One tyre at a time young Nairobi entrepreneurs turn old tyres into trendy shoes and help save the planet in the process.
After Paris attacks, residents say feelings of marginalisation among youths can lead to radicalisation.
City on edge after bombings claimed by al-Qaeda franchise killed nine people in Alawite neighbourhood.
Tamil National Alliance, largely from the northern peninsula, backed surprise winner Sirisena in presidential poll.
AirAsia Flight QZ8501 went missing on December 28th after losing contact with air traffic control during bad weather.
A look back at the stories that shaped our world.
Al Jazeera's guide to who's who among the top ranks of the Pakistani Taliban.
For the first time members of Kenya's counter-terrorism police admit to "eliminating" suspected Muslim radicals.
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