Grading the Teachers: Value-Added Analysis

The Los Angeles Times has produced an analysis of how effective Los Angeles Unified School District teachers have been at improving their students' performance on standardized tests. The Times has decided to make the ratings available because they bear on the performance of public employees who provide an important service, and in the belief that parents and the public have a right to the information. Database

Teachers union challenges L.A. Unified's new evaluation process

Teachers union challenges L.A. Unified's new evaluation process

UTLA says the district did not "engage in good faith negotiation" over a new teacher evaluation system that includes use of student test scores. L.A. Unified is seeking volunteers to test the system.

Times updates and expands value-added ratings for Los Angeles elementary school teachers

Times updates and expands value-added ratings for Los Angeles elementary school teachers

New data include ratings for about 11,500 teachers, nearly double the number covered last August. School and civic leaders had sought to halt release of the data.

L.A. Unified releases school ratings using 'value-added' method

L.A. Unified releases school ratings using 'value-added' method

The approach focuses on how much progress students make year to year rather than measuring solely their achievement level. Parents are likely to be surprised.

Singled-out L.A. Unified teacher shares skills with colleagues

Singled-out L.A. Unified teacher shares skills with colleagues

Miguel Aguilar was cited as among L.A. Unified's most effective in an L.A. Times article on the 'value-added' evaluation method. Since then, many at his Pacoima school have adopted his methods. But budget cuts threaten his job.


Times reporters discuss the uses and limitations of value-added analysis of teachers. Full size

Teacher Response »

If you have taught third through fifth grades in the Los Angeles Unified School District, you may be in our database, and we invite you to comment on your value-added score. To get started, please type your first and last names in the box below.

'Value-added' teacher evaluations: L.A. Unified tackles a tough formula

'Value-added' teacher evaluations: L.A. Unified tackles a tough formula

Los Angeles school district leaders are poised to plunge ahead with their own confidential 'value-added' ratings this spring, saying the approach is far more objective and accurate than any other evaluation tool available, despite its complexity.

Fedde Academy in Hawaiian Gardens enacts ambitious change

Fedde Academy in Hawaiian Gardens enacts ambitious change

Teachers and administrators are enthusiastic about new evaluation systems at Fedde International Studies Academy in Hawaiian Gardens, but student test scores have yet to improve.

In Florida, teacher pay now tied to performance

In Florida, teacher pay now tied to performance

Florida Gov. Rick Scott signs a far-reaching bill that has raised the ire of state and national unions.

Separate study confirms many Los Angeles Times findings on teacher effectiveness

Separate study confirms many Los Angeles Times findings on teacher effectiveness

A University of Colorado review of Los Angeles Unified teacher effectiveness also raises some questions about the precision of ratings as reported in The Times.

N.Y. can release data on teachers

Manhattan judge's ruling involves the performance ratings of 12,000 instructors.

Study critical of teacher layoffs

Using seniority as the sole factor hurts the learning ability of children, authors say.

In reforming schools, quality of teaching often overlooked

In reforming schools, quality of teaching often overlooked

Years-long efforts to improve Markham Middle School in Watts included changing the curriculum, reducing class sizes and requiring uniforms. But real progress occurred when more effective teachers were brought in.

UTLA won't accept pay cuts, 'value-added'

UTLA won't accept pay cuts, 'value-added'

Teachers stand firm against larger classes and evaluations using students' test scores.

Study supports teacher ratings

Study supports teacher ratings

Preliminary findings show 'value-added' analysis is a reliable guide to effectiveness.

N.Y. union seeks to curb teacher data

It says media access to the evaluations, which name the educators, would cause harm.

When layoffs come to L.A. schools, performance doesn't count

When layoffs come to L.A. schools, performance doesn't count

After the budget ax fell, hundreds of the district's most promising new instructors were laid off. Campuses in poorer areas — such as Liechty Middle School in the Westlake neighborhood — were disproportionately hurt.

D.C. schools may hold lesson for L.A.

D.C. schools may hold lesson for L.A.

Washington is using the controversial 'value-added' method to evaluate teachers.

Teachers unions' clout in question

Teachers unions' clout in question

Some see them as obstacles, and even sympathizers agree their voice is muted.

New York to release teachers' ratings

The decision by the country's largest school district is expected to escalate the national debate over evaluating educators based on test scores.

Sitting down with A.J. Duffy

Sitting down with A.J. Duffy

The head of the L.A. teachers union has definite ideas on improving education. Perhaps he should join the discussion instead of protesting.

State takes on teacher evaluation

Board acts to create a database about national efforts, endorses value-added.

Union stages protest against Times

Union stages protest against Times

L.A. Unified teachers accuse the paper of unfair reporting on instructor evaluations.

It's all about kids learning

Boosting education trumps hurt feelings of teachers in database

Hard lessons for teachers

Hard lessons for teachers

What's fair when private and public interests collide?

Editorial: A teachable moment

Rather than argue about test scores, administrators and teachers should make good use of the data.

Group urges new teacher evaluations

Civic leaders ask L.A. Unified to use student test-score data as part of its staff assessments.

Teachers respond

Teachers respond

The Times' investigation draws criticism, praise from teachers

School board ends evaluation silence

School board ends evaluation silence

Most members seem to favor revamping system for assessing L.A. Unified teachers.

Teachers blast L.A. Times for releasing effectiveness rankings

The Times made public an analysis of L.A. Unified third- through fifth-grade teachers based on student test scores.

How to fix a system that one teacher calls 'a joke'

How to fix a system that one teacher calls 'a joke'

Steve Franklin, a middle school teacher in L.A. Unified, had some issues with The Times series on teacher evaluations, so he fired off a letter to the editor.

U.S. schools chief to push disclosure

Education Secretary Arne Duncan will call on districts across the nation to make data on teachers public.

Parents have the right to know

Teachers should be judged in part by how well students do

Teachers union agrees to reopen talks on evaluations

Union president says he will meet with L.A. Unified leaders to discuss changes, but refuses to say whether the value-added method, even as just a part of teacher reviews, will be on the table.

LAUSD presses union on test scores

LAUSD presses union on test scores

The district wants new labor contracts to include 'value-added' data as part of teacher evaluations.

There's teaching, and there's learning

There's teaching, and there's learning

Using 'value-added' analyses to identify the most effective teachers will allow LAUSD officials to study what those teachers are doing right.

Teacher leader opposes database

Teacher leader opposes database

The national union chief urges The Times not to publish ratings of LAUSD teachers.

U.S. schools chief endorses release of teacher data

U.S. schools chief endorses release of teacher data

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said Monday that parents have a right to know if their children's teachers are effective.

Union urges Times boycott

Union urges Times boycott

Duffy objects to the paper's public analysis of the effectiveness of thousands of L.A. Unified teachers.

Method challenges some education myths

Districts and states that use the 'value-added' approach have had some surprising results: Class size, student background and schools' funding appear to be less critical than has long been believed.

Superintendent spreads the gospel of 'value-added' teacher evaluations

In Tenn. and N.C., Terry Grier adopted and expanded a statistical method of tracking student progress. Union resistance scuttled more modest efforts in San Diego, mirroring a brewing national debate.