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  2. / Daily is out! Stories via

  3. Best presentation about Engaging Times - We are the Engagement Generation (Online). You can look at it on

  4. New awsome presentation Facebook Politicians

  5. Di-retweet 22 kali

    Big news: Senate to publish legislative data in modern formats (+ more!)

  6. . editorial: The law is clear: Public officials can't use personal devices to skirt laws.

  7. . editorial on the complexities of police body cams and WA state public records laws.

  8. . praises the big news on better public access to legislative info

  9. The ONA's gives mixed grades and ‘incompletes’ for the 130th General Assembly.

  10. Great news from fellow Free Law Founder --Montgomery County spending data released:

  11. From the : "How a popular government-transparency bill suddenly died in Congress"

  12. Big win for and --US Senate to release legislative summaries and bill text in modern formats:

  13. How is OGP making a difference in participating countries? A New Research Agenda on OGP -

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