Výsledky pro: #foia

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  1. Fotky · Zobrazit vše
  2. ErikWemple on Twitter: "Just got FOIA results back from U-Va. on the Rolling Stone ...: ...

  3. Sembra ci siano stati problemi con la rivisitazione del in US !

  4. In other news: "...special programming services are necessary to complete the work to research the emails that are responsive..."

  5. I missed the newsroom holiday party because of a request. I regret nothing.

  6. Retweetováno 20krát

    DOD says there's no video in blimps going up near DC, but documents show opposite

  7. request reveals DOD IG report finding JIEDDO "improperly collected" info on US firms, citizens

  8. The Most Transparent Admin Ever™ has outdone itself: helping kill reform based word-for-word on its own policy

  9. Obama’s Justice Department secretly helped kill the transparency reform bill that was based on its own policy

  10. . told me releasing photos of troopers arrested for drunk driving "would create a risk to public safety"

  11. I'm sorry for all of the requests I am about to file re: . Merry Xmas

  12. . social media team has now drawn more attention to Sorkin's op-ed & TV show than reform.

  13. transparency reform dies in Congress while the press looks the other way.

  14. Including CIA MT : Via Full List of VIPs who visited from 2002-2014

  15. US papers jumping in on story of reform. hope theyre a litle embarrassed that British paper beat them there:

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