Rosalind Adams

The Center for Public Integrity

Rosalind is a graduate student at Columbia University where she studies at the School of Journalism and the School of International and Public Affairs. Previously, she worked as a special correspondent at the United Nations and as a reporter for The Santiago Times in Chile, where she became interested in energy policy and natural resource conflicts. Rosalind is also the Features Editor of Columbia's Journal of International Affairs and looks forward to working with the Center for Public Integrity's environmental reporting team this summer. 

The EPA's sluggishness in assessing chemicals has created opportunities for a consulting firm with ties to chemical and tobacco interests.

Amid a fracking boom, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has quietly weakened air pollution guidelines for toxic chemicals.

Lawsuits allege Alabama-based Drummond Co., which mines coal in Colombia, has financial ties to groups that have threatened union leaders.

Evidence of ongoing management failures and a toxic work environment at the Chemical Safety Board was presented at a hearing Thursday.

The EPA on Monday proposed the first-ever limits on greenhouse gas emissions from existing power plants.