However, I have two pairs of tickets that I will give away to the first two humans to email me proof that they have either become a MaximumFun member or upped their annual pledge TODAY. 

Doesn’t matter what level of membership 5 dollars per month or 1000 per month.

Just click above and email me your donation acknowledgment. Or if you have already joined (or upped your membership) today, go ahead and email me the proof at hodgman (at) maximumfun (dot) org.

I will let you know if you have won, and I won’t let you know if you have  not won.

The Secret Society is tonight at 8PM at Union Hall in Park Slope, BTW.

That is all.  


1927 silent film directed by William Wellman, Filmed on location at Kelly Field in San Antonio, Texas. Winner of the first Academy Award for Best Picture. It also won the Academy Award for Best Engineering Effects.

I like the ORIGINAL cast of MST3K: Charles Rogers, Clara Bow, and Richard Arlen. 



1927 silent film directed by William Wellman, Filmed on location at Kelly Field in San Antonio, Texas. Winner of the first Academy Award for Best Picture. It also won the Academy Award for Best Engineering Effects.

I like the ORIGINAL cast of MST3K: Charles Rogers, Clara Bow, and Richard Arlen. 


Happy Birthday, Tony!


Happy Birthday, Tony!


Bill Cosby Tightropes Across Studio 6B While Carrying Jimmy Fallon on His Back on ‘The Tonight Show’

I am personally challenging Jimmy Fallon to a contest where he rides Bill Cosby and I ride Dick Cavett and we joust one another. 

I don’t even need to check with Dick on this one. I know he’s game. 






Think managing your finances has to be complicated? Wonkblog contributor (and UC Chicago social scientist) Harold Pollack doesn’t.
After a talk with personal finance expert Helaine Olen, Pollack managed to write down pretty much everything you need to know on a 4x6 index card. And it would probably fit on a 3x5 index card if you really crammed (that last point, for instance, is probably not strictly necessary for managing your money).
He explains: The card came out of an RBC chat I had with Helaine Olen regarding what I view as the financial industry’s basic dilemma: The best investment advice fits on an index card. A commenter, Alex M, asked for the actual index card. Although I was originally speaking in metaphor, I grabbed a pen and one of my daughter’s note cards, scribbled this out in maybe three minutes, snapped a picture with my iPhone, and the rest was history.
Pollack’s right. Follow these principles and you’ll be in much, much, much better shape than most Americans — or most anyone. And all it will cost you is $2.20 for a pack of index cards — and you’ll have 99 of them left over.
It’s really hard to be poor (see Pollack’s amazing interview on how being poor changes the way people think for more on that). But the lesson here is that once you have an income that you can live off of and save a little bit besides, managing your finances shouldn’t be all that hard.
The people making it complicated are often trying to make money off of you. This 4×6 index card has all the financial advice you’ll ever need


Think managing your finances has to be complicated? Wonkblog contributor (and UC Chicago social scientist) Harold Pollack doesn’t.

After a talk with personal finance expert Helaine Olen, Pollack managed to write down pretty much everything you need to know on a 4x6 index card. And it would probably fit on a 3x5 index card if you really crammed (that last point, for instance, is probably not strictly necessary for managing your money).

He explains:
The card came out of an RBC chat I had with Helaine Olen regarding what I view as the financial industry’s basic dilemma: The best investment advice fits on an index card. A commenter, Alex M, asked for the actual index card. Although I was originally speaking in metaphor, I grabbed a pen and one of my daughter’s note cards, scribbled this out in maybe three minutes, snapped a picture with my iPhone, and the rest was history.

Pollack’s right. Follow these principles and you’ll be in much, much, much better shape than most Americans — or most anyone. And all it will cost you is $2.20 for a pack of index cards — and you’ll have 99 of them left over.

It’s really hard to be poor (see Pollack’s amazing interview on how being poor changes the way people think for more on that). But the lesson here is that once you have an income that you can live off of and save a little bit besides, managing your finances shouldn’t be all that hard.

The people making it complicated are often trying to make money off of you. This 4×6 index card has all the financial advice you’ll ever need

82 playsDownload


Judge John Hodgman Verdict No 153 is now POSTED for public review.

In this case a man takes his younger brother to court to prevent him from moving to Scotland. 

And note how I wrote #MaxFunDrive up there? That’s because this is the one time per year we come to you, the listener, directly and ask for your support. 

A little goes a long, long way to helping the Maximum Fun podcasts keep the internet lights on and making you feel GOOD and BETTER THAN YOUR DEADBEAT FRIENDS all day long. 

Click HERE please to learn how you can help. 

Also, check out Cory Doctorow’s great review of a brand new MaxFun podcast, OH, NO ROSS AND CARRIE

That is all. 

Benjamin Rivers snuck this illustration of Tintin on a Tauntaun into the comments section of Judge John Hodgman Verdict No. 152.
Please consider donating to the #MaxFunDrive HERE, meanwhile, or you will ALSO SMELL BAD ON THE INSIDE. 
That is all. 

The Adventures of Tintin and his Taun TaunI drew this for an art show this fall. It seemed to get around a bit (showing up on the Comics Beat, among other places), so I thought I’d post this here.

Benjamin Rivers snuck this illustration of Tintin on a Tauntaun into the comments section of Judge John Hodgman Verdict No. 152.

Please consider donating to the #MaxFunDrive HERE, meanwhile, or you will ALSO SMELL BAD ON THE INSIDE. 

That is all. 


The Adventures of Tintin and his Taun Taun
I drew this for an art show this fall. It seemed to get around a bit (showing up on the Comics Beat, among other places), so I thought I’d post this here.


Thank you!