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Dallas-Houston High-Speed Rail Project

The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and TxDOT are working with the Texas Central Railroad (TCR), a private entity that is developing and funding the environmental study for a proposed high-speed rail between the Dallas and Houston areas. TxDOT will provide technical assistance with study efforts and help coordinate public and stakeholder involvement. Constructing track between Dallas and Houston would cost an estimated $10 billion in private investor funding.

This project, as well as the Dallas-Fort Worth Core Express Project, Lone Star Regional Rail Project and the Texas-Oklahoma Passenger Rail Study presents an innovative opportunity for the state given continued population growth and the increasing congestion on highways and at major airports – as part of an interconnected and multimodal transportation system vision.

Current Status

Updates about the environmental process (the Environmental Impact Statement) and public scoping meeting dates and times are available at Dallas-Houston HSR.

Get Involved

Look for upcoming public involvement opportunities on the TCR website. The first series of public meetings will be scoping meetings, which generally includes:

  • Introducing the proposed project, the primary players and their relationships
  • Facilitating understanding of the NEPA process and how the public can participate
  • Presenting the project purpose and need and ask for public input
  • Presenting the proposed study area, alternatives considered to date and gathering public input on these and other potential alternatives
  • Encouraging members of the public to continue participating in the project as it moves forward

The public is encouraged to share their feedback and comments online or for more information about TXDOT's involvment, contact:

Rail Planning Section Manager
125 E. 11th St.
Austin, TX 78701
(512) 486-5137

For more information on the proposed Dallas-Houston High-Speed Rail project, call the hotline at (844) 541-1875.

Project Partners