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I-35 Improvement Project in Cooke County

TxDOT is planning improvements for the widening of I-35 in Cooke County to update the roadway to current design standards and provide congestion relief for expected future traffic increases.

As part of the planning process, TxDOT is conducting an environmental assessment (EA) for the proposed widening and realignment of I-35 from the south Cooke County line to mile marker one in Oklahoma. An EA is a report that documents the existing social, economic and environmental conditions, assesses effects of the proposed alternative and identifies potential mitigation. The EA will also evaluate the effects of a no-build alternative.

Project Information

The 22-mile project extending from FM 3002 to mile marker one in Oklahoma includes:

  • Two additional lanes in each direction
  • Realignment of portions of the roadway
  • Two new bridges over the Red River
  • Removal of the northbound Red River bridge
  • Conversion of the southbound Red River bridge to a frontage road
  • Realignment of a rail corridor for approximately 4.8 miles
  • Conversion of two-way frontage roads to one way
  • New right of way

Get Involved

Public involvement last occurred with a round of public meetings in May 2009 to review alignment options and design alternatives. The project stalled due to lack of funding.

Funding is now available for the next planning phase. TxDOT is working with TRC Solutions to conduct the EA. Once the Federal Highway Administration approves the EA, a public hearing will occur with an expected finding of no significant impact. This process is expected to be complete by August 2015.

Funding is available for planning and study development only. Construction is not funded at this time.

Project Documents

Contact Us

TxDOT Project Manager
1601 S.W. Parkway
Wichita Falls, TX 76302-4906
(940) 720-7740


Study Team Project Manager
Robb H. Fishman, AICP/REM
Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.
5995 Rogerdale Road
Houston, TX  77072
Office: (832) 351-7234