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Making the US Government More Open and Accountable

The government released its second National Action Plan in December. is helping to coordinate civil society organization's efforts to make sure the government meets its commitments, and evaluate how well the government executes the plan. To help us figure out how to create better opportunities to allow people to be involved in the project, please fill out this SURVEY.

Take a look at civil society's model National Action Plan here.

See the US government's commitments in the first NAP, the open government community's work, and our recommendations at OpenGovPartners and MakeOpenGovernmentWork.
See the first US National Action Plan here.

Commitment Analysis: Big Data Openness and Accountability in the Second National Action Plan

The following analysis is from Khaliah Barnes, Director of the Student Privacy Project and Administrative Law Counsel at the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC).

The Obama Administration’s Second Open Government National Action Plan aims to “use big data to support greater openness and accountability.” The Administration has committed to:

  • Enhance sharing of best practices on data privacy for state and local law enforcement;
  • Ensure privacy protection for big data analyses in health; and
  • Expand technical expertise in government to stop discrimination.

Players or Spectators: Observations on CSO Participation in the OGP was pleased to host Al Kags as a Mandela Washington Fellow this summer. Mr. Kags is the founder of the Open Institute, a "think-do tank" that collaborates with governments and civil society groups on open government issues.

In partnership with OTG, Mr.Kags and the Open Institute present an insightful analysis of the role of civil society in the Open Government Partnership. In addition to observations drawn from conversations with government officials and civil society representatives from several OGP countries, the report features recommendations for improving CSO participation.

Open Government Groups Make Recommendations to Classification Reform Committee

The Classification Reform Committee (CRC) is tasked with considering the Public Interest Declassification Board's (PIDB) 2012 recommendations and addressing classification reform more broadly. Five open government groups met with the Reform Committee earlier in September, and sent a follow up letter outlining crucial reforms the Committee should consider. The letter is available here

Statement: New US National Action Plan Initiatives

The US will address four new openness issues as part of its 2014-2015 National Action Plan, honoring its promise to make the second Plan a “living document.” The new commitments largely build on the government’s new and existing data and technology initiatives. The government’s commitment to increase transparency in spending now includes the administration’s efforts to implement the DATA Act.

Updated Civil Society NAP Evaluation Timeline

Here are the key dates for the evaluation project for the next several months, during which civil society groups will complete the second evaluation and begin drafting stretch goals. to Host Fellow from President Obama’s Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders is pleased to announce that it will host Al Kags, a 2014 Mandela Washington Fellow from Kenya participating in the Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders in August and September 2014. He was recognized as a New Generation African Leader (2013).

Civil Society Groups Issue Progress Report on 2nd US National Action Plan

According to the first civil society progress report on the implementation of the United States’ Second National Action Plan, the United States government appears to be on-course to meet the majority of its commitments six months into the implementation period. This report draws on the expertise and experiences of a wide range of civil society groups engaging on the commitments and features their knowledge of the Administration's efforts to meaningfully implement its commitments and to collaborate effectively with civil society.

The Second Open Government National Action Plan, Six Months In

In the coming days, OTG and several partners and allies will publish an overview of the US government’s progress implementing the second National Action Plan (NAP). As you might remember, the government promised to take certain steps on a number of issues in the NAP, including making federal spending more transparent, freeing government data, modernizing the Freedom of Information Act, and more.

Open Government Working Group Meeting Recap: May 14, 2014

Members of civil society are invited to attend meetings of the interagency open government working group on a quarterly basis. Our notes on the content of the meeting are below. 

The Classified Section

Check out our new blog, The Classified Section, for analysis of national security secrecy.

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