Blasting Download Page

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

Rules, Regulations, Research and Resources
Updated: 11/6/2012

Contact: Ken Eltschlager  or 412.937.2169

The Federal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 requires that coal mine blasting be limited based on the site conditions so as to prevent: injury to persons, damage to public or private property outside the permit area, adverse impacts on any underground mine, and change in the course, channel, or availability of surface or ground water outside the permit area.  This page is provided as a resource to the people responsible for meeting this mandate.


OSM Blasting Regulations

1977   Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 - Blasting Authority
1978   1978 Proposed Blasting Rule Preamble
1979   1979 Final Blasting Rule Preamble
1982   1982 Proposed Blasting Rule Preamble, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
1983   1983 Final Blasting Rule Preamble, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
1983   Surface Blasting Rules:  Blast Plans (Sec 780) and Performance Standards (Sec 816)
1983   State Blaster Certification Template Rule Preamble and Template Rule (Sec 850)
1986   Federal Blaster Certification Program Preamble and Federal Rule (Sec 955)
2009   Old Blasting Webpage



OSM Blaster Certificates

Announcement     Certified Blasters, Please note the new application (OSM-74) and continuing education requirements (Part 16.B) in 2012. (Continuing Education Venues)
2012    OSM Blaster Certificate Application  , OSM-74
2008   Blaster's Training Modules,    Prepare for the test
2005   Potential Training and Testing Topics,
2007   Federal Examination Instructions  and   Blast Design Rules of Thumb (part of the test)
2007   Excel Blast Design Estimator based on the Rules of Thumb
2012   OSM Blaster Certificates are recognized for reciprocity in these states
2009   Directive, Reg-33, Federal Blaster Certification Program and Blasting Enforcement



Blasting Information for Citizens


  Blasting Vibration, Kentucky Division of Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Explosives and Blasting Branch

2004   Blasting in Ohio's Quarries and Surface Coal Mines, Ohio Department of Natural Resources
    Citizen's Guide to Coal Mine Blasting in Indiana, Indiana Department of Natural Resources
    The World of Explosives Webpage, General blasting information
    Frequently Asked Questions, Video, Florida


  Typical Construction Blast Videos 1 - 2 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8  
    Typical Coal-Mine Blast Videos, Conventional - Cast - Coal  



OSM Blasting Reports

1987   OSM: Blasting Guidance Manual, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
1992   Crum:  Blast Vibration Measurements at Far Distances and Design Influences on Ground Vibrations (Indiana)
1994   OSM: Investigation of Damage to Structures in the McCutchenville-Daylight (M/D) Area of Southwestern Indiana: M/D Part 1 - Composite Report (Indiana)
    IDNR: M/D Part 2 - Geologic and Unconsolidated Materials in the M/D Area
  Eltschlager: M/D Part 3 - Blast Design Effects on Ground Vibrations in M/D Indiana from Blasting at the AMAX Ayrshire Mine
  Siskind: M/D Part 4 - Vibration Environment and Characterization for Houses in M/D Indiana
  Siskind: M/D Part 5 - Racking Response of Large Structures from Airblast, A Case Study.
  King: M/D Part 6 - Investigation of Building Damage in the M/D, Indiana Area
  Chiarito: M/D Part 7 - Experimental and Analytical Studies of the Vibration Response of Residential Structures Due to Surface Mining
  Hadala: M/D Part 8 - Dynamic Soil Property Testing and Analysis of Soil Properties, M/D Indiana.
  Maynard: M/D Part 9 - Environmental Conditions Related to Geology, Soils, and Precipitation, M/D, Vanderburgh County, Indiana
1996   Pierce:  Assessment of Low Frequency Blast Vibrations and Potential Impacts on Structures (Indiana)
1997   Crum: House Response from Blast-Induced Low Frequency Ground Vibrations and Inspections for Related Interior Cracking (Indiana)
2001   Eltschlager: Regulatory Review of Blasting Related Citizen Complaints (National)
2001   Eltschlager: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning at a Surface Coal Mine ... A Case Study (Pennsylvania)
2001   English: Study of Fugitive Dust and Fumes (West Virginia)
2002   Stephens: Comparative Study of Domestic Water Well Integrity to Coal Mine Blasting (Appalachia)
2003   Eltschlager: Blast Vibration and Seismograph Section 2002 (National)
2003   Aimone-Martin: Comparative Study of Structure Response to Coal Mine Blasting (National), Digital Data Download Instructions Digital LARCOR Seismograph Field Data (zip file),
2003   Aimone-Martin, Eltschlager:  Guidelines for Measuring Residential Response:  Comparative Study of Structure Response to Coal Mine Blasting - Addendum II
2004   Eltschlager: Blasting Applications for GPS (National)
2004   Eltschlager:  Fugitive Carbon Based Gases... Blasting Related or Not (National), ISEE
2005   Eltschlager: Microphone Height Effects on Blast-Induced Air Overpressure Measurements (National), ISEE
2010   Eltschlager; Federal Blaster Certificate Program (National), ISEE
2010   Lusk; Acoustic Response of Structures to Blasting Analyzed Against Comfort Levels of Residents Near Surface Coal Operations, Appendices available upon request, (National), Fact Sheet



State Blasting Reports

2003   Mann: Response of Manufactured Houses to Blast Vibrations (Ohio)
2000   Miami-Dade: Blast Vibration Damage and Assessment Study and Report
2005   Henderson, NV: Structure Response Study
1997   PA DEP Blasting Complaint Protocol
2003new   WV-OEB Report of Seismic Research 2003
2004new   WV-OEB Report of Seismic Research 2004
2005new   WV-OEB Report of Ground Vibration and Airblast Compliance Methods Research
2006new   WV-OEB Potential Effects of Surface Mine Blasts Upon Bat Hibernaculum
2007new   WV OEB Report Relating Surface Coal Mines Scaled Distance to Deep Mine Roof Peak Particle Velocities



US Bureau of Mines Reports

1936 new   Lee: RI 3319 Earth Vibrations Caused by Quarry Blasting
1942 new   Ireland: TP 635 Design of Air-Blast Meter and Calibration Equipment
1954 new   Blair: RI 5073 Evaluation of Gages for Measuring Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration of Seismic Pulses
1962   Duvall:  RI 5968 Review of Criteria for Estimating Damage to Residences from Blasting Vibrations
1963   Duvall: RI 6151 Vibrations From Instantaneous and Millisecond-Delayed Quarry Blasts
1971   Nicholls: Bulletin 656 Blasting Vibrations and Their Effects on Structures
1972   Pugliese:  IC 8550 Designing Blast Patterns Using Empirical Formulas
1963   Johnson: RI 6188 Effects of Mechanical Properties of Materials on Cratering: A Laboratory Study
1974   Snodgrass: RI 7937 Vibrations from Underground Blasting
1980   Stagg: RI 8506 Measurement of Blast-Induced Ground Vibrations and Seismograph Calibration
1980   Siskind:  RI 8507  Structure Response and Damage Produced by Ground Vibration from Surface Mine Blasting
1981   Stachura: RI 8508 Airblast Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques for Surface Mine Blasting
1980   Siskind:  RI 8485  Structure Response and Damage Produced by Airblast from Surface Coal Mining
1983   Dick:  IC 8925  Explosive and Blasting Procedures Manual
1984   Stagg:  RI 8896  Effects of Repeated Blasting on a Wood-Frame House
1984   Stachura: RI 8892 Airblast and Ground Vibration Generation and Propagation from Contour Mine Blasting
1985   Siskind: RI 8969 Blast Vibration Measurements Near and On Structure Foundations
1985   Siskind: Assessment of Blasting Vibrations from Surface Mine Blasting in Peabody's Universal Mine
1985   Siskind:  The Generation of Low-Frequency Long-Duration Vibrations from Surface Mine Blasting at Blanford, IN
1986   Stachura: RI 9008 Delayed Blasting Tests to Improve Highwall Stability - A Final Report
1986   Kopp: RI 9026 Effects of Millisecond-Delay Intervals on Vibration and Airblast from Surface Coal Mine Blasting
1987   Staff:  IC 9135 Surface Mine Blasting
1987   Siskind: RI 9078 Low-Frequency Vibrations Produced by Surface Mine Blasting over Abandoned Underground Mines
1989   Siskind: RI 9226 Comparative Study of Blasting Vibrations from Indiana Surface Coal Mines
1993   Siskind: RI 9455 Blast Vibrations and other Potential Causes of Damage in Homes near a Large Surface Coal Mine in Indiana
1994   Siskind: RI 9523 Surface Mine Blasting near Pressurized Transmission Pipelines



Other Blast Vibration Reports

1960   Edwards: Experimental Studies of the Effects of Blasting on Structures
1963   Northwood: Blasting Vibrations and Building Damage
1977   Medearis: Rational Damage Criteria for Low-Rise Structures Subjected to Blasting Vibrations
1983   Clark: Vibration and Its Effect & Measurement Techniques at or Near Dwellings (new)
1983   ASCE: Vibration Criteria for Historic and Sensitive Older Buildings
1989   Shaw: Evaluation of Potential Blasting-Induced Damage to the Meason House
2000   Siskind: Assessment of Blast Vibration Impacts from Quarry Blasting in Dade County
2001   Hagherty, Harrell:  Blasting Vibrations Affected by Underground Cavities



Training Aids, PowerPoint Presentations and Movies


  OSM TIPS Blast Log Evaluation Program Primer 2005,  BLEP Class

08/22/06   ISEE Blast Vibration and Seismograph Section update, ISEE BVS 2005
10/18/06   OSM Responsibilities, FY 2007, ATF AETI
05/16/07   Vibration Monitoring, FY 2007, ATF CES


  FY 2007 Presentation, Understanding the Vibration Measurement


  OSM Blaster's Training Modules, Part 8


  GPS Training Module


  NTTP Blasting and Inspection Class (460 meg)
6/8/09   2008 OSM Blasting Workshop Presentations
12/19/2011   GPS ISMR 2011
10/30/09   USGS Stray-Gas Workshop, CO/blasting Presentation
3/24/10   House contents response video  Quarry: Boonville
3/19/12   OSM Blasting Responsibilities, ISEE 2011
    Northwestern University, Autonomous Crack Measurement Webpage
    Southern Methodist University, Geophysics Research Archives,  Good video clips

  e-Training: Blast Log Evaluation Program Instructions  - (BLEP primer)


Searchable Websites
2005   International Society of Explosives Engineers (ISEE), Technical Information
2012   NIOSH, Safety and Health Topics and Explosives Downloadable Publications,
2008   SME, Mineral Information Institute, Educational Information
2010   USGS's website - monitors seismic activity related to mining blasts


Date Blast Monitoring Guidelines
1991   USCOE, Underwater Blast Monitoring
2003   Aimone-Martin, Eltschlager:  Guidelines for Measuring Residential Response,  Comparative Study of Structure Response to Coal Mine Blasting - Addendum II
2011new   ISEE 2011 Performance Specifications for Blasting Seismographs and 2009 Field Practice Guidelines for Blasting Seismographs download



Vibrations and Underground Mines

1974   Snodgrass, Siskind: Vibrations from Underground Blasting
1977   Stevens: A Review of the Effects of Earthquakes on Underground Mines, USGS
1977   Sakurai: Vibration of Tunnel to Adjacent Blasting Operations
1977   Rupert, Clark: Criteria for the Proximity of Surface Blasting to Underground Coal Mines
1979   Woodward-Clyde Associates, Underground Vibrations from Surface Blasting at Jenny Mine, Kentucky
1979   Hayatdavoudi, Brown: Surface Coal Mine Blasting Effects on Underground Coal Mine Stability
1983   Phang, Simpson, Brown: Investigation of Blast-Induced Underground Vibrations from Surface Blasting
1984   Simpson, Phang: Effects of Surface Mine Blasting on Underground Mine Openings
1991   Friedel, Thill: RI 9389, Rayleigh Wave Assessment of Damage and Integrity of Mine Structures
1992   Boukharov, Chanda: A Theoretical Study into Damage to Pillars Caused by Blasting
1993   Fourie, Green: Damage to Underground Coal Mines Caused by Surface Blasting
1993   Singh, Lamond: Investigation of Blast Damage and Underground Stability
1997   Scoble, Lizotti, Paventi, Mohanty: Measurement of Blast Damage
2002   Singh: Impact of Initiation Sequences in Opencast Blasting on the Intensity of Vibrations in Underground Openings
2006   VibraTech: Howe Cave Quarry study, NY
2007new   WV OEB Report Relating Surface Coal Mines Scaled Distance to Deep Mine Roof Peak Particle Velocities



Vibrations and Slope Stability

1981   Holmberg, Maki: Case Examples of Blasting Damage and Its Influence on Slope Stability
1982   Oriard: Influence of Blasting on Slope Stability - State-of-the-Art
1985   US Bureau of Reclamation: Review of Present Practices Used in Predicting the Effects of Blasting on Pore Water Pressure
1993   Jibson: Predicting Earthquake-Induced Landslide Displacements Using Newmark's Sliding Block Analysis
1994   Andrieux, McKenzie, Heilig, Drolet: The Impact of Blasting on Excavation Dedsign - A Geomechanics Approach
2001   Sharif, Warner, Novotny: Vibration Monitoring Program for McConnell's Mill State Park
2007   MSHA: Coal Mine Impoundment Inspection and Plan Review Handbook
2009   MSHA: Engineering and Design Manual Coal Refuse Disposal Facilities, Blasting Chapters, - Full manual
2010   MSHA Impoundment Seminar presentations: Earthquakes vs Blasting, Clark :  Blasting Effects on Impoundments, Pfeifer
undated   Gandhi, Densification of Deposited Ash Slurry




1979   Management Science, Assoc., A Model for the Determination of Flyrock Range as a Function of Shot Conditions



Vibrations and Pipelines

1976   Clark: Relationship Between Pipe Stress, Ground Particle Velocity and Scale Factors in Blasting Dolomite.
1978   Westine: Analysis and Testing of Pipe Response to Buried Explosive Detonations
1991   Esoaraza: Pipeline Response to Blasting in Rock
1994   Siskind: RI 9523 Surface Mine Blasting near Pressurized Transmission Pipelines



Vibrations and Water Wells

1980   Berger: Survey of Blasting Effects on Ground Water Supplies in Appalachia
1996   Revey:  Practical Methods to Control Explosives Losses and Reduce Ammonia and Nitrate Levels in Mine Water
2000   Hawkins: Impacts of Blasting on Domestic Water Wells
2002   Stephens & Assoc., Comparative Study of Domestic Water Well Integrity



Army - Demil and Propellants Use (new)

1993   Prediction of Safe Life of Propellants, Feltman Research Laboratory
1994   TNT Equivalence of Selected U.S. Army Gun Propellants, Naval Surface Warfare Center

  Propellant Management Guide, U.S. Army Defense Ammunition Center

2011   Ammunitions and Explosives Safety Standards, Department of the Army, Pamphlet 385-64



AML Blasting Reports

1987   Bauer, Caulder: Workman: Blasting as an AML Reclamation Method  - Vol. 1 ... Vol. 2
1991   Caulder, Workman: Blasting for Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation


Date Blasting Dissertations and Theses (from our upcoming professionals)
2006   Lusk: An Analysis and Policy Implications of Comfort Levels of Diverse Constituents with Reported Units for Blast Vibrations and Limits: Closing the Communication Gap, 2006
2005   Ozer: Wireless Sensor Networks for Crack Displacement Measurement, 2005
2006   Waldron: Residential Crack Response to Vibrations from Underground Mining, 2006
2005   Rosenhaim: Response of a Residential Structure and Buried Pipelines to Construction Blasting in Basalt on the West Side of Albuquerque, NM, 2005, Thesis, Appendix Part 1 Appendix Part 2 Appendix Part 3
2012   Silva-Castro: Blast Vibration Modeling Using Improved Signature Hole Technique for Bench Blast



International Blasting Reports


 Adhikari, Role of Blast Design Parameters on Ground Vibration and Correlation of Vibration Level to Blasting Damage to Surface Structures (India)

2007  Adhikari, Ground Vibration and Structure Response Due to Rockbursts at Kolar Gold Fields, India

 Ministry of Coal, Evaluation of Explosives Performance Through in-the-Hole Detonation Velocity Measurement, (India)



Mine Gases and Dust

2001   English: Study of Fugitive Dust and Fumes (West Virginia)
2001   Eltschlager et al: Technical Measures for the Investigation and Mitigation of Fugitive Methane Hazards in Areas of Coal Mining.

  NIOSH, Handbook for Dust control in Mining

2003   Laughrey, Baldassare: Some Applications for Isotope Geochemistry for Determining Sources of Stray Carbon Dioxide Gas
2010   USGS Stray Gas Workshop, November 2009
2012*new   Battelle, West Virginia Air Quality Assessment Near a Surface Coal Mine Blasting Operation, Press Release and Report
2007 *new   Attalla, et al, NOx Emissions from Blasting in Open Cut Coal Mining in the Hunter Valley, Australia




2004   Eltschlager: Blasting Applications for GPS (National)

  Eltschlager, Presentation Blasting Applications for GPS, 



Excel Tools

2009   PA Airblast Prediction
2009   PA Ground Vibration Prediction
2009   OSM Blast Report
2009   Drill logs:  OSM, or VA Drilling and Blasting
2009   OSM Blast Design Rules of Thumb Excel Calculator, Word Document
2009   OSM Blast Log Evaluation Program, BLEP
2009   OSM Charge Weight / Scaled Distance Table
2009   OSM  Airblast Calculator
2009   OSM Wind Conversion
2009   OSM Latitude - Longitude Distance Calculator
2009   OSM Scaled Distance - PPV Graph
2009   US Bureau of Mines RI 8507 Appendix B
2009   OSM Alternate Blasting Level Chart, from RI 8507



Public Relations

2009   OSM NTTP Coal Field Communications Class, Albuquerque movie, class photo, Kodak moment photo


  ISEE 2007,  Public Meetings Guide
2005   ISEE, PR at the Doorstep,  Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3   (contact the author for imbedded videos)



Ken Eltschlager Card

Contact Information:
Office of Surface Mining
Appalachian Regional Office
3 Parkway Center
Pittsburgh, PA  15220
Phone: (412) 937-2804

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