
Feds sued for Obamacare's privacy rights violation

Law 'forces Americans to choose between disclosing personal information, or paying penalty'


Viguerie: Executive amnesty will 'ignite a civil war'

'Great, great damage not only to the Democratic Party, but to America'


Energy war now heating Mideast

'Almost routine' brinksmanship among rival militaries over $1.5 trillion reserves


Sen. Lee: Obama can't legally issue green cards

'He needs to consider what he's doing to the American people'


Congressmen vow to 'cut the purse' for Obama amnesty

Some members say there may be no other option

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Majority Leader John Boehner

Progressives expect GOP to 'compromise'

Envision 'more harmonious Congress' advancing Obama agenda


Krauthammer: 'Seething' Obama would welcome impeachment

President 'to sort of get revenge on everybody by doing reckless thing'


Anti-gunners celebrate Election Day win, plan new attacks

Bloomberg, Gates funding ballot initiatives to bypass GOP Congress

WHO Director General Margaret Chan and Assistant Director General for Health Security Keiji Fukuda.

U.N. blames rich nations for Ebola outbreak

WHO chief charges poor Africans ignored due to profit motive

Thrin Short, 16, displays scratches on her arm allegedly from Mirielle Miller-Young.

Porn professor sued for bloody attack on student

Goes berserk in campus confrontation with pro-lifers