
Subscribe to TV Changes


Subscribe to the TV Schedule Changes feed for regular updates on broadcast changes on our TV stations: KQED, KQED Plus, and KQET.

TV Technical Issues

    TV Technical Issues
    • KQED Plus OTA – Optimistically planned maintenance: Fri 12/05 mid-morning

      (DT54.1 thru 54.5) Assuming that the weather and road conditions permit, we plan to do a bit of maintenance on our KQEH transmitter the morning of Friday 12/05… hopefully 10am-11am-ish, but could be a bit later. Most of the work should not affect the outgoing signal, but there will need to be a cable swap […]

    • Mon 11/03/14: Work on KQED Plus tower (DT54)

      Another station needs to do maintenance on its equipment on the tower on Monument Peak, requiring that we switch our DT54 Over the Air signal from the main antenna to the auxiliary when the work starts, then back to the main antenna at the conclusion. These switches should cause momentary outages only, and most receivers […]

    • Wed 10/15 morning: KQED Plus (KQEH) Over the Air signal down

      UPDATE: This problem has been resolved, and the OTA signal for the DT54 channels restored. (DT54.1 through 54.5) KQED Plus’ Over the Air transmission is currently off air via our KQEH transmitter on Monument Peak northeast of San Jose. Technicians are working on the problem. No current estimate regarding how long this will exist. We […]

To view previous issues and how they were resolved, go to our TV Technical Issues page.

KQED DTV Channels


Channels 9.1, 54.2 & 25.1 - Monterey (KQET)
XFINITY 9 and HD 709

All widescreen and HD programs


Channels 54, 54.1, 9.2 & 25.2 - Monterey
XFINITY 10 and HD 2710

KQED Plus, formerly KTEH


Channel 54.3

Arts, food, how-to, gardening, travel

KQED World

KQED World
Channel 9.3

History, world events, news, science, nature


Channel 54.5 & 25.3
XFINITY 191 & 621

24-hour national Spanish-language network


Channel 54.4

Quality children's programming parents love too

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Schedule Changes

The following changes have taken place since KQED's On Q magazine went to press. Depending on when these changes were made, other print media (newspapers, TV Guide, etc.) may or may not reflect these corrections. Our KQED website daily listings will reflect changes listed below within 24 hours of being posted here.

KQED, KQED Plus, and KQET Schedule Changes

  • KQED Plus: Thurs 12/04 10:30pm (& repeat)

    (Comcast 710/10, DT54.1, 9.2, 25.2)
    Thurs 12/04 10:30pm & Fri 12/05 4:30am
    Cancel Surviving Prostate Cancer
    Add JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Secret

  • Differences in outside listings with KQED broadcasts

    Paid service providers such as cable or satellite companies, and other scheduling sources such as newspapers or online websites, buy their guide data from outside listing companies. KQED sends correct listings information for all of our programming streams to these outside listing companies 5-8 weeks in advance of our broadcasts. This includes info for KQED, KQED Plus, KQED Life, KQED World and KQED Kids.

    Unfortunately, the listings companies are not always up-to-date with the data that comes from local independent stations (PBS or otherwise) which set their own local schedules, rather than follow a single national schedule that can be used for the whole country, as most national networks and channels do. Or the paid service providers might not have run updates they receive from the listings services. So occasionally some onscreen guides, newspapers, etc., have listings for 1 or more KQED channels that do not accurately reflect our schedules.

    KQED’s own website will always have the most accurate information. The same database that runs our Master Control area also populates our website. This change page will report the changes that have been made since OnQ, our supporting members’ program guide, went to the printer, and since our schedule data was sent to the outside listings companies. The only differences will be those rare technical problems, as described in the “unannounced changes” posting below.

  • By Request: Best of Pledge

    As programs are selected for our fundraising time, the daily schedules for all channels will be updated. Please visit the Daily Schedules for those days to see the latest line-ups – use the calendar on the right to select individual days.

  • KQED 9/KQED Plus unannounced program changes

    Once in awhile, there will be last-minute program changes which will not be noted on this page. Occasionally, there are incidents when our automation equipment simply refuses to play a program. The show is queued up ready to go, but when the start time hits, it simply refuses to play. So the engineers quickly find a similar program already in the memory bank to air as a substitute, and there’s no chance to post anything about the change on this page.

    If you don’t see any notes here regarding the program you’re interested in, please feel free to email when you notice one of these unannounced changes, and we will check with the programming folks to find out if the program will be rescheduled relatively quickly, or simply allowed to come back up in its next normal rotation spot.

Also on this week ...

Keith Haring
KQED Member Days at the de Young Museum - Dec 12-13

December 12 and 13 are KQED Member Days at the de Young Museum, presenting the U.S. premiere of their newest exhibition, Keith Haring: The Political Line. Admission is free for KQED members who present a current KQED MemberCard and valid ID (up to two tickets total).

Thanksgiving Recipes
Bay Area Bites Holiday Menus

Bay Area Bites shares holiday menus with creative yet traditional recipes along with related posts to cooking guides, advice, and safety tips to have a delicious and stress-free holiday meal.

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