

Is Project-Based Learning the Way to Go?

Science | October 14, 2014 | 44 Comments

Is Project-Based Learning the Way to Go?

More than 5,000 schools nationwide have transitioned from traditional learning methods to project-based learning (PBL). Should all schools move in this direction and implement PBL in their science classes?

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How Do We Prioritize Protecting Species in the Face of Climate Change?

Science | October 1, 2014 | 56 Comments

How Do We Prioritize Protecting Species in the Face of Climate Change?

Plants and animals are responding to climate change in different ways, altering ecosystems all over the world. How do we balance protecting species with human interests in dealing with and adapting to climate change? What do we prioritize?

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Are Consumers or Corporations Responsible for Reducing Carbon Emissions?

Science | September 16, 2014 | 7 Comments

Are Consumers or Corporations Responsible for Reducing Carbon Emissions?

Scientists have long known that reducing greenhouse gas emissions can help mitigate climate change, but that is easier said than done. Who is responsible for curtailing emissions? Is it carbon-emitting industries and businesses who manufacture consumer goods, or us, the consumers of those goods?

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Shaking Things Up: Ten Resources for Exploring Earthquakes

Science | August 27, 2014 | 2 Comments

Shaking Things Up: Ten Resources for Exploring Earthquakes

What a way to start out the school year!  Did the South Napa quake trigger a landslide of questions from your students about why earthquakes happen, what faults are, or if scientists can predict quakes?  Explore the science of earthquakes, from the Bay Area and beyond, with the following resources. Earthquake Explainer This media-rich collection […]

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Cap-and-Trade for Carbon?

Science | August 11, 2014 | 0 Comments

Cap-and-Trade for Carbon?

In 2012, California launched its cap-and-trade program. In this program, the government sets a limit on the total amount of allowable carbon emissions from businesses, refineries, manufacturers and power plants. Some people think that a tax on carbon emissions would be better. How do you think companies can best be regulated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

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How Would You Design a Bicycle?

Science | June 13, 2014 | 3 Comments

How Would You Design a Bicycle?

Learning to ride a bicycle is a strong memory from many of our childhoods. How did you learn how to ride a bicycle? What would you change about how today’s bicycles are designed?

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Sexism in Science is Caused by Traditional Gender Roles

Science | June 12, 2014 | 1 Comment

Sexism in Science is Caused by Traditional Gender Roles

Women have made great strides in fighting for equality in America, but are there factors that still hold women back in certain areas like science? In our #DoNowSexism post, we asked students, What do you have to say about the reasons and realities of sexism in science? What are the barriers, if any, to women in STEM careers?

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An Interactive Map Tracking Western Wildfires

Science | June 2, 2014 | 0 Comments

An Interactive Map Tracking Western Wildfires

Wildfires have always plagued the West, but according to the National Interagency Fire Center, thirty-six wildfires burned through eight western States this past year. Around 2.5 million acres have been burned across the west in states ranging from California to Wyoming.

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Water is a Right for Everyone

Science | May 30, 2014 | 0 Comments

Water is a Right for Everyone

Should water be free for everyone? In the past few weeks, students across the nation debated about whether or not water is a right or a commodity in our #DoNowWater post. We asked students, Should we consider water as a commodity, available only to those who can pay for it, or as a right, freely available to everyone to use (and to waste)?

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Sexism in Science?

Science | May 14, 2014 | 6 Comments

Sexism in Science?

There is a significant gender gap between men and women in the sciences. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that although women make up around 50% of the workforce, they only comprise 26% of the employees in STEM fields. What is your take on the underrepresentation of women in science?

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